Ivan’s Journal for march 2018 ( Pharast 27 and 28 4713)

The Marley’s were dead to begin with, no I mean the giants were dead to begin with. I am not even exactly sure who the Marley’s are it must be from a story Abby read to me when we were growing up.

From the talents and mastery of Zosimus the giants have been transformed into something amazing. He is no Roger bacon but Zosimus appears to on his way to possible one of the greatest alchemist or as Abby called them khemeias. Actually I don’t know if Mr. Bacon was even a good alchemist, I really only remember his name because its bacon.

I don’t really understand what is really happening to Kali but she seems just as annoying as before so I guess this new woman inside her may be ok. At this time I don’t feel like the gods want me to interfere. Mending to the rescue to repair her robe so we can wrap her in it and place her in a bag of holding. I wonder how she came to be on this wall. What about her family, does she have people that are worried about her? Because of the carvings I worry about the horrors she might share with Kali, hopefully she won’t share those thoughts.

The walls here are somewhat creepy, the carvings show how little the Oni thing of the human races. I suspect that the countless bodies on the walls cover even more of the Oni’s depraved cravings. It is good that Eytane and Anavaru did not have to see this, they have already been tortured enough. It remains unclear how much this will affect others. I fear that Kali may be the one most affected. Luckily the gods have provided Kusatsu Yuka as a guide to help Kali find her way.

A returning hobgoblin scouting party caused the others to scrabble to catch them before they could escape, I am glad that I stayed with Redella to secure the ladder as from what I heard Kali was casting spells that made range combat useless. After a number of spells Dasi’s tricked the hobgoblin into thinking that Dasi is his superior. That is a very cool and very scary skill.

After resting to regain strength and spells we are heading over to the house the bird found. Kali would be upset if she knew how often I have had the bird in my sights, she is a target until I know it is really her. After our experience with those birds it is clear that black birds pose a danger. I sure hope there darkvision wand doesn’t run out before we kill the Oni.

The battle with the shogun was an opportunity to test our metal in battle. Clearly the sight of Omlas changed the tide of battle as the shogun committed suicide rather than attempting to flee or to pull victory from the jaws of defeat. Well that’s likely what the sword of doom thinks. The shogun’s wife’s showed more tenacity and spirit then he did, I can’t imagine why they put up with such a spineless leader.  To make things worse all of the bows they have are too hard for me to pull, I guess maybe put adaptive on one of them. Maybe Dasi has the strength to use one of these bows and I can get my backup bow back from him, although it might make since to make it magical for him.

I have been careless in my commitment. With worrying about how the carvings were affecting everyone and the amazing feat of alchemy I completely forgot to check in with Ameiko. Now I have to worry about it all day.

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