Author Archives: Leonard

Olithar’s Journal Entry for July

Toilday, Neth 5, 4707; Thistlestop, Evening

And so our adventures at Thistlestop have come to an end at last, or will by morning when we take leave of this place.

Shortly after our noon break we conducted a final thorough search of the lower levels and found no more than what our previous efforts revealed.

This left only the natural cavern to explore with its cephalopodic resident.

The first thing we discovered was that the squid-man beast’s chambers stank. After overcoming a wave of nausea from the noisome air we next noticed that the floor of the cavern, although uneven and natural, were worn smooth, as if this creature or members of its brood had shuffled about down here for countless years, polishing the rock with their flappy feet.

To the south was a room used by the goblins and Nualia’s ilk for disposing of refuse.

To the west a large cave that opened onto the bay below through a screen of brush and thistle (what else?).

To the north was another chamber, and the source of the horrific smell that filled these caverns. It was within; passively waiting.

We made a little noise in the cave and withdrew as the squid thing shambled down to investigate. As it hovered near the cave opening above the bay — though whether it paused trying to discern the source of the noise, was lost in thought over its lot in life, or because it simply forgot why it had moved in the first place I cannot say — Avia and I crept into the north chamber, gagging as the fetid odor enveloped us.

There, lying in a large heap on the floor were many dozens of bodies in various states of decomposition. Birds, small woodland animals, goblins and various other unidentifiable bits and bobs of flesh.

Some of the bodies were quite recent additions, and I managed to rescue a few items of potential use (or value) from their former owners.

[198] masterwork dog skin armor (small)
[199] masterwork short bow

After a quick search for secret doors we retreated back to the entry and closed the door behind us.

The squid-man creature was not evil, and it or its kind had been living there for generations. Furthermore it served as an effective guard against unwanted entry via the cave opening to the west. We left it there, and I gave a silent prayer that it would remain there unmolested, living as it had for so long.

On the way back up to the goblin fortress we stopped and looked once more at the goblin drawing depicting a goblin-giant beneath Thistlestop. What it actually meant or represented we will probably never know.

We have set up camp in the fortress after gathering the items to take back to Sandpoint tomorrow. Sabin will use a spell to create magically floating disks to carry the heavier items, which will save us the time, trouble and expense of going back to town to hire a horse and cart.

Wealday, Neth 6, 4707; Sandpoint, Evening

We are back in Sandpoint. I must admit a certain fondness for this village, huddled quaintly on the promontory above the mouth of the Turandarok River.

The sun was shining brightly when we arrived, slanting down at its morning angle, glancing off the shingled roofs and casting beams of bright and dark in the dusty air between the buildings.

The salt smell from the Varisian Gulf mixes with the vegetative smell of river bottom and is spiced with the tang of fish from the docks along the harbor; thus giving the city an interesting, but not at all unpleasant aroma that is uniquely Sandpoint.

The townsfolk were already out and making headway against the day’s toil. But even then most had a friendly word or polite nod for us as we came in through the north gate and entered the city.

I had lived near or in Magnimar for all of my life, and while I was comfortably familiar with life in the big city, I never felt I was at home anywhere until I came here.

While the rest of our team proceeded to the Rusty Dragon with our loot, Sabin, Kane and I took the gold plated giant helmet up Tower Street to the Sage’s Guild.

Master Quink was fascinated with the helmet and the tale of our explorations at Thistlestop, but he remained skeptical about there being actual Runelord ruins beneath. “After all,” he reasoned, “these ancient Runelord dwellings have been lost for centuries, and now you claim to have found two within as many months?”

We have arranged to take them on a trip to Thistlestop tomorrow so they can see for themselves what lies beneath.

We also broached the topic of the well of power in the ruins beneath Sandpoint. According to Nualia’s notes these can be used for great evil as long as they are active, and so we expressed our concern about this to Quink, offering our services for removing the threat. He was receptive, and we will work out the details when we return tomorrow.

Trask spent much of his day making the rounds to his usual social haunts. For some unfathomable reason he was looking for Lord Foxglove, the dandified local whom we rescued during the first goblin invasion. He had seemed infatuated with our group, badgering us attend one of his hunting trips, and when that failed to pique our interest begging us to let him come on one of our exploratory trips.

Most of us tried to avoid him when in town, and so it came as a surprise when Trask returned to the Rusty Dragon this evening with news that Foxglove had been missing for the better part of a week.

Apparently he had left quite a few debts about town, but the only surprising thing about this piece of news was that anyone was foolish enough to extend him credit in the first place.

On an unrelated note, I have been wondering and worrying about the reason for Sedjewick leaving with Shalelu for Magnimar. An undead uprising sounded ominous, and so I posted a letter to father Tyrion asking if he has heard any news of such goings on.

Perhaps I will be able to sleep well tonight.

Oathday, Neth 7, 4707; Sandpoint, Evening

The morning dawned chill, overcast and misty, and I dreaded the damp dreary trudge with the Quink and his colleagues to Thistlestop that awaited me. But my misfortune turned to fortune as we approached Thistlestop from the beach just as the mist cleared to reveal the island as if it were floating upon a cloud.

I heard the gasps of surprise and delight from the sages and knew they were sold.

During the tour of the Runelord complex they ran giddily about, talking in loud excited voices like school boys.

I took great care to explain the squid creature’s presence and how it was an asset to be appreciated and treasured rather than a liability to be remedied.

By the time we returned to Sandpoint we had agreed upon a fee of 1,000 gp for Thistlestop plus another 150 gp for the giant helmet. We included the Thassilonian scrolls and books from Nualia’s lair with the understanding that we could access them when needed.

The Sandpoint Sage’s Guild is well on the way to being an important and central resource and authority on Runelords, and I am delighted to have had a hand in that.

Those of our party who had not made the return trek to Thistlestop had not been idle in Sandpoint, and the excess items we had collected were sold for a tidy profit, which netted each of us 375 gp. We have maintained our tradition of giving an equal share to a “group fund”, which now has a balance of 389 gp. I find myself with a staggering balance of around 400 gp, even after tithing a share at the cathedral.

My friends had also updated Mayor Deverin and Father Zantus on our finds at Thistlestop. Father Zantus asked to be present when we deactivate the well beneath Sandpoint, and the mayor invited us to attend the upcoming Moonday Festival as guests of honor.

Fireday, Neth 8, 4707; Sandpoint, Evening

A tiring but productive day.

We returned to the temple beneath Sandpoint and, using a few drops of blood from my hand, summoned sins-pawn from the well until its evil red glow faded and then winked out altogether.

Three times we summoned and destroyed one of those hateful creatures as Father Zantus and Master Quink looked on from the far end of the room.

We left the well dark, grey and inactive.

Starday, Neth 9, 4707; Sandpoint, Evening

Spent most of the day resting and puttering about Sandpoint.

I stopped by the old Glass-works, but the doors were locked, and there was no obvious sign of recent activity.

I walked through Wet Dog Alley on the way down to the harbor. There was a funny smell here I could not quite place, and while it was not particularly offensive, it was also not particularly pleasant.

Foxglove is still missing. Some of us are concerned, while others merely curious.

Sunday, Neth 10, 4707; Sandpoint, Evening

I spent most of the day working at the cathedral, while outside the sun failed to make her presence known on the day named in her honor.

The noon service was disrupted by one of the local down and outs who had changed the copper pieces he had begged earlier to wine, or something stronger, before staggering in to get out of the cold and damp. Usually these sorts of visits are both tolerated and even encouraged, but this worthy decided to relieve himself in the hall.

I feel restless. Obviously the sedentary life is not for me.

The Moonday Festival is tomorrow at noon.

Moonday, Neth 11, 4707; Sandpoint, Night

The day began well with the arrival of a letter from Father Tyrion saying that there was no need to worry about any undead problems in Magnimar. He was glad to read that I was making myself of use around Sandpoint and sent his warmest regards to Father Zantus, which I passed on.

The Moonday Festival was a pleasant diversion, with the mayor and other local dignitaries speaking about the bright future waiting for Sandpoint. The food was tasty and plentiful and everyone appeared to enjoy themselves.

Everyone except for Sheriff Hemlock, who glared at us through the entire proceedings with a perpetual from upon his face.

Intrigued I asked him what was afoot, but he quickly whispered, “Not here and not now. Later — in my office.”

Later, in his office, Hemlock revealed grim news. There was a pair of grizzly murders at the lumber mill the previous night. One of the victims had been mutilated in a particular way; and two nights earlier three other victims had been discovered at a nearby farm, each mutilated in the same way.

He thought the murderer was known to us, and was hoping we could help with the investigation. Hemlock then handed over a note, splattered with blood, with Avia’s name written upon it (in blood). The note read thus:

You will learn to love me, desire me as SHE did.
Give yourself to the Pack and it shall all end.

Your Lordship

That we were surprised is an understatement, and oddly enough my first thought was, “So that’s what Foxglove has been up to.”

We first followed Hemlock to where the corpses from the first murder were kept.

These bodies had been found by the town patrol when a crazed man, screaming and laughing, ran by them and into a barn where the corpses lay.

The crazed man was a local thug, but his days of being a ruffian for hire are over, and he has been sent away to an asylum.

The three victims were all local con men, and had all been slashed with what must have been a five fingered claw. On each of their chests was carved the shape of a seven pointed star.

At the lumber mill the two victims were Harker, who was comanager of the mill, and a local young woman, named Katrine. of the two, Harker’s body was mutilated in the same way as the other victims, while Katrine had been thrown into the giant circular blade of the log splitter while it was still running.

Harker’s partner, Ibor Thorn, who had discovered the two bodies, was in custody on suspicion of murder. Katrine’s father was also in custody, but mostly for protective reasons as he was insane with anger and grief.

Some of us had actually met Katrine and her father just after the first goblin raid. She had shown herself to be more than a little over sexed and uninhibited; a trait ignored by her father, who assumed anyone who came near Katrine was after her virtue, which even then seemed likely to be a commodity already well consumed.

From the evidence at murder scene we deduced that someone (or thing) had crawled up out from the river and left muddy prints (they appeared to be bare human feet) and broken into the offices on the second floor of the lumber mill, and from there tracked down and attacked Harker.

Katrine and Harker had been seeing one another at the mill in the evenings to hide their affair from her father. She came upon Harker and his assailant and had taken an axe to who or whatever it was. The price for her bravery was her death.

The attacker finished his job with Harker and then hung him from a hook on the wall.

The scene of the murders reeked of rotting flesh (the barn where the first murders occurred was said to have held the same stench), which made us suspect something unnatural was at work. Most of the yard had been splattered with sticky, red blood — fortunately it was cold and the flies had not yet descended in droves to feast upon the gore.

Trask went to the garrison to question Thorn while I searched Harker’s place for evidence. Thorn was angry and unwilling to speak, and at Harker’s I found only love letters from Katrine.

I also checked out Thorn’s residence, and as I was leaving I came upon Thorn himself who had just been released. I commiserated with him about the injustice of the legal system and offered him a drink and dinner, over which we talked about the mill in general and Harker in particular.

Thorn confirmed what we already knew about the couple being an item, and that they would regularly meet at night at the mill. The mill was owned by the Scarnetti family, an infamous name with which we were already familiar, but for the time being he was unwilling to say more.

I then took Thorn to the Rusty Dragon, where we were seated in a private dining room. After consuming much brandy Thorn confessed that Harker had been cooking the books at the mill, and that he, Thorn, knew trouble would come of it. The Scarnetti family would never allow such a thing to go unnoticed or unpunished.

Thorn thought the Scarnetti’s knew that Harker was acting upon his own and wouldn’t take action against him, but he was obviously nervous and seemed to be trying to convince himself that this was the case rather than stating it as fact.

As Thorn progressed through the brandy my fellow team mates showed up, and we discussed what we had each found, and tried to make sense of it all.

That something unnatural and possibly undead was haunting Sandpoint seemed obvious.

That this thing was operating under the orders of the Scarnetti family seemed plausible. Those con men could have tried to take in the Scarnetti’s in some sort of scam, and of course Harker was cheating them. But then how does the seven pointed star carved into the murder victim’s chest fit in? That image is an obvious Runelord symbol, but were they put there as a distraction?

The connection to Avia was more disturbing, and I fear my original impulse to blame Foxglove may prove to be correct. But the Foxglove we knew was not capable of such acts, and so we suspect something has happened to him or done to him to change him into some sort of monster.

Tonight we are keeping watch at Thorn’s place while he sleeps. I almost hope that the creature comes for him in the night so that we may have some answers.

The clouds are out, but thining, and the moon brightly illuminates them from behind, and casts the entire town in a feeble diffuse yellow light.

This is a most disturbing ending to a Moonday.


Olithar’s journal entry for June

Sunday, Lamashan 27, 4707; Sandpoint, Evening

It has been more than a fortnight since our return to Sandpoint. We were fortunate in that the proceeds from selling the loot we recovered thus far at Thistlestop were more than enough for all of us to train and purchase equipment and supplies.

We’re all quite busy with training and preparations for a return to Thistlestop. All of us that is except for Sedjewick.

Earlier tonight Sedjewick met with us at The Rusty Dragon and announced he was leaving south for Magnimar. In fact he would be accompanying the ranger Shalelu, who was heading down to investigate rumors of some sort of undead uprising within that ancient city. Sedjewick seemed quite enthusiastic about the journey, and exceptionally excited to be traveling with Shalelu. Rigel seemed oddly put off by this entire chain of events.

We felt compelled to join them on this trek to ensure that any infestation of undead was exterminated, but our first priority was to complete the exploration of Thistlestop. And so it was with a heavy heart we bid farewell to Sedjewick, our trusty bard.

Master Foxglove, the stylish young man we rescued from the initial goblin invasion weeks ago, has begun to hang around our group and asking to be taken along on one of our quests. I am afraid he little realizes the perils of our activities, and his death would seem the most likely outcome if his wish were granted.

Yesterday I purchased a scimitar from the local smithy. It is a fine weapon, and of much better quality than the old second hand model I have been using. Tomorrow I resume my training and hope to improve my fighting techniques with my new and improved blade.

Saturday, Neth 2, 4707; Sandpoint, Evening

We’ve purchased additional healing potions and are set to return to Thistlestop in the morning.

Sunday, Neth 3, 4707; Thistlestop, Evening

The trip back to Thistlestop was uneventful.

We carefully scouted the mainland encampment and found signs that goblins had indeed been there while we were away. There were goblin corpses from a tribe we could not identify, but they were already rotting and there was no sign of recent activity.

I do wonder about those goblin bodies, and if we have created some sort of goblin power vacuum that will increase the conflicts among the local tribes. One can hope.

Nolin and Kane climbed up to the top of Thistlestop and cast over a rope to the rest of us waiting at the cliff’s edge. We then pulled the rope bridge over and made it secure.

Once back on Thistlestop we searched for signs that anyone had been on the island, but found nothing. Kane climbed over the fortress wall and opened the gate for the rest of us to enter.

We decided to leave the rope bridge intact even though we knew it would no doubt encourage visitors of the goblin kind while we were within, but we did bar the fortress gates closed behind us.

Our first order of business was to explore the chamber we had missed last time. I had discovered this omission after we had returned to Sandpoint where I updated my journal and looked over the maps and sketches I had made of where we’d been.

Sabin and I spent a little time magically washing out the goblin latrine, which was next to the chamber, and indeed behind the privy itself Rigel found a secret door that opened into a small dusty room. A very large sea chest with a heavy lock invitingly lay on the floor.

Rigel picked the lock and managed to avoid a poison blade trap and we moved the chest into the nearby conference room.

The chest was heavy, and contained a fair amount of coins and a number of valuable items.

7432 copper pieces
2490 silver pieces
89 gold pieces
3 platinum pieces

While it might take some effort to get the coinage back to Sandpoint, the total value of the coinage was still a respectable 442gp, 3sp and 2cp.

[183] leather pouch with 34 flawed malachites [~1gp each] (Rigel)
[184] medium chain-mail shirt (Nolin)
[185] medium masterwork scimitar (Olithar)
[186] masterwork manacles (Rigel)
[187] gold holy symbol of Sarenrae (Avia)
[188] jade necklace (Rigel)
[189] fine blue silk gown with silver trim (Avia)

The scimitar was as good as the one I had just recently purchased, and it is indeed a pity we did not find this treasure earlier.

It took most of the afternoon to sort through the items in the chest, after which we stored it back in the secret chamber.

We’ve set up camp in Ripnugget’s old throne room.

Moonday, Neth 4, 4707; Thistlestop, Morning

The night passed without event… sort of. I had a very disturbing dream from which I awakened suddenly and found that I was breathing hard and my heart was racing. I remember hearing a voice from way down deep below saying, “The Whisperer shall have vengeance!”

Most peculiar. Typically dreams don’t bother me, but this one gave me the creeps. And who or what might a “whisperer” be?

Moonday, Neth 4, 4707; Thistlestop, Afternoon

We spent the early morning hours in the level below the fort, making sure nothing had crept in (or out) in our absence. We then descended to the lower level and proceeded to the chamber where Avia had detected evil.

I used a Detect Undead spell to find three entities of moderate power hiding in or behind the sarcophagi at the far end of the room.

We marched in and opened each sarcophagus as we slowly moved toward back of the room. There was naught but old bones and dust in these, but before we were half way across the room three humanoid shadows floated up and hovered above their sarcophagi.

We attacked, but with disastrous results. The lightest touch from these ghostly fiends weakened those of mortal flesh. Avia, Kane and Sabin all felt their strength ebb before we managed to destroy the shadows.

I had some restorative magic memorized, and I was able to restore Sabin’s strength with two Lesser Restoration spells. The others will have to wait for tomorrow, or even the day after for full restoration.

While exploring the remaining sarcophagi Rigel noted their asymmetrical placement, and discovered a secret door on the west wall. Beyond it was a narrow corridor that branched to the north before turning north itself.

Rigel, Trask, Nolin and I crept in and found that beyond both the branch and the turn were steps leading down. Each of the stairs ended in a door, and from behind each door we could here the soft sound of moving water.

The door at the far end of the corridor opened west into a flooded hallway that ran north, disappearing in a large dark pool of water.

The door at the end of the branch opened north into an empty room, the north- west corner of which had caved in, revealing a dark space beyond, and through which water had poured, flooding that part of the room.

The walls of this room had been carved to depict a treasury filled with coins and gems, while the right wall had a carving of a mountain. Upon the mountain’s peak was a stern face, and at the mountain’s foot was a city of many spires.

Rigel moved to the corner of the room and peered in through the wide crack and saw shiny objects glittering in her torch light, and a giant gold helmet that pivoted to face her. She quickly backed away.

I then crept down the flooded hallway and saw the submerged chamber where the huge helmet sat, partly below and partly above the water’s surface. It rotated around to face me.

I then plunged an ever-burning torch into the water, which lit up enough of the underwater scene that we could see that a large portion of this lower level had collapsed and tilted towards the west (the same as the statue lined hallway above). Part of the floor had given way and slid down into a natural cavern farther below.

There was no magic that we could detect within, and how the helmet moved to apparently track our presence puzzled us mightily.

Sabin can see in the dark, and so we covered our ever burning torches while he peered into the flooded chamber from the empty room. The helmet pivoted around to face him.

I moved a little closer to the helmet from the hall as Nolin did the same from the room. All of a sudden a pair of large crab-like claws snapped out from beneath the helmet and hit Nolin.

A massive crab must have taken up residence in the helmet like a hermit crab, but on a much grander scale. We struck back and between the physical blows and magical attacks (I used Heat Metal on the helmet to some useful affect) we managed to kill the giant crab and cook our dinner all in one fell swoop.

Using ropes and a lot of elbow grease we pulled the giant helmet out from the pool, and then extracted the crab meat. The helmet was an actual plated gold helmet, but made for a giant.

I remembered some bit I read before about how the Rune Lords had equipped giants in their wars, and realized this helmet must be a relic from that period.

We scoured the underwater room for valuables, and Sabin even swam down into the lower cavern to fetch a few gem stones we saw glistening below.

3537 silver pieces
645 gold pieces

This added another 995gp and 37sp worth of coins to our haul, but we also found some interesting objects as well.

[190] 40 precious stones [~10 gp each] (Olithar)
[191] jade amulet : +1 natural armor (???)
[192] helmet [giant] [~300 pounds]

We were quite disappointed that we did not find a seven rayed star to use as a key for the double doors in the hidden area of the complex. We decided to rest for the evening, restore what strength we could in the morning, and then search the two rooms we had only briefly looked at last time.

We’ve made an early camp down here and set up the watch. I hope I don’t have any more peculiar dreams tonight.

Toilday, Neth 5, 4707; Thistlestop, Noon

We returned to the area hidden behind the column of gold coins.

Our first stop was the “king room”, where we had seen the ghostly image of an ancient Rune Lord giving a fragment of a speech over and over again. We found nothing new here.

The laboratory was a different story. Looking more closely at the tables and their contents we found a gruesome collection of bones that gave the appearance that someone was trying to graft parts of one creature (or person) onto another. It brought back memories of the disfigured skeletons we found in the cells beneath Sandpoint.

On one of the tables was a collection of surgical tools, and beneath these was a silver and gold seven rayed star. We had found the key to the mysterious double doors!

[193] surgical tools (Sabin)
[194] silver and gold seven rayed star with knobs and blades (Kane)

Out at the doors Kane used the key and the doors opened into the room as a blast of hot, humid air enveloped us.

In the middle of the room was a fire pit ten foot long and five wide, and on either side was a wooden bench upon which candles brightly glowed. On the far wall was engraved a huge seven rayed star. The entire room radiated magic.

Avia detected a strong presence of evil in the southeast corner as we filed into the room and arrayed ourselves for battle.

Avia charged in and slashed at some invisible foe just as it became visible.

It was a large wolfish looking creature with primate like arms and hands. It growled something evil sounding — Sabin later said it spoke in Abyssal, and said “I will devour you!”

It was a strong creature, and incredibly difficult to hit, or even when hit it appeared somehow resistant to injury. None the less we were many, strong, and undaunted and pressed our attack. Soon the creature blinked over to the other side of the room, and from then on winked in and out from sight as we hewed and hacked at it.

Eventually it simply vanished in a cloud of greasy black smoke.

Other than the candles and fire pit, there was not much of interest in this room until we found two secret alcoves. While one simply contained empty shelves, in the other we found a silver box filled with sand.

Carefully sifting through the sand we found a magic ring with a seven pointed star inscribed upon it. This ring proved to be able to generate a wall of +2 force shield that can be quickly and easily activated or deactivated.

[195] 30 ever burning candles (Olithar)
[196] silver box (Rigel)
[197] ring of +2 force shield [free action to activate/deactivate] (Trask?)

We must now decide what is left to do here.

And what of this room itself? What was its purpose? Is it now a simple benign location, or is there something more sinister to find here?

The part of the complex that houses the squid beast remains unexplored, and we would be remiss if we were to leave it so. Still, I’d rather not kill some harmless beast that happens to live there if that can be avoided.

And what about the bizarre drawing of a huge goblin beneath the island of Thistlestop? We appear to have explored all of the way down to the sea level without finding any such chamber or creature — I wonder if a goblin had wandered down in years past and saw the giant helmet, and then embellished his report of the helmet with the tale of a suitably sized goblin to go with it.




Olithar’s journal entry for may

Fireday, Lamashan 11, 4707; Thistlestop; evening

Sedjewick, Kane and Avia all spent time talking with our captured mercenary, during which time Trask and Sabin guarded the secret entry down, and the rest of us continued to explore this level.

The man’s name is Oric, and he was hired in Magnimar by Nualia to be her personal bodyguard. Oric had traveled with her as she searched ancient sites around the region, including the ruins beneath Sandpoint. He understood that Nualia was hell bent on revenge for some great wrongs done in her past, but exactly what those wrongs were or how her revenge would result in the slaughter of the innocents in Sandpoint he seemed to be oblivious.

Oric recounted how as time went by Nualia became more fanatical and driven than when he had first been hired, and that recently she had remained sequestered in the lower levels of the complex, where he was forbidden to go. He had effectively ceased to be her body guard and became more a regular guard who, along with the bug-bear, patrolled the first floor of the ancient works; a position that until our arrival had been mundane and superfluous because of the goblin fortress above.

Oric was extremely concerned about the location of the sorceress, Akenja; and apparently he and she had developed a relationship over the months they were confined together at this outpost. He was grateful that she had been spared and set free, but greatly troubled about her chances for survival on her own without her spell-book or armor.

Meanwhile Rigel and Nolin had developed a method for handling unopened doors: first Rigel would check for traps and locks, and then Nolin would open the door and enter. Sedjewick and I provided backup should anything aggressive or nasty await within.

Our first door was in the cathedral, and opened onto a short flight of stairs down that ended in a locked door. That door opened into a prison ward, with six empty cells lining the south wall, and torture devices, some showing signs of recent use, hanging from the walls or set upon tables.

A north door from the prison revealed another short hall, and another door, beyond which was a gruesome room with a bench and more hideous devices for torture laying upon a work bench. Sedjewick found a key in here, but what it unlocks we have yet to discover.

[162] key (Rigel)

East of the cells was a hall leading to the south room that Nolin had seen earlier in the day, and from which the bug-bear had come. Three doors lined the southern wall, and through the first was a quartet of female goblins, who alas showed no more concern for personal hygiene than their male counter parts.

We were deciding what to do with them when they shrieked and grabbed bows and arrows, and prepared to shoot us. I launched a Flaming Hands spell that incinerated one and severely burned a second, and Nolin stepped up and swiftly put the others out of their misery.

The further southern door opened into what must pass for a nursery among goblins. Shelves lines the walls, and cages were stacked upon the shelves. Within two cages were two goblin-imps. What shall we do with them? We closed the door for now and left them to the darkness.

The center southern door led to a hallway that turned west that ended in a door and had doors opening on either side. These proved to be the bedrooms for the non-goblin work force. Oric’s (north side) and the bug-bear’s bedrooms were first, followed by Tsuto’s (north side) and Kanja’s bedrooms. There were papers in Tsuto’s room, prattling on about how he would take over his father’s estate, and another ever-burning torch glowing in Kanja’s.

[163] ever-burning torch (Kane)

At the end was Nualia’s room behind a locked door. While her room was larger and more ornately furnished than the other four, we found nothing of use within.

We returned to Oric and the rest of the party, and then agreed to let him go with a weapon (the horse slicer), so he could find his beloved Kanja and escort her back to Sandpoint. We told him that if in two weeks’ time she went to the Sandpoint cathedral and ask for Kane, he would return her spell-book to her (after our magic users have had a chance to copy them) along with her puch of components.

Nolin and Kane escorted him to the bridge, and watched as he vanished into the brush.

Sedjewick and Sabin spent this time reading Kanja’s spells:

Level 0:
All available spells.

Level 1:
Comprehend Languages
Detect Secret Doors
Floating Disc (with the name “Tensor” scratched out)
Obscuring Mist

Level 2:
Locate Object
Minor Image
See Invisibility
Spider Climb

Trask and Sabin then examined our newly acquired magic items:

[134] steel wand of Magic Missiles [38] (Trask)
[135] potion of Cure Light Wounds (Olithar)
[142] cloak of +1 resistance (Rigel)
[145] ever-burning torch (Sedjewick)
[152] potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (Sabin)
[153] +1 banded mail (Nolin)
[155] ever-burning torch (Olithar)
[156] potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (Nolin)
[161] 4 elf-bane arrows

We have decided to rest for the evening before tackling the secret door and the ominous stairway down into the dark unknown.

Rigel has spiked the secret door to prevent it from opening, and we have taken the adjacent “board room” for our sleeping quarters. Rigel and I have the first watch.

Fireday, Lamashan 11, 4707; Thistlestop; near midnight

Nolin and Kane had just started the second watch when a troop of goblins came down the “back stairs” from the fortress above. Another returning patrol of goblins had found the fortress deserted, and set themselves up as the occupants. An exploratory party was scouting out the rest of the complex when they stumbled upon us.

Kane and Nolin awoke the rest of us, and blocked the doorway, protecting the rest of us as we woke to the gibbering yelps of surprised (and outraged) goblins.

Kane warned them to be off or die, but goblins are not very good at logic, and the thought that whoever was down here must have already decimated an entire fortress full of their kind was lost on them.

While the fighters chopped down the invasion force, Trask and I slipped out the back door and quickly scanned the hallways and chamber for any incursion from above, but found it empty. Our search led us to the main stairs up, and from above I could hear the sound of combat. Trask swiftly ran back to notify the others that more goblins were in the fortress while I ran upstairs.

Nolin, Avia and the others had cut down all of their goblins, and after going up the back stairs to check on the war horse, they found more goblins above, shooting arrows at them from the two towers. They ran back into the fortress to find anf engage the enemy.

Fairly quickly the entire party was on hand — except for Trask, who remained on guard at the secret door much like a canary in a mine: if we came back to find him dead, we would know trouble was at hand — and the goblins from the towers and at the entrance were dead. From the throne room, however, we heard chanting and what sounded like a heated argument underway. Avia burst through a door with the rest of us following in her wake.

A goblin commando and chanter were at work readying a small squad of goblins for combat, but they had little time to respond to our entrance. Avia savagely slashed the chanter, while Nolin charged in and engaged a group of their fighters. From the south doors Sabin, Rigel, Kane and Trask attacked, while Sedjewick sang a tune that countered the goblin chanter’s harsh melody.

I stepped up to the commander to protect Avia’s and Nolin’s flanks, but felt ill equipped. I am not much of a fighter, and had not had a chance to put on my armor. Fortunately the commander was not as skilled as he appeared, and I gave better than I got in our exchange of blows before Avia stepped up and chopped him in two.

Soon the rest of our foes were dead, and we tossed all of their corpses off the cliff into the sea.

The enchanter had a potion which we confiscated before committing his mortal remains to the sea.

[164] potion of Cure Light Wounds (Kane)

We have returned to the board room and are preparing to resume our rest, with an additional watch (Rigel and I again) tacked on in the morning to ensure that everyone is fully rested and restored for the day ahead.

Starday, Lamashan 12, 4707; Thistlestop; mid morning

Though the morning light did not penetrate our underground lair, we could feel its blessing spread across the land above as we awoke, rested and ready for the challenges of the day ahead.

Sabin and Rigel were to chosen lead the party, because Sabin is fearless and can see in the dark, and Rigel has a very special way with doors and traps.

Down the stairs led, then around and back again to a stone door sitting slightly ajar. The door had been ornately carved with images of gem stones and crowns, but it had been defaced and marred by heavy hammer blows and chisel gouges.

Sabin peered into the darkness beyond to a large chamber with statues nestled in alcoves on either side and another door in the far wall. A closer look revealed that the entire room and floor was tilted back to the west: a tilt that extended through the door and into the hall from which we entered. This was not part of the chamber’s design, but rather the result of some great upheaval that had thrust up the east side of the room, causing the statues in their alcoves to fall over against their western walls.

The statues themselves were all the same, and of a robed man holding a book in one hand and a glave in another. But these statues, like the door, had been hacked and gouged such that few details remained.

Columns supported the ceiling, and the room glowed faintly with magic, like the residual magic of some spell long cast. The air in the room was unexpectedly fresh for such a confined space so far down, and we speculated that a spell had been used to make it so.

The east door was closed, but unlocked, and it too showed signs of a vicious attack. Sabin cracked the door open and light peeped out and around the door from the far side.

A hallway, with an alcove on either side in which were two statues, the same as those in the previous chamber, but these were not so damaged. The hall ended in a third alcove, where another statue perched, but this one had been hacked off above the mid section, although no sign remained of the top half. A lantern on the floor gave a soft and comforting light.

Opposing one another to the north and south were stone doors, each engraved in ancient Thassilonian with the words,

“The Great and Glorious Empire of Thassilonia, May We Always Defend Her”

Sabin had entered the hall, but noticed the floor just before him was a little more polished than the rest of the surrounding stone. Rigel stepped up and discovered that there was a pressure plate there, that if stepped upon would release a block of stone from above. She worked intently and disabled the trap, although it was more than a little disconcerting to watch her tumble past the pressure plate, as if she did not trust her own work.

After Rigel had declared the doors to the north and south un-trapped and unlocked, she returned to the entry room while Sabin, Nolin and I prepared to open the north door.

With the door opened, a vast circular room could be seen beyond, with a red marble ledge running around the circumference and a font of frothy water bubbling away in the back. The entire chamber was brightly lit by four brightly blazing skulls.

In the center of all stood a brooding figure figure of power and menace. Beautiful she was as a celestial maiden, and yet hideous too, like some perverted demonic spawn. Her hair was silver, and one hand clutched a large bastard sword, while the other was no hand at all, but a loathsome red claw that bespoke corruption.

And she turned, and she looked at us, and then she smiled an evil grin as if she had been aware of us all along and had in mind to play with us before putting us to some horrible end.

It was Nualia.

All of this passed before my mind in an instant, and then there was Nolin standing beside her and hacking at her with a mighty stroke of his two handed sword. She smiled no longer, and struck at Nolin fiercely, drawing blood.

I quickly launched a feeble cone of flame at her, which no doubt caused some minor damage, but this was a foe that I could not stand against exchanging blows.

Avia raced in from the hallway and was poised for a strike as Sabin launched his ax at her. And then, as Avia was about to smite Nualia, a hell hound appeared from the ledge and leaped down upon Avia, causing her grievous harm.

But Avia, Paladin of Sarenrae, was not to be distracted from her purpose, and she smote Nualia with a bitter righteous rage, and the evil she-hag momentarily staggered beneath the onslaught.

I became aware that Kane had entered battle, and in the distance I could hear the encouraging song of Sedjewick, and I then knew my part in this battle.

Often I have wondered just what my overall contribution to this party should be as we investigated the threat to Sandpoint, explored mysterious catacombs, and fought evil. And in those engagements I often joined with the fighters to more quickly overcome our enemies, or to heal those of us seriously injured so that they might continue the fight.

And certainly I shall continue to do these things as need arises, but now I could clearly see that my primary purpose was to bring the fierce holy light of Sarenrae to aid my fellows in just such a moment as this.

I stepped forward and with a touch to Nolin’s armor infused him with Protection from Evil.

As the battle continued, with the hound and Nualia wreaking terrible damage against Avia — I watched in horror as scars across Nualia’s mid section glowed when she struck Avia — and I enchanted Sabin’s ax, and then stepped over and healed Avia as she dealt a killing blow to Nualia.

The dog-beast was swiftly slain, and we were victorious!

Avia cut off Nualia’s head — you can never be too cautious when dealing with such beings — and we removed all of her possessions..

[165] breastplate (magic)
[166] bastard sword (magic)
[167] silver medallion of the sign of seven deadly sins (magic)
[168] masterwork composite long-bow
[169] 20 arrows
[170] gold holy symbol to Lamashtu (evil)

From the room we found a few other items of interest.

[171-1740] Four burning skulls (magic)
[175] holy texts to Lamashtu
[176] Nualia’s personal papers

The fountain was briefly examined and found to be instilled with a complex set of conjuration and divination magics.

Sedjewick perused Nualia’s personal notes and found they contained her history, as well as notes on the Rune Lord’s well of power beneath Sandpoint.

We already knew that Nualia had been born with Celestial blood, and as such she was constantly pestered and badgered by the townsfolk of Sandpoint.

She had made close friends with a stranger, “Deleck Visconta”, and the two of them explored the tunnel complex beneath Sandpoint to escape the notice of the people of the town. They became romantically involved, but when Nualia told Deleck that she was pregnant, he ridiculed her, and calling her a slut he stormed off, leaving her to face the shame alone.

Worse yet, Nualia’s unborn child had been conceived in the very chamber as the well of power — the only one known to be active — and her child was still-born as a monstrous deformed thing that the midwife took, burned and buried.

All of this twisted Nualia’s perception of her Celestial blessing and made her think it a curse. And so she ever sought a way to remove the taint from her blood and to seek vengeance on the town of Sandpoint and all of its people, whom she held responsible for her misfortunes.

Included in her notes were instructions for how to call sin spawn from the well of power. The well must be energized by a vengeful death within a mile of the it. A few drops of blood in the well will then summon the creature.

Nualia also recorded a warning to not summon too many sin spawns from the well without energizing it first, or the well would become inactive; and she knew not how to reactivate the wells.

It is likely that we have yet to find all of Nualia’s possessions: she must have had a store of gold or platinum pieces on hand she used to pay her staff.

And what of the “humans that dig for her” that Kanja had mentioned?

But for the present we had another unopened door to explore, and so Avia opened the door and we moved to the unusuall hall within. It was roughly “L” shaped, with the east half ending in an alcove with magic column of gold coins, and the south half ending in a pair of double stone doors.

The doors were carved with two skeletons holding a single skull between them.

I found a hollow behind the stack of coins, and two slots on either side of the stack, which appeared to be the perfect size for inserting real gold coins. The coins on the column appeared to be fused together (if they were indeed coins or even gold).

Kane and Rigel put a coin in each of the slots, and the column sunk into the floor, revealing a T shaped hall beyond.

Dust was thick and undisturbed on the floor of this hall, which had three sets of double doors.

Behind the northern doors was a throne room with a throne set upon a dais flanked by two statues, and a ghostly image of a robed man with a book in one hand and a glave in the other, and it repeated the same short speech over and over again to a long absent audience.

The speech appeared to be a command for his followers to remain through the dark times that had descended upon them, and that he, Karzoug, would ultimately triumph over the rival Rune Lord, Alaznut, who’s statue we had found in the catacombs beneath Sandpoint.

The east doors opened onto steps leading down to an oddly shaped oblong room with three work benches covered in bones (from more than one body), and various tools.

Upon the southern doors was carved the image of the seven pointed star, which was indented as if a matching key should be inserted here. An intricate collection of slots and indentations were within the star, indicating some complex key was required to open the doors.

We decided to leave the doors and more detailed explorations of the rooms off of this hall for a later time, and so we returned to the L shaped hall and the doors at the southern end. But first we put another gold coin in each of the slots, which caused the column of coins to rise, closing off the eastern hall.

The skeleton doors were opened and we looked through into a large room with a domed ceiling held aloft by four pillars. At the far end in the center of the room was a statue of a robed man with a book in one hand and a glave in the other. Alcoves were set about the room, and vertically positioned sarcophagi stood in each.

Avia quietly announced that evil emanated from the farthest three sarcophogi.

We decided to close all of the doors down here along with the secret entrance.

Above we will pull back the rope bridge and isolate the island fortress so we can return to Sandpoint for training and supplies before we brave the new evils that lurk beneath the surface at Thistlestop.

Back in the fortress I have released the bunnies, and paid one last visit to the goblin-grubs locked in the cages.

We have gathered together on the far side of the bridge with the spoils of war, and Nolin is about to pull back the bridge and use a rope and the hand holds to climb down to the base of the island, where we (along with the war horse) will meet with him and begin the trek back to Sandpoint.

And in looking forward to our return to Sandpoint I have made an inventory of all the interesting items we have found in this quest, so we can decide what to keep and what to sell. We will need gold in order to train and adequately equip ourselves for the trials that lay ahead.




Olithar’s journal entry for April

Fireday, Lamashan 11, 4707; Thistlestop; after noon

As I completed my previous journal entry the bodies of the fallen goblins were searched and anything useful was taken:

[123] potion Cure of Moderate Wounds (Avia)
[124] potion Cure of Moderate Wounds (Nolin)
[125] breastplate (small)
[126] +1 dog slicer
[127] dented crown (small)
[128] key ring
[129] wand of silent image (5 charges)
[130] potion of Cure Light Wounds (Sabin)
[131] horse slicer
[132] masterwork studded leather armor (small) (Kane)

While scanning through my earlier journal entries I realized that this goblin king must be Ripnugget, whom (according to Tsutso) helped plan the attack on Sandpoint. The little oaf was still out cold, and nobody wanted to waste healing energy on him so we tied him up and Rigel and Sedjewick dragged him along.

To the north of this throne room we found Ripnugget’s bed chamber, and upon seeing the squalid room reserved for goblin royalty, my opinion of goblin kind plunged to a new low.

From within a desk we found an ugly silver holy symbol of Lamashtu, with her lovely three jackal heads staring back at us with garnets for eyes. At least the gem stones and silver will be worth something.

[133] silver holy symbol of Lamashtu (ugly)

Next was the elimination of the threat from the goblin dogs in the yard, which Avia, Nolin and Sabin dispatched quickly.

In the yard, before the door of an out building were two dead goblins with crushed heads. The door of the out building had been nailed shut, and within was a war horse in a piteous state. We left the horse until we had explored the area.

To the north of the yard was a door leading to a series of small hallways and yet more doors, which in turn led to the goblin privy (words cannot describe the stench), an office with a round table and five chairs, and stairs leading down.

To the south of the yard was a door leading to a storage room (tools, tack and harness), and within was a cage with two rabbits. I brought the cage out and we provided fresh food and water, plus food for the horse scavenged from outside the fortress and clean water.

Nolin and Avia then brought the horse out from its prison and after calming it, Nolin led it outside where he decided to remain for the time being, tending to its needs. We pulled a few boards off the wall of the stockade near the stairs leading down so Nolin would have easy access if we called. We left Ripnugget with him.

The rest of us crept down the back stairs, which were stone and of a quality exceeding the skill of the goblins to delve. The steps ended in a rickety wood door of goblin make.

Beyond the door was a large room that had been used for the planning of the Sandpoint attack. A large table was in the center of the room surrounded by chairs, and on a wall was a large slate board with many chalk markings. A map of Sandpoint had been drawn amid various other scrawling comments, including the following:

Once the Whispering Beast has been tamed.

Sin-spawn will invade Sandpoint from beneath.

The room boasted another door to the east and one to the west. We opted for the east door, which led down a hall to a small room. The lower four feet of the walls in this room were covered with crudely drawn goblins — goblins attacking humans and doing all sorts of nasty and disgusting things to them. The drawings appeared o be made with mud, dirt, and if my nose was not deceived, goblin dung.

On the north wall of the room was something more interesting: a drawing of a sideways view Thistlestop island complex. The goblin fort squat atop the top, with the rooms and halls in which we now stood drawn below. An beneath all, in a large cavern in the center of the island a huge chained goblin was depicted with a dog slicer in each hand. If the scale of the drawing was consistent (and believed), then this was truly a goblin giant, towering some thirty feet high.

Sabin decided that it was bad policy to leave an unchecked door behind us, and so he opened the west door of the large planning room.

Within was a smaller room with a table covered by scrolls, stone tablets, and bits and pieces of ancient relics. Excavation tools lay against one wall, and a lantern on the table lit the room. On the near side of the table was a hooded figure.

The figure looked up just as Sabin struck her with his mighty ax. She fell to the floor, mortally wounded. I stepped in and stabilized her so she would not die, and then searched her to see if she carried anything that would explain her presence and function here.

[134] steel wand (magic)
[135] potion (magic)
[136] scroll of Sleep
[137] scroll of Comprehend Languages
[138] scroll of Minor Image
[139] scroll of See Invisible
[140] scroll of Whispering Wind
[141] dagger (returned to Akenja)
[142] cloak (magic)
[143] silver comb
[144] silk gown (returned to Akenja)
[145] finely crafted torch (magic)
[146] pouch of spell components (probably)

Most of the books and scrolls on the table were written in Thassilonian, and described the ancient empire. There was also a spell book.

[147] Books and scrolls from this room
[148] Akenja’s spell book

The woman was obviously a spell caster, and according to Avia, evil. She was young (in her 20s perhaps) and had dark skin. Sedjewick had seen her around Sandpoint, although he did not know her name.

We gagged and bound her and decided it was time to get some answers. We hauled her up to where Nolin was waiting and I channelled enough energy to revive the goblin king.

Ripnugget was a boastful and vain little cuss, and gave us little more than threats and braggadocio at first — even after we pointed out that his great empire of goblins had just been decimated by a handful of strangers. But then Kane said something to him in that yapping sound I’ve come to recognize as goblin language, and Ripnugget began to provide slightly more useful answers.

His excuse for attacking Sandpoint was that the goblins were destined to rule the world. I imagine this would be similar to the way cock-roaches have managed to infest much of the world.

Old king Ripnugget hated Tsutso and had nothing but scorn for him, but he was either in such fear or awe of Nualia that he would say little about her.

He did think that the large goblin in the drawing on the wall below was real, and that all of us “long shanks” would get our comeuppance when it was released upon an unsuspecting world. Of course the fact that he told us meant that this event would hardly be a surprise, but there’s no talking logic with a goblin.

With his reticence for answering questions about Nualia, Ripnugget had out lived his usefulness, and he fell in combat, as promised, with Kane.

With a little more channelled energy our other guest awoke. Having just spent the better part of half an hour questioning Ripnugget with little to show for the effort, I decided to try the direct approach with our spell caster.

“You have two choices,” I told her, “Refuse to answer, lie or distort the truth and die slowly, or answer honestly and live.”

She opted to live, and proved quite cooperative.

Her name is Akenja, and her primary job on site was to research ruins and relics for Nualia. She specialized in Thassilonian society and had been in Nualia’s employment for several months. Side note: it seems to me that Nualia pays rather well — indeed far more than anything we could hope to match had we thought to buy off those working for her with coin.

Akenja spent most of her time working here, although she had been to various other ruins. Mostly Nualia brought her items to identify here, and she felt certain that Nualia was looking for something specific, although she had no idea what that might be.

She said that there were others working below, mostly human, who did the bulk of the dirty work.

Tsutso and Nualia were close, but Akenja could not hide her contempt of the vain little man.

Nualia had been present at the fort just the previous evening, and was probably somewhere down below even now.

The sin-spawn were nasty, and could be summoned from the wells of power that the ancient Rune Lords had created. The only functioning well of which she was aware was the one beneath Sandpoint.

She already knew that the under caverns of Sandpoint had been opened up and were actively being researched by the Sages’ Guild. Most likely this meant that Nualia was also aware of this, and we should warn the sages that there was a greater risk of invasion than we had already thought.

Akenja promised to leave the area and not return — in fact after telling us so much she thought her only option for personal safety was to flee as far from Nualia as she could. We led her to the bridge and allowed her and her familiar (a cat) to leave.

We regrouped and returned to the complex below.

South of the “island diagram” room was a large hall with double doors off to the west, a short corridor ending in a door east, and a door south.

A waft of air with a salt tang came in through the cracks of the east door, which made us suspect that the tentacled creature Nolin had seen the day before lurked within. Cracking the door open Avia saw rough hewn (or natural) tunnels leading off in various direction, and an opening directly ahead partially blocked by hanging nettles but looking out over the bay.

Avia stealthily stepped in a few paces before she saw a giant squid creature hiding in a small chamber to the southwest. She quickly returned and shut the door.

Meanwhile Nolin had opened the southern door, beyond which was a large room with several ramshackle doors to the south, doors east and west, and another exit to the north. A lantern hung from a hook in the north wall and dog pelts were piled in a corner. Nolin backed out from the room and closed the door.

The double doors were stone and carved with figures of pregnant women of different races with demonic creatures crawling out from their wombs.

These doors opened onto a large cathedral chamber with columns lining either side. The west end of the room was raised above the floor and accessed by stone steps, which lead up to an altar of black marble and a statue of Lamashtu the Hideous beyond. Braziers smoked on either side of the altar, and on either side of the door were fonts containing dark frothy water.

Sedjewick rushed into the room, and in his eagerness did not wait for the rest of us. Two pair of dark red glowing eyes peered out from the smoke rising up from the braziers, following him has he confidently strode up to the steps.

Kane called out just two large hairless hounds stepped out from behind the braziers. Sedjewick pulled up short, but before he could make it back to the doors two more hounds flew down from the ceiling blocking off his escape.

The hounds ripped into Sedjewick, who dropped unconscious as the rest of us flung ourselves into battle.

The hounds were the most difficult things we had yet encountered, and it took the combined efforts of our entire party to slay them. Our front line fighters were doing their best holding off the damnable things, but they proved difficult to hit and difficult to harm. Avia grabbed Sedjewick as Nolin and Kane provided a rear-guard, and we fell back to the hallway.

Avia and Nolin stood their ground in the doorway while Kane and I provided healing and magic support. Sedjewick was back in action and singing encouragement as Sabin entered the fray with his ax and offensive spells.

Alas, but Rigel and Trask fled the battle early on, for the hounds occasionally let loose with a horrific baying that filled the listener with dread. Eventually they mastered their fears and returned to the battle to aid in the final defeat of these dastardly demonic dogs.

With the hound menace removed we cautiously explored the cathedral. The left and right hands of Lamashtu held glowing kukri, but these were part of the statue and glowing orange and blue by means of continual flame spells.

Ashes upon the altar appeared to have been the cremated remains of some poor soul — possibly Father Tobyn. We removed the ashes and used picks from the other room to hack at the altar and roll it off the dais, and then proceeded to hack off the arms and heads from the statue.

While we were engaged in these activities Nolin was standing guard at the entrance and heard the southern door open and close. He peered around the corner to see a bugbear loosen an arrow at him, which missed and clattered to the floor. Nolin anxiously signalled for the rest of us to keep quiet and of the presence of enemies in the corridor.

Trask scampered out the doors and across the hall before he could be shot, and Avia charged in to engage the bugbear in combat. Avia took an arrow for her efforts, but she carved into her opponent as Sabin stepped up from behind to offer support.

A short while later a well armed man appeared at the north end of the hallway and shot an arrow at Avia. Nolin raced over and disabled the man, who tossed aside his weapons and cried for mercy.

Meanwhile the bugbear ran off back through the room to the south, up the main stairs into the fortress, then around to the back stairs and down into the room where we had found Akenja. It was frantically searching the west wall for something when Avia kicked in the door and finished it off.

Searching the west wall revealed a secret passage and a stair leading down.

Meanwhile Nolin had disarmed the man and searched him for possessions while I questioned him.

[149] masterwork bastard sword
[150] composite long bow
[151] 20 arrows
[152] potion (healing, according to the man)
[153] banded mail (magic)
[154] masterwork heavy shield
[155] magic torch

2 platinum pieces

The man is a mercenary and knew very little of use. He and the bugbear were the guards on this level, but he was not allowed to go to the restricted lower levels. He had come up the stairs when they first heard us arrive and then down the back stairs to launch a sneak attack.

Avia assured us he was not evil, and so we gagged and bound him in the slate board room and promised he would live provided he remained still and silent.

The bugbear was carrying the following:

[156] potion
[157] studded leather armor
[158] heavy flail
[159] master work composite bow (+4 STR)
[160] 16 arrows
[161] 4 arrows (magic)

4 platinum pieces

We have gathered together in the board room and are deciding on our next course of action. According to the man the rest of this level should be foe-free, and and so we ought to finish exploring and mapping it before we tackle the stairs down.

It may be that Nualia lurks below along with other allies, and we are currently tired and low on spells and energy.

But can we wait?



Olithar’s journal entry for March

Fireday, Lamashan 11, 4707; Thistlestop; two hours past midnight

Goblins are slow on the uptake, but they do eventually catch on. After the silent image of a frisky pooch failed to bring any additional goblins over, and firing arrows and balls of fire resulted in just more of the same in return, we decided to change the bait.

After a few minutes study, Sedjewick created the image of one of the most recent goblin guards sent over, happily holding a large greasy bone with copious amounts charred bits of flesh hanging from it. He then positioned it at the foot of the bridge, beckoning to those in the fortress to come over and enjoy the feast.

How could any goblin resist? Certainly three of them could not, and soon the garrison was short handed by a trio of guards.

When the same image failed to bring over additional suckers, Sedjewick changed the image to be Tsuto, who then stood on the near side of the bridge and sternly glared at fortress, gesticulating firmly that they were to send aid.

Unfortunately having already lost nearly a dozen guards in less than an hour, someone in the the fortress had become suspicious, or at least confused enough to stop any additional goblins from heading over.

One of the goblins stuck his head out of the gate and shouted a few words. Unfortunately none of us speak goblin, and so after an awkward moment of silence, the goblin made a rude gesture towards the image of Tsuto and closed the gates.

We then decided it was time to explore around the foot of the island in the hopes that there would be another entrance.

We spent a fair amount of time discussing whether we should leave the bridge intact, cut it down, cut the ropes such that if anyone tried to cross it would collapse, or cut the bridge down but tie ropes on our end so we could pull it back up.

In the end, after noticing that the bridge was most probably trapped at the far side such that the goblins could send intruders plunging to the rocks below, we decided to leave the bridge as it was, and just head down to check out the beach.

But low tide was not until midnight, and so we decided that most of our party would sleep for four hours, while Task and Sabin kept watch, and then we would all catch on sleep up in the wee morning hours after the search.

At 10:00 we propped up some of the dead goblin guards near the bridge head and lit a camp fire near them, hoping it would give the illusion that watchful eyes held vigil.

We then scampered back down the trail and onto the beach. The sea was out far enough that we could walk to where the island was closest to the head. It did not look encouraging. The island was eighty feet off shore, and while the water was relatively calm in the ebb tide, small waves still splashed against its rocky feet. I estimated that the water plunged at least twenty deep at the shallowest point.

The island itself was round — incredibly so; almost like a huge stone ball had been dropped and sunk halfway. There were no obvious caves or access routes up the eighty feet to the top.

This prompted a discussion on whether we should tackle the cavern on the main- land side first. The fierce creature that guarded the room was apparently not nocturnal, and should be fast asleep having gorged itself on all of the goblins we had tossed down its hole earlier that day.

Once again Sabin was the logical choice to enter, because only he could see in the dark. At least this time he was able to walk in from the north cave entrance and look for secret passages without having to swim.

The only thing he found was satiated bunyap.

Back to the island. I volunteered to swim out to the island and work my way around the base to see if there was some other way in or up on the far side, but Avia and Nolin were far better choices for this task, and they agreed to head over.

Because this was a scouting foray, and because they would be swimming for most of it, they shed their heavy armor, and with a silk rope tied to Nolin they splashed into the cold water and swam to the island.

Nolin made his end of the rope fast to the rocks, and we did the same on our end, providing an easier passage to and from the island. Avia then remained on guard where the rope was tied while Nolin, who had the greater skill for both swimming and climbing, slowly worked his way around the island.

It was disconcerting to watch him work his way around the side of the island, occasionally falling into the sea and having to climb back out, and finally vanishing from view. After maybe a half an hour he appeared around the other side of the island. A few minutes later he and Avia were back with us as we listed eagerly to Nolin’s report.

It was not good news. There were crude hand holds just beneath the rope bridge, which would still leave a nearly impossible climb for most of us, but there was no other way up, or secret entrance.

On the eastern side of the island he had seen a large patch of overgrown vegetation hanging down over a hollow in the cliff’s edge. He watched as a bird, disturbed from its roost by something, fly out and under the vegetation. Just as the bird flew by a long tentacled arm shot out and grabbed the hapless bird with an explosion of feathers, snatching it into the darkness.

He also noticed a small island just to the east, closer to the main land. Earlier in the day the sea mists had obscured it, but now its wet rocky surface gleamed in the moonlight.

Avia and Nolin swam out to this island, with Rigel following after a rope was secured, but other than the remnants of an old camp fire perhaps a few months old, they found nothing of interest.

On the beach we held a brief discussion about what to do next.

It was obvious that the rope bridge was our only way across. It was also obvious that we needed to get to the far side to prevent anyone from releasing the bridge’s suspension ropes while we crossed.

We decided to use the image of Tsuto again, but this time he would be leading a gang of “prisoners” into the fort. Sedjewick would create the image over himself, and Avia and Sabin would pose as his able assistants, with the rest of us each playing the role of down trodden captive.

The Tsuto image would include a bloody cloth around his neck, explaining (or so we hoped) why Tsuto could not talk.

We then set up a watch and most of have prepared for sleep.

Fireday, Lamashan 11, 4707; Thistlestop; morning

Some time after the sun came up, those of us who were awake and on watch heard the sound of goblin squeals coming from the entrance to the bramble encampment.

Rigel had placed caltrops there earlier, which gave us an early alert. Avia and I raced over to the sound of the squeals while Rigel ran to the head of the bridge to see if we were attacked on two sides.

Avia and I saw a small band of goblins sitting on the ground and pulling caltrops from their feet. They looked disheveled (even for goblins) and injured, as if they had been in a fight before arriving.

In their midst was a small naked halfling tied to a pole held by several of the goblins. A prisoner!

Avia and I charged in, slicing and dicing goblins and making short work of the unhappy band. Rigel arrived then and may have shot an arrow or two into the fray because one of the goblins was tormenting his prisoner while we dealt with the his fellows.

A short time later and the only goblins around were dead.

I cut the bonds on the halfling and untied the gag in his mouth. Out streamed a long string of words in some foul tongue, which I was fairly sure was a curse aimed at his dead captors.

His name is Kanelbene and he is a priest of Desna! And he speaks goblin.

He was heading to Sandpoint for the Swallowtail Festival when he and his companions were attacked by a large band of goblins. They were overwhelmed, and all killed except for him. Kane, as he calls himself, was only taken alive because the goblins realized he was a follower of Desna, and planned to sacrifice him to Lamashtu.

We explained what had happened in Sandpoint, and why we were here. Kane was all too happy to help us in quest to find Nualia, and to help kill any goblins that might stand in our way.

We revised our plan to include Kane as one of Tsuto’s cohorts, and dressed him in the goblin armor and robe we had liberated earlier. A blood soaked rag for a hood to conceal his face completed the disguise.

We are rested and ready to put our plan into effect. I feel highly confident that we will be able to easily gain access to the fortress with no fighting at all, and then… well then we will see what we find.

Fireday, Lamashan 11, 4707; Thistlestop; before noon

All appeared to be going well as Sedjewick, posing as Tsuto, and Kane walked over the bridge. On the far side Kane called out that his master, Tsuto was injured and demanded entrance.

The gate opened and a single goblin guard came out. We then discovered that the goblins hated Tsuto, and hated Nualia even more. He was incredibly suspicious and wasn’t buying our cover story that Tsuto had returned and captured those who had been luring goblins across the bridge to their deaths the previous day.

He recognized the cloak Kane was wearing, and realized that something was amiss.

As he called out a warning about intruders, Kane released a cloud of obscuring mist before the gates (part of our back up plan), as the rest of us grabbed weapons and raced across the bridge (the rest of our back up plan).

The goblin guard was dead in an instant and we all passed through the still open gates, closing and barring them behind us.

The floor in the entry chamber was packed dirt, and on one wall were mounted the poorly preserved heads of horses and dogs. On another wall a pair of bat wings were pinned with some rusty knives, but there was also a much nicer knife, which I nabbed for the group.

[1100] Steel pearl handled knife

From behind a far door we heard the shout of goblins and half a dozen or so charged in and attacked. They died rather quickly with minimal effort or cost.

We then began to explore the fortress. The walls and doors were all salvaged from other structures (mostly ship wrecks we guessed), and were poorly assembled, but none the less quite sturdy.

Avia and Sedjewick quickly moved on to take out the guards in the west tower — I later heard Sedjewick guarded the base of the tower while Avia killed the two goblins that we sleeping above by herself.

Sabin and I made for the east tower, checking on a few doors before we got there: the most important thing we found was a set of stairs leading down.

There were two guards in the east tower who gave us little trouble.

We looked out over the rest of the fortress and saw that most of it was under cover. Some goblin dogs ran about a large yard at the foot of the west tower, and it looked like two goblins were sleeping (or dead) next to an out building.

We met the rest of our party on the main level, before a pair of double doors at the end of a short hall. Kane was listening at the door and he reported the sound of chanting, and goblin voices calling out commands.

We burst in, with Avia in the lead, and the rest of us close behind.

This was a large room used for ceremonies — perhaps a throne room of sorts. In one corner was a curved raised dais, upon which sat an ornately clothed goblin with a big head and a crown (a goblin king?). Next to him was another goblin chanting and on his other side a giant chameleon that hissed menacingly at us.

There were four posts in the center of the room that supported the roof, and set with iron spikes, impaled on which were hands. Furs and pelts clad the walls, and a large horse skull was mounted above the seated goblin.

The goblins in this room appeared better equipped and better trained than any goblins we had encountered before, and for a brief moment I was worried about the outcome of the battle.

There was a group of goblin fightewrs in the center of the room, and we took these on first.

We realized that the chanter was supporting these goblins much like Sedjewick does when he sings, and he became the target for our ranged attacks.

Rigel, Trask and occasionally Sabin launched attacks at the chanter and it fell, removing that advantage from our foes. All the while Sedjewick sang on and provided what ranged support he could.

Avia and Nolin provided our first line of fighters, with Sabin and I providing the second line. We were all fighting quite well and had already dropped two of the uber goblins (Avia took one out in her first attack) when the king called out some orders and the three or four goblin fighters who had held back near him all leapt into the fray, with two of them attacking Avia.

Kane was channeling energy from Desna to heal us, but I was caught in combat and could offer no immediate healing assistance. The king sent his chameleon against Nolin and lept into the fray himself, felling Avia with a mighty blow.

I had always known that Nolin was a quite capable fighter, but I did not realize how effective he could be when motivated. He quickly finished off the chameleon and then turned to face the king and slew him with a single swing of his great sword, cleaving the great goblin’s head in two.

Avia was quickly healed, and we bound the goblin king, and I stabilized him so he would not die.

We have questions.

Rigel and the others are gathering the equipment and possessions from our fallen foes so that we may use them for good.


Olithar’s journal entry for February

Oathday, Lamashan 10, 4707; Thistlestop; Late afternoon

We had left the road this morning and were marching through the area the locals call the Pauper’s Graves when the goblins struck. A small swarm of these little vermin ran screaming out from the Nettlewood on our right.

A little better organized than the goblin foes we’d already encountered, this force included a half a dozen archers who formed a line at the forest eaves as their the main force of fighters swept in and engaged us in melee.

Better organized or not, they were still goblins, and we swiftly killed the lot of them with minimal injury to ourselves.

We continued our hike to the coast, a little more warily than before, and soon came to a small bluff overlooking the deep blue waters of the Varisian Gulf. Scrambling down onto the beach we walked northward on the as the land began to rise upon our right.

After about an hour of pleasant walking, the beach became more pebbly than sandy and what had been a gentle rising bluff leading up to the east had become a rocky cliff, which soared ever higher.

The shore line bent around to the west and looking ahead above the hazy mist of sea spray we saw a great headland jutting out to the north and ending in a precipitous fall a hundred feet down to the water. A steep sided island abruptly rose up from the water to the same height, as if some giant among giants had taken his gargantuan axe and cleaved the great gash between island and headland.

We crept along the foot of the cliff for cover and were soon close enough to see that a long and narrow plank bridge suspended between ropes connected the top of the cliff to the island heights. Upon the island itself were vague forms of ancient stone structures, but these were overshadowed by a more recent wooden fortress. Before the fortress walls we could barely make out the shapes of goblins and their accursed goblin-dogs patrolling the perimeter.

Our way west was blocked by a finger of the sea that had flooded a large fissure in the cliff, some ten to twenty feet wide and perhaps a hundred feet deep. The steep walls of the cleft kept the water in perpetual shadow even in the the bright midday sun, but nestled into the far wall we could descry the entrance to a cave at the water’s edge.

Most of the cave was underwater, but because it was already low tide, this was the best time to explore where it might lead. Sabin and Trask volunteered, and after leaving their gear with us they plunged into the cold gulf water and swam over to the cave. A few feet in the cave was completely submerged, and it was dark within, but Sabin having the natural eyesight of his people dove beneath the water and swam in some sixty feet.

There the cave opened up into a natural grotto with a domed ceiling. In the center of the dome was a circular patch of blue from a great natural shaft that climbed straight up to daylight more than a hundred feet above. To the north was another cave that led out to light, and to the south was a ledge some fifteen feet long following the curve of the cavern wall just above water level.

Upon the ledge slept a large half shark and half seal monstrosity! Sabin quietly dove back through the cave and out to where Trask waited, and swam back to the relative safety of the beach.

We decided to back track south a ways to where the cliff was lower and easily scaled, and then make our way along the cliff top to investigate the bridge.

The Nettlewood. Now I know how it got its name. The trees that grow here are stunted, gnarled twisted things that struggle for survival against a vast thick blanket of scrub, thorn and bracken. Passage through the forest would have been impossible but for the animal tracks that meandered through even the densest thickets. These were terribly narrow with a ceiling of dense foliage that forced us to walk bent over.

Eventually we crossed a more substantial track: one that looked as if it were of goblin make that appeared to lead in the direction we wanted. A short while later the track opened onto a small clearing where a handful of other trails all met together.

The trees had thinned out here, finally yielding to the riot of vines and brambles that towered some 20 feet overhead. Set in the wall of thorn before us was a screen of brambles woven into a small barricade that, had it not been so crudely made, might have been intended to disguise the opening beyond.

A small tunnel led through the brambles. Rigel sneaked in and had been scouting about for a few minutes when we heard a tremendous roar echoing out from the thorny hedge followed by the shout of goblins. A moment later Rigel returned and described the forks and openings in the vegetation, but had no idea what might have made that bestial cry.

Sabin, Rigel and I formed a small exploratory party and slowly made our way to the first chamber of sorts to the right of the main tunnel. Peering around the tunnel wall we watched in horrid fascination as a group of goblin guards came into the chamber from an tunnel at the opposite end, dragging behind them a bound goblin who had a look of terror in his little, beady, rodent eyes.

Without a word of ceremony the guards flung there captive down a large hole that was in the center of the chamber. Another roar boomed up from the opening, but this one less demanding and more satisfied than the other.

The guards left and we scrambled forward to look down the hole. As we passed from the tunnel to the chamber we saw that the tunnel in fact led on east, but narrowed such that it was easy to miss. From beyond this thin gap I heard the distinctive growl of goblin dogs from beyond.

We quietly crept past this opening and looked down into the hole. In the darkness we could see the faint flicker of light on water and could hear the thrashing about of something large. Sabin thought that this was most likely the very shaft he had seen from the grotto below, and the great roaring had come from the shark-seal beast he had seen within.

We followed the tunnel back the way the guards had gone and found it ended at the cliff’s edge with a spectacular view of the island to the north, and the rocky shore far below.

To the west was a small side tunnel, and from there we heard the crackle of a fire and subdued goblin voices. We gave that passage a wide berth and returned to the original tunnel and took the left branch, which led to another lookout — this one to the west.

We returned to the rest of the party and hatched a plan to lure the goblin guards back to the hole, where we would be waiting in ambush. Sedjewick used his talents to project the sound of the roaring beast we had heard echoing up from the shaft.

Goblins are creatures of habit, and not known for the deductive reasoning. This worked to our advantage and a moment or two after Sedjewick imitated the roar a pair of goblin guards cautiously entered the chamber. But just as we were about to spring our trap, a large red colored cougar leaped out from the narrow gap before us and right onto me.

It is a good thing that Nolin and Sedjewick were with me, and together we slew the great cat. Just as the cat dropped dead, a scream of anguish came from the brambles to the east. And then the goblins were upon us and as we killed one, the other slipped in through the narrow gap.

The sound of battle wafted in from the northwest as our companions met with a small force of goblins. I raced over to help with those goblins leaving Nolin and Sedjewick to deal with the stray.

Nolin was first through the hedge, but in the room beyond was not one, but two goblins plus half a dozen goblin dogs tied to stakes some two dozen feet away. One of the goblins was crouching down near the dogs, and wielding a blade of flame. The other ran out through a southern passage. The crouching goblin stood and blasted Nolin with a ball of fire.

Meanwhile the rest of us were mopping up the last of the goblins, which freed Sabin to go check on Nolin and Sedjewick. Sabin entered the hedge just as the mage like goblin dropped him with another fire spell, but Nolin and Sedjewick had closed into melee by that time and quickly slew the little fire crazed freak.

A few minutes later and the other goblin was dead.

I healed Sabin and the others injured in the fight, while the goblin dogs were all killed still tied to their posts. We dumped most of the corpses down into the shaft.

On the spell caster we found a handful of interesting items, which Sabin identified.

[115] +1 leather armor (small: only a halfling or another goblin could make
use of it)
[116] +1 cloak of resistance (also small)
[117] potion of cure light wounds
[118] potion of speak with animals (Avia has this)
[119] 2 potions of tree shape (in my pack)
[120] A wand of flames (31 charges): golden metal with flames engraved on it
[121] small spear (in my pack)
[122] small sling (in my pack)

We followed the new tunnel as it bent around to the north, passed an outlook looking east, and ended in a wall of thorns. Unlike the last barrier we encountered, this one looked as if it had been grown here on the spot. No matter, using a hand axe we quickly cut it away and found that the tunnel led out to another overlook, only the rope suspension bridge led over to the island.

On the far side of the bridge was the wooden fort and a heavy double door. Wooden towers rose up from the east and west side of the fort.

We watched as a small knot of guards gathered around one of their companions who had caught a small bird. He tied a string to the bird’s leg and let it fly about while his comrades threw stones at the poor creature.

Must they make wanting to kill them so easy?

Using a silent image of a dog Sedjewick managed to lure the goblins from before the fortress wall across the bridge and into our awaiting arms.

A little more work with his happy puppy and the gates opened, sending another squad of four goblins to throw themselves upon our weapons.

Sabin and I then tied a goblin corpse to a stick, tied a small bow to that, and I made it dance about the northern facing lookout while Sabine shot arrows over at the tower. Arrows came back, and the more we made our meat puppet dance the more arrows came over, until some came back flaming.

That gave us another idea and we set a few arrows alight ourselves before sending them over. Trask joined in on the fun and launched a ball of flame from the wand at each tower, causing flames to burst on its wooden structure.

But other than irritating those in the fortress, we clearly weren’t making any progress on getting over to the island. And we were worried that there might be a secret entrance through which a small horde of goblins could at that very moment be issuing forth to confront us.

We still had one element of surprise on our side: so far all the people in the fort knew was that some rouge goblins have slain guards from the island, and have shot arrows and flames at the fort.

We are now discussing our options, as I make this journal entry. I’ve also sketched a crude drawing of our surroundings so we have it for a reference. I’m afraid the position of the island is a bit off (too far west), but I haven’t the time to correct that now because we have arrived upon a course of action.

Using the small barrier of brambles we hacked down to shield our identity we will move up to the suspension bridge and tie our ropes to it; then we will cut the suspension ropes and let the bridge drop from our side. If we need to we can haul the bridge back up and with a couple of mending spells repair the ropes.

Once we’ve closed off that means of escape from the island we will climb back down to the beach and search for some other way to access the island.


Olithar’s Journal Entry for January

Toilday, Rova 24, 4707; Glassworks basement, Sandpoint; Evening

Earlier today we trudged back into the smugglers’ caves and through the vile complex, used by the followers of Lamashtu, to reach last unexplored area. The door was unlocked, and after checking for traps Rigel opened it.

Beyond was a fairly long and narrow corridor ending in a closed door in the distance. Off to the side was another stairway turret leading down, which was disappointingly blocked by yet another cave-in.

The door at the end of the corridor opened onto a bizarre spherical room. The walls were of red metal. Black electrical sparks arced across the walls, briefly forming Thassilonian words for “wrath”, “kill”, “destroy”, “enemies”; much like the words etched in the walls of the cathedral complex. The entire room glowed with magic.

Floating in the middle of this room were several objects, which were retrieved by magical means.

[109] Dead raven (freshly killed, but with maggots floating about it)
[110] Ragged book: written in Abyssal with gruesome images. Later study revealed it to be Prayer Book to Lamashtu, with information about the creatures often summoned to do her bidding, with a list of strengths and weaknesses for each.
[111] Twisted metal wand with forked tip (later identified as a wand of shocking grasp with 28 charges)
[112] Scroll (magic, but I do not recall what was determined about it)
[113] Bottle filled with red fluid

Sabin tied a rope around himself and while I held on to one end, he drifted out to the center of the room, where he floated safely.

As interesting as all of this was, it brought us no closer to finding Nualia and putting a stop to her evil machinations.

Kyras thought a more thorough search of the woods across the river to the east of Sandpoint was in order, and so Rigel, Sabin and I joined him. What a relief to walk above ground in the pleasant woodlands as the dappled sunlight warmed our faces.

We did find the remains of a crude goblin encampment that overlooked the town, complete with goblin corpses — somebody had been here before us.

Lacking any clear course or better ideas, I suggested we return to the red marble statue and see if it held any clues.

It did, but not what we were expecting, and not helping with our current quest at all. Thinking that the statue might be positioned over a secret entrance we tipped it over. There was nothing but the bare stone floor beneath the statue, but on the underside of the statue’s base was inscribed the name “Alaznut.”

Sedjewick thought this was the name of a Rune Lord. Ancient history, and its presence here may predate the taint of Lamashtu… or in some sinister way be some how part of it and our quest. More questions, but no answers.

Trask’s regular reports to the Sandpoint Guard did yield some help in the form of one guardsmen, Barret, who was sent to watch the entrance to the tunnel complex from the goblin barracks to the north. This was one less thing for us to worry about, and we welcomed Barret and helped him settle into his post.

It is now evening, and Avia, Sabin and I are remaining in the Glassworks basement to keep watch, while Nolin, Trask and Kyras returned to their rooms at the Rusty Dragon. Rigel accompanied Sedjewick home — hmm.


Toilday, Rova 24, 4707; Glassworks basement, Sandpoint; Late Evening

Another entry for the day: there was a goblin in the middle of Sandpoint!

Indeed the filthy little bugger was hiding out in the home of a local family;right in the closet of some poor lad. Kyras thinks he set up a nest of sortsthere after the raid some nights ago, and had been foraging out at nights.

The boy had been complaining of monsters in his closet, and when his fatheropened the door to show him it was safe, out lept the goblin, dog-slicerslashing, and with a snicker-snack off went the father’s head!

The mother grabbed her two children and ran off to the Rusty Dragon, screamingfor help. Fortunately our trio of fighters were on hand, and after sendingword for the rest of us, ran to the goblin infested house. It turned out tobe an infestation of one, which Nolin and Kyras swiftly killed.

Sedjewick thought it might be a Thistlestop goblin. We alerted the townofficials and recommended they search Sandpoint for other goblin nests beforeanother innocent family fell victim.

Wealday, Rova 25, 4707; Glassworks basement, Sandpoint; Morning

With no new leads for us to follow or imminent threat to thwart, there has been talk of training. While I have no new skills to learn, my companions all do, but there is concern about the cost of hiring those skilled enough to teach. We are not wealthy and have little enough gold for daily expenses.

However, I have a plan, and am off to talk with the local Sages’ Guild.

Wealday, Rova 25, 4707; Glassworks basement, Sandpoint; Afternoon

All has worked out almost as well as I had planned, and we now have gold enough on hand for everyone to complete their training.

My idea was simple: rather than have father Zantus bury the underground complex, why not put it to good use?

Quinq, the local head of the Sages’ Guild was interested in what we had found beneath the Sandpoint, and agreed to pay 1,000 gold pieces if we could obtain permission for them to have exclusive access to the ruins. In addition he will find a buyer for the red marble statue of Alaznut for a commission.

Mayor Deverin is happy with the arrangement, as is Sheriff Hemlock (who returned from Magnimar earlier), because the tunnels will now be under constant watch.

Father Zantus was reluctant to agree to this arrangement at first, but the idea of dedicating the old cathedral complex to Desna seems to have won him over.

One odd bit of news from the sheriff (courtesy of Trask) is that he did indeed find out why the north gate was unguarded and unlocked on the night of the goblin attack: Lonjiku Kaijitsu (Ameiko’s father) had paid someone handsomely to ensure the way was clear.

Was this really Lonjiku’s doing, or Tsuto’s done in the name of his father?

Wealday, Lamashan 9, 4707; Sandpoint; Noon

It has been two weeks since my last entry, and while my companions have spentthe time training, I have worked with Father Zantus on dedicating the cathedralcomplex to Desna. Father Zantus has been filled with glee because Lamashtu andDesna are such bitter enemies.

Some of us have also made copies of the bestiary portion of the old book, andI gave a copy to Father Zantus.

This morning, however, has not gone so well.

We finally met with Ameiko to explain about the Sages’ Guild access to thecaverns (they will use a different entrance and the access via the Glassworksbasement will be sealed).

We also wished to discuss any information about her family to see if there wassomething there that concerned Nualia that had been overlooked.

During these discussion Kyras handed over the rather incriminating papers wehad found in the Glassworks safe while we were routing out the goblins andsearching for survivors.

Some of us were taken quite by surprise by this act, because the papers alsospelled out the wrong doings of the notorious Scarnetti family, who have anasty reputation in the region for evil deeds.

Avia and I were quite vocal in our disagreement with Ameiko taking thedocuments, and a great argument broke out among us. In the end Kyras walkedout in disgust — leaving us forever.

Ameiko left with the papers in hand (looking rather smug, I thought).

It seems there are two sets of laws in this land: a benign system willing to overlook justice for the reputation of the wealthy; and a stringent inflexible system for the rest of us.

Wealday, Lamashan 9, 4707; Sandpoint; Evening

Still reeling from the loss of Kyras, we all meat as a team this afternoon and decided upon a course of action.

It seems clear from Tsuto’s journal that Thistlestop is where Nualia has spent much time, and so it is for there that we shall embark in the morning.

May Sarenrae grant us the light to find our path.

Oathday, Lamashan 10, 4707; Sandpoint; Morning

We are about to leave. We plan to take the The Lost Coast Road up to the border of the Nettlewood, and then cut across the open country before the wood to the coast. From there we shall stealthily make our way up the beach to Thistlestop itself.


Olithar’s journal entry for December 4

Moonday, Rova 23, 4707; Glassworks basement, Sandpoint; Late Evening

A moment’s rest after the battle in the underground cathedral and we were once again ready for action.

Our first order of business was to search the body of the little imp-like daemon, where upon we found the following items.

[100] curved dagger (magic)
[101] tiara: a rub like gem set in a circlet of silver
[102] black silk gown, embroidered with the symbol of a seven rayed star
[103] bracelets (poorly made and of little value)
[104] necklace (matching in quality to the bracelets), with an obsidian holy
symbol for Lamashtu dangling from it

Sedjewick concluded that the seven rayed star represented the seven deadly sins, and from what we had already seen of the place, we agreed.

The runes and language used in this cavern complex was Thassilonian, which I had learned while exploring the ancient ruins of Magnamar. Sedjewick also knew this tongue, and together we translated the runes that had been carved over every square inch of the cathedral walls as invoking or celebrating hatred, warfare, murder, wrath and the like.

The two small doors opened unto small closets, one of which was empty and the other contained ancient and tattered robes and a cheap ceremonial dagger. All were old and had not been used for a very long time.

Despite being tired, bloodied, and mostly out of spells, we decided to press on with the exploration of the caverns.

We gathered in the statue room, where Rigel peered intently at the heavy iron bound wooden door and muttering something about iron mongery.

Meanwhile Nolin and Trask took the eastern passage that led up a series of short steps before ending at another door. Nolin boldly opened the door and found a small circular room with another shallow, circular pool of water encircled with skulls set on spikes. Hearing comments about the door Rigel was looking at, the two rejoined us in the statue room.

With a small click, Rigel unlocked iron bound door and then, almost as an after thought, pressed her ear against it. Hearing nothing she silently opened the door and we peered into the gloom within to see a large chamber with a wood walkway leading from the door off to the right. Stairs on either side led down below the boardwalk. The unmistakeable sound of steel against stone echoed up from within.

Rigel crept out to the edge of the walkway just as Avia quietly announced the presence of evil within the room. Two of the clawed creatures pulled themselves up and slashed at Rigel, who quickly retreated back to the door.

Moving fast, Sedjewick shot one as Avia and Nolin charged in, each slicing at a foe. Sabin and I also entered the fray and the we over powered the creatures, efficiently slaying both.

Rigel and I descended the stair case and realized we were in a prison, with cells lining the perimeter. Skeletons with rotting fragments of clothing clinging to their boney remains were all that we found.

The walkway to the east, however, led to a torture chamber that was well equipped with rusting cruel devices for inflicting pain and agony. To the south a doorway opened into a small chamber with three more doors. To the east a door opened to a set of long stairs heading down into large dark space, ice cold, and reeking of corrupted flesh.

Out from the darkness a pair of red glowing eyes flashed in our direction and a booming voice yelled “None shall invade my chamber!” Avia bravely descended the stairs with myself, Sabin and Kyras close behind.

Waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs was a giant of a goblin, but with extra deformed appendages protruding from unexpected areas. The sight of it was sickening, and it gathered itself up as we advanced and spat a huge globule of blood at Avia, which hissed and sizzled like acid.

The four of us hacked at it viciously, and it dropped under our onslaught.

Now that we were down in the room we could see that there were some eleven pits carved into the floor, each with a rotting wood lid, and each containing an animated corpse; honestly, who thinks of these things and then goes through the effort of creating them? We quickly killed the zombies, and looked over the remains of the bizarre goblin giant, where we found a handful of useful items.

[105] long sword (magical)
[106] hand axe
[107] Silver dagger (Trask is now using this)

The room also had a passage leading south, but we decided to wait until our team regrouped before tackling another unknown tunnel.

All this while Rigel and Sedjewick were busy in the small room to the south, where they found that each of the three doors had a symbol representing one of the seven deadly sins. Within each cell were the skeletal remains of a sadly disfigured human, one with a misshapen skull, the next with an elongated rib cage, and the last with three arms.

The floor of the room was littered with torn bits of paper with writing, which Sedjewick and Sabin determined were instructions for casting arcane magics.

We gathered together in the torture room and discussed our next course of action, and decided to explore the circular room Nolin and Trask had found.

I found myself in the lead as we trudged back to the statue room and then up the stairs to the round room. No doubt these circular pools ringed with skulls have some significance that is eluding us. We stared at the pool for a while, feeling somewhat easy about the smears of dried blood along the rim and speculating over what it might mean, and then turned our attention to the stone door on the opposite side of the room.

As I opened the door some giant bat-like creature fluttered into the room and attacked, but it was quickly dispatched by Nolin, Sabin and Trask.

A short hall with a short flight of stairs up ended at another door; this one locked. Rigel stepped up and worked her own brand of magic on the lock and opened the door. Beyond was a turret with steps leading up, but the way was blocked a short distance on by a cave in. We guessed that the top of the turret at one time must have opened onto what is now Chopper’s Island.

It was now so late that we decided to return to the Glassworks for the night and continue our exploration in the morning. We retraced our steps back to the basement and set a watch.

Sabin used this time to identify some of the items we had uncovered earlier.

[ 90] potion of Cure Light Wounds (Kyras has this)
[ 92] +1 ring of protection (Nolin wears this)
[100] +1 returning curved dagger (in my pack)
[105] +1 long sword (Avia wields this)

Moonday, Rova 24, 4707; Glassworks basement, Sandpoint; Late Morning

In the morning light it was decided that we should report to Mayor Deverin and Father Zantus.

I met briefly with father Zantus and quickly updated him on what we had found since our last meeting. I took the little daemon-imp corpse as evidence, which certainly got Zantus’ attention! While I omitted Tsuto Kaijitsu’s name, I did let Father Zantus know that it was a town insider who helped stage the attack on Sandpoint, and shared with him the contents of the diary, especially where it pertained to Nualia and her father, Tobyn. I also explained how Nualia’s hatred of her heritage had spilled over to encompass all of Sandpoint, and while the attack we had expected had not occurred, this plan had likely been disrupted by our interception and execution of her partner.

Father Zantus was most interested in the underground cathedral, and I have promised to bring him there later so he and his clerics can destroy the place.

I met up with Trask, who had a meeting with the mayor as I spoke with Father Zantus, and asked how it had gone. He appeared to blush, as if his conversation had not gone quite as smoothly as he would have liked, but I gather from his stuttered reply thatthe mayor was now suitably informed of our actions and status.

We are now back in the Glasswork’s basement, preparing for another trek into the tunnels to explore the southern passage we had skipped the night before.

We’ve decided that depending upon what we find there, we should consult with Ameiko to see if she can offer any insight into what we have found since we last spoke.


Olithar’s journal entry for November

Moonday, Rova 23, 4707; Glassworks, Sandpoint; Evening

Rigel crawled through the broken window into the glassworks and unlocked the door from within. We quietly filed in, alert and listening for the goblins she had seen through the sky lights.

We found a small troop of the filthy savages in the main work room of the glass works. Kilns linedg the near wall, ranging from the smaller units closest to us to the largest unit at the far end of the room. All were blazing away with an achingly beautiful red light and casting a hazy shimmer of hot air into the room.

We had no time to plan an elaborate attack, and so Nolin tossed a thunder stone into the room and closed the door. There was a tremendous “boom”, after which we opened the door and charged in.

Many of the goblins were stunned, but more ran over from across the room. Fortunately we now had experience fighting these little pests, and quickly exterminated the lot of them. The fighters did most of the heavy damage and slaying, while the rest of us provided cover or support.

After a quick search for signs of what the goblins had been up to we found a grim scene. In an alcove near the center of the shop was a man sitting in a chair and encased in molten glass.

It was hard to discern features beneath the wavy rivulets of glass that had been poured over his body, but he was an older human and well dressed. I shattered the glass that had entombed him and discovered that it was Lonjiku Kaijitsu, the owner of the founder and Ameiko’s father.

The bodies of his workers were stretched out on elsewhere in the shop, with signs that they had been there for a couple of days. The goblins, it appears, had been slicing off body parts for food, or in some cases just gnawing on the corpses where they lay.

Kyras opened the door to the north, which led to a loading room where supplies arrived and shipments of the glassworks wares sent out. In addition to the obvious accoutrement for such a room there was a large safe, which was open and empty with the key still in the lock.

Trask led a small group back to the hallway near the entrance to explore from one side while Kyras led the rest of us through the northern rooms.

It was Trask’s group that found the remaining goblins. Two were snoring loudly in the kitchen, and were swiftly dispatched by Trask and Rigel.

Other than disgusting messes the goblins had left and the blood stained beds in the workers’ dormitory, we found no surprises beyond what we had encountered in the work shop.

During our exploration the town guard showed up, and after being informed of the depredations of the goblins and the death of the Kaijitsu family patriarch, they left to report our findings.

The rooms found, from roughly south to north, included (see my quick sketch of the floor plan):

  • The circular public entrance
  • A hallway leading from the entrance into the heart of the factory
  • A storage closet used to store finished wares
  • Storage closets for miscellaneous supplies and tools
  • A dining room (ransacked by the goblins)
  • A pantry (looted by the goblins)
  • A privy (fouled beyond belief by the goblins)
  • A kitchen (also ransacked)
  • The workers’ dormitory
  • A storage room containing treated wood
  • A store room for glass making raw materials
  • A formal entry room
  • Customer meeting rooms
  • The loading room
  • An office!
  • Ominous stairs leading down!

In the office Avia found a desk with a locked drawer. Rigel was able to open it, although she felt the sting of a poison trap in the processes, and within was a small box. The box was also locked, and as it turned out trapped, and Rigel used her nimble fingers to open that as well.

Paperwork. Papers in an odd, foreign language. None of us could read them, but Sedjewick used a Comprehend Language spell and found they documented some significant unsavory, unethical and immoral business dealings between the Kaijitsu and Scarnetti families.

We then turned our attention to the stairway, and headed down into the gloom.

Actually the stairs opened onto a corridors and storage chambers, and there was already the comforting yellow glow of a torch burning cheerily away and providing us all with light enough to see.

Near where a smaller corridor joined with the main passageway by the stairs was a jumble of rock and stone work. It looked like an old wall had been torn down fairly recently. Sedjewick said much of rock beneath Sandpoint was riddled with old tunnels used for smuggling, but they had been sealed up long ago.

Beneath the torch were crates and barrels of additional glass making supplies, plus a few tools scattered about here and there.

While the main corridor bent south in a lazy L shape from the stairs, a secondary corridor led off and back to the main, following its own L shape and making a rectangle of rock in between. Along the outside walls of this secondary hallway were four doors; two on each wall.

Kyras opened the door nearest the torch and found a collection of finished glassware, apparently awaiting shipment.

The next door was locked, at least until Rigel applied her unique set of skills. This door opened onto another store room; only this one held a bound and gagged captive. It was Ameiko! We untied her and healed some of her injuries. As she came to she began to talk.

Her words were filled with bitterness and hatred for her half brother, Tsuto. And little wonder. When she arrived she found the place overrun with goblins, and he brother Tsuto calling the shots. He had her bound and gagged and he looked on and gloated as the filthy little beasts beat and kicked her. Finally she was thrown down into this storage room until she could be dealt with later.

And Nualia. She had control over Tsuto, and together they conspired to bring about the complete downfall of Sandpoint, which they hated to near insanity. It was Nualia who had united the goblins and brought them in to do her bidding.

Sedjewick led Ameiko out to the light, where he looked over her as she rested and recovered from her ordeal.

The next door Kyras opened was for an office, and within, sitting behind a desk, was a half elvin man, slumped over the desk. He sat up as we entered and demanded “Who are you?”, to which Kyras replied, “Better question, who are you?”

Of course we already new, but he arrogantly proclaimed himself as Tsuto Kaijitsu, owner of the glassworks. When Nolin countered that the glassworks belonged to Lonjiku Kaijitsu, Tsuto staggered to his feet and attempted to strike Nolin. Nolin returned the favor by knocking Tsuto down onto his pointy half elvin ass.

We hauled Tsuto over to meet his dear sister, who promptly grabbed Rigel’s sword and lunged at him. We managed to hold her back and drag him into one of the storage chambers. There Sabin and I pretended to be in Nualia’s pay and sent to rescue him, but he wasn’t fooled, and he gloated that he would be with her that very night.

Fine. It was time to rid the world of this goblin’s pimple. We dragged him back to Ameiko and allowed her the honor. They spoke briefly in their native tongue and then Ameiko stabbed him through the heart.

Ameiko said his last words had been “She will raise me from the dead.”

Thinking there was no point in making Nualia’s task any easier, we stripped Tsuto’s body and threw it into the largest and hottest of the kilns, where the fierce white hot fire consumed it, leaving a scant puff of ashes that went up the chimney and scattered on the night breeze.

Back in Tsuto’s underground layer we searched his desk and found a number of interesting items, including an odd leather bound journal.

Included in the journal were maps of the city of Sandpoint, each annotated with what looked like plans for an attack. In fact one of the plans was exactly what had taken place a few nights before.

A note after this battle map stated:

The raid went about as planned. Few Thistletop goblins perished, and we were able to secure Tobyn’s casket with ease while the rubes were distracted by the rest. I can’t wait until the real raid. This town deserves a burning, that’s for sure.

After the last of the maps the following was scrawled:

Ripnugget seems to favor the overwhelming land approach, but I don’t think it’s the best plan. We should get the quasit’s aid. Send her freaks up from below via the smuggling tunnel in my father’s glassworks, and invade from the river and from the glassworks in smaller but more focused strikes. The rest except Bruthazmus agree, and I’m pretty sure the bugbear’s just being contrary to annoy me. My love’s too distracted with the lower chambers to make a decision. Says that once Malfeshnekor’s released and under her command we won’t need to worry about being subtle. I hope she’s right.

After the maps were some rather disturbing and explicit drawings of Nualia, and near the back of the journal she was sketched as a succubus. After this last image Tsuto had written:

My love seems bent on going through with it — nothing I can say convinces her of her beauty. She remains obsessed with removing what she calls her “celestial taint” and replacing it with her Mother’s grace. Burning her father’s remains at the Thistletop shrine seems to have started the transformation, but I can’t say her new hand is pleasing to me. Hopefully when she offers Sandpoint to Lamashtu’s fires, her new body won’t be as hideous. Maybe I will luck out. Succubi are demons too, aren’t they?

Although Sabin recognized “Bruthazmus” as the name of a small demon, the only thing clear from the journal was that Sandpoint was to face yet another larger attack, possibly this very night!

Here are the items we found on Tsuto or in his office (or from above):

[90] vial (potion) (Kyras has this)
[91] composite short bow, +3 to damage (Nolin is using this)
[92] ring (magic) (in my pack)
[93] thief’s kit (Kyras has this)
[94] flute (very pretty) (Kyras has this)
[95] silver earrings (in my pack)
[96] leather bound journal (Sedjewick has this)
[97] pouches of power (Ameiko claimed these)
[98] pouches of power (Ameiko claimed these)
[99] the business papers from the glassworks’ office

In the remaining unexplored room adjacent to Tsuto’s office was a small room with a tunnel leading to the north and the stench of goblin wafting out from it.

Ameiko has left for her home and Kyras has gone to warn the city guard.

Rigel, Sedjewick and I ran to the cathedral to warn father Zantus. We explained what we had found at the glassworks and how Nualia was indeed alive, and the actual daughter of father Tobyn. We urged him to prepare for an attack on the town that very night, only this time against more than just goblins.

We described the battle plan and added that we were heading down into the goblin tunnel to head off the attack from that quarter. And with that we raced back to the glassworks, joining Kyras on the way back.

And now here we are, gathered together before the tunnel entrance and about to plunge into its rank and dark depths. Kyras is to lead us as we walk single file, and so I have cast a Light spell on his helm.

I will be marching in the middle of the pack, and am hoping to sketch our route as we navigate these passages so we can easily retrace our steps, or at the very least avoid getting lost.

Moonday, Rova 23, 4707; Underground cathedral, beneath Sandpoint; Night

The tunnel reeked of goblin and was crudely carved into the native rock.

We followed it as it stretched to the northeast some 500 feet, where it joined with two other passageways. We took the left (north west) tunnel which bent to the north after some distance, after which we passed through the remnants of a demolished brick wall.

A short distance later some unholy aberration sprang out into the tunnel. It fixed us with its evil glowing red eyes as it jumped forward on its dog like legs. It slashed at Kyras with its claws at the end of skeletal thin, long arms. It had a large distended mouth filled with razor sharp teeth, and hanging from its bottom jaw was a small hand.

Kyras struck back at it, and Sabin tossed his axe, which struck it squarely in the face. Nolin let lose with an arrow that sunk deep into its eye where upon it dropped dead.

We pulled the dead thing into the crudely carved chamber where it had been standing guard and left it there to rot.

A hallways with smooth cut walls opened onto the main tunnel just north of the creature’s chamber, and we followed it in to where it led into a small room with a door on the north wall.

Beyond the door was another hallway that bent west and north again, passing another hall heading east before finally ending in an almost triangular shaped room.

This latter room had a door in the north wall, and another passageway leading east, with steps leading into the darkness. In the center of the room was a giant statue of red marble depicting a stunningly beautiful woman in flowing robes. In her left hand was a large book with a seven pointed star on the cover, and in her right a nasty looking ranseur. Despite her great beauty, her face was contorted in anger.

Judging from Tsuto’s journal, this was not Nualia.

We then realized that these tunnels did not stink of goblin as the main passageway had, and so fearing that a horde of the obnoxious vermin might pass through while we were occupied here, we returned to the main corridor.

The center, most goblin scented tunnel led to a blank wall, but by searching carefully I found a secrete door, which opened onto a large cave that looked out over the sea. It would have been a beautiful location were it not obviously being used as goblin barracks!

According to Kyras it had been several days since the goblins were here.

We returned to the junction and took the right hand tunnel, which led to an impassable collapse.

Fearing that we had failed in our duty to prevent an attack from the tunnels, we returned to Sandpoint and poked our noses out, mole like, to sniff around.

The city was still at peace, and so we returned to the tunnels and to the unexplored rooms and hallways we had left a short time before.

We found that the main tunnel ended abruptly just after the opening into the statue room, and so we concentrated on the first hallway we passed as we came north.

That hall stretched on to an odd shaped room with a dais on one side with a block of black marble resting on it, and a short hall ending in a grand pair of double doors on the other side.

The black slab of stone was an altar with a shallow depression on top filled with dirty water. Avia claimed it was evil, and I washed away the filthy water with a spell of Create Water.

Meanwhile Kyras cracked open one of the double doors, and a creepy blue light flashed into the room. He quickly close the door and we gathered around, prepared to face whatever evil lurked within.

The doors were flung open and we charged in. It was bitterly cold.

The room was an immense underground cathedral with a glowing blue pool in the center, and steps leading up either side to a pulpit at the far, semi-circular shaped end. A small triangular boiling pool glowed red from the pulpit. Surrounding the blue pool was a ring of spikes topped with human skulls.

A tiny demon floated above this pool, and it turned around as we entered and shrieked, “How dare you intrude upon the Mother’s sanctum!”

It then flitted over the blue pool and slit its wrist, letting the blood drip down into the glowing liquid, which dropped in intensity. The demon looked a bit worried as it did the latter, and not knowing what it was planning, we pressed our attack.

The demon drifted back above the pulpit as a creature like the one we met in the tunnel climbed out from the pool and attacked Nolin.

Avia mounted the stairs to the pulpit and slashed out at the demon, which was floating high above her.

Kyras, Trask and Sabin all used ranged weapons, but even when they hit they appeared to have little or no affect on the damned thing. And in the meantime Nolin was getting the crap beat out of him by the monster from the blue pool.

I used a create water spell positioned above the demon, and as the two gallons splashed down it plummeted to the floor, where Avia proceeded to hack at it. It turned invisible, but this made no difference as Avia continued to hit it.

And yet another creature crawled out from the blue pool just as the first had been slain.

We managed to kill the second creature just as Avia hacked the life out of the little demon.

Nolin looks rather cut up and in serious need of healing, but we fared better than I had imagined we would, given the difficult nature of hitting the demon and actually causing it physical harm once we managed to strike it.

I wonder if enchanted weapons might serve us better when fighting such foes?

In the calmness that follows battle I see that there is a door on either wall adjacent to the main double doors.

We shall explore soon, but I am left wondering about the “Mother”, who was mentioned in the journal and by the demon. Could that be her statue in the other room. Who and what is she, and what are her plans for Sandpoint?

glassworks_under glassworks

Olithar’s Journal Entry (October)

Sunday, Rova 22, 4707; Sandpoint; Half past the noon hour

The morning came grey and cold as I awoke chilled in my small cell. I threw back my bedroll and looked about my home of the past several months as if with new eyes. The walls, beams and cot were all cut from soft wood felled not more than five years ago, and the entire place smells strongly of saw dust, pine resin, and roofing pitch.

The age old stone walls of my old cell in Magnimar provided a feeling of security. The oaken timbers and furnishings burnished smooth over time by contact with the hands and feet of the countless others who had come before me. Our quarters smelled not unpleasantly of stone dust, wood polish and sweat, made all the more pungent by the heat of mid summer days.

In the winter we were allowed small fires for warmth on the coldest of days, lit in small iron braziers that lined the hall outside our cells. While the heat was modest, just the soft glow of embers was enough to warm our souls and spirits and we counted ourselves fortunate to follow Sarenrae, goddess of light and fire.

Here at the Sandpoint Cathedral there will be no fires in the winter or any other time. Only the great Cathedral itself is of stone, and the surrounding support buildings are all of wood. I have a disturbing image that these wooden buildings are like kindling that burns quick and easy so that the mighty log, the Cathedral, might burn too.

Over five years ago this very horror took place, and that event had brought me here to help Sandpoint begin anew. But instead dark memories have been dragged forth to loom over Sandpoint like a shadow from the past.

Kyras was out this morning with Bart the Beagle Breeder trying to track down the place from whence the goblins entered the town yesterday. It is hoped that by finding the source, we might find who within the city used the goblin attack as a distraction so that father Tobyn’s grave might be plundered.

I spent much of the morning helping Father Zantus prepare for today’s dedication of the Cathedral. Unlike the big public affair of yesterday, this will be quite a small ceremony with just the clergy, the mayor and sheriff present.

I took advantage of my time with Father Zantus to question him about Father Tobyn and the horrific events of that dark day some five years past. I was surprised at some of what he revealed.

Father Tobyn had a daughter, Nualia, who was a foundling whom he took in and cared for as his own child.

Nualia was uncommonly beautiful; so much so that some in the village thought she must have been touched by the gods. She was treated with a disturbing mixture of reverence, fear, awe and envy from the locals of Sandpoint.

She was constantly touched, rubbed, poked, prodded, had her hair pulled out and clothing torn off in patches by those who thought she was in some way divine herself, and so sought to gain blessings by association with her.

Likewise she was constantly touched, rubbed, poked, prodded, had her hair pulled out and clothing torn off in patches by those who thought her beauty must have been gained from some evil deed or pact (or from the just plain envious), and so sought to punish her.

For Nualia, life in Sandpoint was unpleasant at the best of times, and sheer torture at the worst.

Father Tobyn had greatly hoped to bring Nualia into the church by having her join the sisterhood at Windsong Abby. Nualia was not as enthusiastic over his plans for her future as he, and the two frequently argued. And so the relationship that should have been a safe haven for Nualia became yet another trial to endure.

It was little wonder then that she should take up with a Varisian stranger who arrived in town sometime around Nualia’s 18th birthday. The two of them spent a great deal of time together, much to Father Tobyn’s chagrin, and some of the locals were certain that their relationship was of a romantic nature.

Father Zantus then spoke in a much lower voice about the rumors spread among the midwives some time later.

Apparently Nualia had been confined to her quarters from some months and not seen by any of the towns folk for quite a while. A midwife was called over to the Cathedral, an unusual event in and of itself, and she tended to Nualia as she gave birth to a still-born child. The midwife was charged with quietly slipping out with the tiny corpse and over to the bone yard, where the poor little thing was buried.

Only the poor little thing was reported to be a hideous monster, such that the midwife used the term “daemon child” whenever she talked about that evening.

A very short while later the entire Cathedral burned to the ground. The fire had started in the sleeping quarters, where both Father Tobyn and Nualia were asleep in their own cells.

Father Tobyn’s remains were recovered and buried with his few modest possessions. Father Zantus paused here and asked, partially to himself, “and so why would the goblins dig up and take his entire coffin?”

Nualia’s remains were never found, and she was presumed to be completely consumed by the fire.

I had listened to Father Zantus with a feeling of growing dread and horror, and I felt chilled as he completed his tale.

How could the fire only partially burn Father Tobyn (he most likely perished from the smoke) and yet completely burn Nualia’s body to ashes?

A daemon child still-born just days before?

This was all related in more ways than Father Zantus, or indeed most of the locals were willing to admit.

And why would someone want to take Father Tobyn’s entire coffin with so little of material value buried within?

I had a sinking feeling that it was Father Tobyn himself that was goal of this theft, and feared the worst.

The silence following Father Zantus’ tale was broken as Nolin and Trask entered and urged Father Zantus to move the dedication ceremony an hour earlier. Nolin reasoned that if it was the dedication of the Cathedral that was the target of yesterday’s goblin attack, then we could expect another disturbance today.

Father Zantus countered that this would be a small private affair and only the city officials and clergy knew of it. I quickly pointed out that it was certain at least one city official was involved in the goblin raid, and Father Zantus reluctantly agreed to the schedule change, providing Mayor Deverin and Sheriff Hemlock agreed as well.

Avia, our trusty paladin, quickly escorted Deverin and Hemlock back to the Cathedral, where Father Zantus completed the consecration ceremony with most of us “Hunters” standing guard.

To keep up the appearances of holding the dedication at noon, I conducted the Blessing of the Mid Day Sun to honor Sarenrae.

Again, there was no interruption; thus confirming my belief that the goblin attack was simply a distraction provided so Father Tobyn’s coffin could be stolen.

Afterward the the mayor and sheriff approached us and asked if we would meet them in the Town Hall at 3:00, where they wished to discuss the goblin attack. Apparently our work both in fighting the petite pugnacious pests and our subsequent investigation of the raid had gone neither unnoticed nor unappreciated by the city officials.

It is now nearing the hour past noon when we Hunters are to meet at the White Deer and discuss strategy for unraveling this mystery.

Sunday, Rova 22, 4707; Lost Coast Road west of Sandpoint; Night

The White Deer was also destroyed in the fire of the “late unpleasantness”, and had been rebuilt into a lofty three story establishment of stone and wood. At the entrance on either side was the statue of a deer, carved from white wood. Within was a a spacious great room, but our company elected to meet in a private room towards the back of the inn.

There we learned from Kyras that the dogs could not pinpoint the location from where the goblins entered the city. It was as if they just appeared in the central business district, and from there fanned out.

We decided that our next step was to track the goblins that fled from the city’s north gate, with coffin in tow.

Picking up the trail was easy, partly because there were over a dozen of the little buggers skittering up the road, and partly because their attempts to cover their tracks were so utterly incompetent. After a short distance the foot prints of little goblin feet veered off the road and into the wood to the south. Tracking became more difficult as the light prints of our quarry left little mark in the deep mulch of the forest floor.

Eventually Kyras lost the trail and we retraced our steps back to Sandpoint for our meeting with the mayor and sheriff.

We were shown into a meeting room of the Town Hall where Mayor Deverin and Sheriff Hemlock were waiting for us, along with a slender elven woman. Hemlock introduced her as Shalelu, an experienced tracker who worked in a unofficial capacity for the Sandpoint Guard, and who was an authority on the local goblin tribes.

Until now I had considered goblins to be like roaches: an unorganized infestation that if left unchecked could have serious consequences for public health.

Imagine my amazement when Shalelu described how the local goblin population was divided into five semi-organized autonomous tribes! While occasionally a single tribe might stage a small raid on a small city the size of Sandpoint, more often than not they limited their depredations to isolated farm holds. Their more serious skirmishes were restricted to attacks on rival goblin tribes.

Shalelu emphasized how the tribes loathed one another and simply did not get along. She then paused and said, “All five tribes participated in yesterday’s raid on Sandpoint.” She told of other goblin attacks within the past 24 hours as well, including a local farm that had been burned to the ground just this morning.

Something new was in the area and organizing the goblin tribes into a single cohesive (for goblins) unit. Someone or something that instilled fear and awe into the “weeds that bite”, as Shalelu called goblins, was controlling them.

The sheriff chimed in and said that because of the change in goblin behavior and the threat it posed to Sandpoint, he was leaving for Magnimar that day to hire additional guards. He noted how the locals had come to know and respect us for or help in the battle, and the mayor asked that we keep a high profile presence in Sandpoint while the sheriff was gone to keep watch and help maintain calm.

We agreed to help, and then shared what little information we had gleaned from the Sandpoint attack. Shalelu agreed to help track the north-west bound group. And so just a few hours after having left the goblin trail we were back in pursuit, with Shalelu in the lead and Kyras lending assistance.

The trail continued through the woodlands, making for the highlands known as Ravenroost, and the Tickwood forest beyond. As we neared the feet of the highlands Shalelu paused and said that the trail split there. One track led south to plateau called the Devil’s Platter, where one goblin tribe lived, and the other track led north back toward the road.

We opted to follow the northern track, reasoning that the group heading south was returning to its tribe, while those that went north carried the coffin to its destination.

A short while later Shalelu paused again and said she saw human sized boot prints accompanying the goblins. We continued on for an hour or so more before Shalelu lost the trail in the dim light. We were near enough to the road that we pushed forward and set up a small camp by the road side, waiting to see what the morning light might reveal.

Kyras, Avia, Sabin, Rigel, myself and Shalelu all remained in camp while the rest of our party returned to Sandpoint to uphold our agreement with the mayor.

The twilight has come and gone, and the stars are out, playing hide and seek among the thin strands of cloud that sweeps overhead. The fire has died down to orange red embers which give little light, but ample warmth and comfort. There is just enough light to write by, and soon we will fall into the nightly routine of rest and watch.

Moonday, Rova 23, 4707; Lost Coast Road west of Sandpoint; Morning

The morning fire crackles hot and bright as we cook our late breakfast. We were up with the first crack of light, and Shalelu found the goblin tracks (plus boot prints) heading out from the woods and up onto the road. There they stopped abruptly. No doubt a wagon or carriage of some sort was waiting and picked them up. Whether they traveled east back to Sandpoint or west we could not tell: too many tracks led to and from the city for the The Swallow Tail Festival of two days past.

We will wait for our companions and accompany them back to Sandpoint, where we will continue our investigation as best we can.

Shalelu will leave us ere we depart, as she has her own business to attend to away south.

Moonday, Rova 23, 4707; The Rusty Dragon, Sandpoint; Late afternoon

On our way back into Sandpoint we checked out a couple of landmarks just in case they were being used as a hangout for the goblins or the goblin ringleaders.

First stop was The Old Light, a ruinous tumble of stone blocks perched upon a bluff overlooking the sea. Other than the wind rustling among the ranks weeds pushing up between cracked masonry, there was nothing there.

The next stop was Chopper’s Island, a promontory thrusting out from the ruins of The Old Light, and accessible on foot in all but the highest of tides.

As we stumbled about the island two of our native Sandpointians (Sandpointites? Sandpontonians? Sandpointers?), Nolin and Sedjewick, wove a tale from the local lore of the infamous Chopper.

During the late unpleasantness local wood carver Jervis Stoot went insane and killed 25 people, hauling their bodies back to his home on the “island”. There he gouged out their eyes and cut out their tongues to lay on an altar shaped as a monstrous, bird like creature. Chopper himself was found dead at the base of the altar, with his eyes and tongue missing.

From the description of the altar the creature sounded like a daemon to me, and I wonder if Chopper was really a crazed killer or an unfortunate victim.

The towns folk had burned everything to the ground and destroyed what hadn’t burned, and so there was little to find here.

Still, there is no way that Chopper’s murderous rampage could be unrelated to the fire that burned down the northwest half of Sandpoint, the death of Father Tobyn, and the disappearance of Nualia. Just how this all ties together is beyond me.

We drifted back into town, checking in the the guard, and then heading down to the Rusty Dragon for a drink and a chance to talk together about all we had found thus far, and to mull over the even longer list of unanswered questions we had uncovered.

We never ordered the drinks, for soon after entering the tavern an elderly halfling woman, who introduced herself as Bethana, came over to Kyras and begged for a moment of his time. She escorted us into a private room where she turned to Kyras and sobbed, “Mistress Amiko is missing!”

Amiko is the owner of the Rusty Dragon, and apparently the daughter of Lonjiku Kaijitsu, the owner of the Sandpoint Glassworks. There is a lot of odd family history that Bethana shared that included her disgraced brother, Tsuto; her mother, Atsuii, who died in a mysterious accident (some say murdered at the hands of Lonjiku); and the fact that for all but Tsuto Amiko had turned her back on the family.

Bethana became concerned when Amiko failed to return to the Rusty Dragon the previous evening, and so became alarmed this morning that she entered Amiko’s room and found a note written in the odd and intricate script from the far east. Fortunately Bethana could read the script and translated the note for us.


It was from Tsuto, Amiko’s brother, and he implicated his father in the latest goblin raid on Sandpoint and begged that she meet him at the family glassworks that evening.

We received permission from Bethana to search Amiko’s room, where it appeared she had left as if to run an errand from which she would shortly returned. The fact that she left alone and so quickly made it likely that the letter was from her brother, and she went trusting its authenticity.

We are heading over to the Glassworks to search for Amiko or any sign of her where abouts, and to see if there is indeed a connection between the goblins and Lonjiku Kaijitsu.

Moonday, Rova 23, 4707; Glass Street, Sandpoint; Early evening

It is dusk and the sky is quickly deepening from turquoise to cobalt. I take a few moments now to record what we have found in case I do not survive the night.

We arrived on Glass Street to find the Glassworks closed. Aptly named is Glass Street, because the factory dumps all of its broken glass onto the street before it, where it is ground to a round pebbly rubble by the passing of heavy iron shod wagon wheels and the tramping of countless workers heavy boots.

None the less, there are many sharp shards embedded in the road, and no children run bare foot up and down the road, nor do dogs or farm animals stray this way.

Rigel quickly scaled the side of the stone building and peered down into the shop below, where she saw from the ruddy glow of the forges more than a dozen goblins capering about on some mad mission of chaos.

Kyras slipped away to notify the town guard, and we have forced open a window that looks into the dark office of the glassworks.

Rigel is about to climb in and open the door so we may all enter and confront the goblin menace.

Olithar’s Journal — September 11

Mid Summer’s Day, the Road from Magnimar to Sandpoint

The sun has just set and the fireflies are dancing about us on this warm summer’s evening. I have met up with a small caravan and am traveling to Sandpoint with it, having bartered my services as a guard and general laborer for room on one of the wagons and meals. The lanterns have been lit, and the camp fires are glowing red and hot, with the evening meal nearly ready.

What better time to begin writing in the journal that Father Tyrion gave me upon our parting. I no longer doubt his decision to send me to away from the Temple in which I have trained all of these years to better learn about the world, and so better serve Sarenrae and my fellow man.

The day was as warm, almost hot, but still pleasant as my fellow travelers and I made our way up the road as it climbed out from the Yondabakari River Valley. Slowly we left behind the fields and pastures of my youth, and the umber smudge on the horizon that marked the location of Magnimar itself winked out from view.

Funny how leaving the place I have known all of my life has filled me with nothing but excitement and anticipation of what is to come.

Late Summer, Sandpoint

I can see that it takes some discipline to keep a journal… or at least to keep one up to date and relevant. I am afraid with the joys and distractions of the road to the wonder of my new home in Sandpoint, the thought of taking time to write about living when I could actually be living has kept me away from these pages.

I shall endeavor to do better in the future.

Home for now is the clerics’ cells built adjacent to the Sandpoint Cathedral, and while austere and humble, they provide more than enough comfort for my simple needs.

While Father Zantus is the high priest at the cathedral, there is a chapel for Sarenrae, Desna, Abadar, Shelyn, Gozreh, and Erastil. Father Zantus himself is a follower of Desna, and much of the public character of the Cathedral reflects that. A Desna celebration, The Swallow Tail Festival, will be used as part of the Cathedral dedication.

For the most part my tasks have involved helping prepare the Chapel of Sarenrae for the Cathedral’s official dedication ceremony to take place on the first day of autumn.

I have had plenty of free time to wander about the city and to get to know some of the local people and establishments. There is a quaint shop near the Cathedral, The Way North, that sells books and maps, and they also sell a nice little map of Sandpoint (drawn, from what I understand, by the Pathfinder Society) which I purchased for a silver piece.

I have annotated the map with numbers drawn onto some of the more significant points of interest, for which the following key should prove most useful.

  1. Cathedral complex (or where I call home)
  2. The Boneyard: the cemetery
  3. The White Deer: a nice high end inn — good hard cider!
  4. The Way North: book store and seller of fine maps
  5. Jewelry Store. The store keeper made me feel nervous
  6. Junker’s Edge: salvage yard
  7. The dung sweeper — he’s a half orc: pretty neat!
  8. Quink: specializes in engineering and Varsian history
  9. Locksmith (a real dwarf!)
  10. Garrison
  11. Town Hall (has a large meeting space)
  12. Armory
  13. Risa’s Place. Run by old Risa herself. Locals like it, but I felt like
    I wasn’t part of the crowd and so not very welcome
  14. Tannery. Fortunately the wind seldom blows up from the southeast!
  15. The Red Dog: the smithy
  16. Pillbug’s Pantry: medicines and potions — remember to stock up here
  17. Bottled Solutions: alchemical supplies. Smells odd, but kind of fun too
  18. Cracktooth’s Tavern: the pub for the theater crowd
  19. House of Blue Stones. This is an awesome monastery with really deep blue
    polished stones for the floor
  20. Sandpoint Glassworks. One of the big industries in town. The Kaijitsu
    family own and operate it: apparently they are from some far off land
    and brought the secret to exotic glass making with them
  21. Sandpoint Savories. Great brioche, but not crazy about the meat pies
  22. The Curious Goblin: book shop
  23. Sandpoint Theater. Never been there, but they tell me it’s nice
  24. Carpenter’s Guild
  25. Lumber Mill
  26. General Store. You need it, they got it. Mostly
  27. Turandarok Academy. Local school for boys
  28. Madame Mvashti’s House. A seer
  29. Grocer’s Hall
  30. Fine Clothing. Too rich for my blood (or money pouch)
  31. Wheen’s Wagons
  32. Flour Mill. Owned by the Scarnetti family, who according to rumor
    may practise not so ethical business practices with their competition
  33. The Hagfish. Popular inn for gamblers, but serves really good seafood
  34. Valdemar Fish Market
  35. Market Place (open air)
  36. Meat Market & Slaughterhouse. Owner likes to talk a lot. Says he met
    “Chopper” and got into an argument. Says chopper sliced off one of his
    fingers, but I wonder if he lost in plying his trade
  37. The Rusty Dragon. Main spot for out of towners. Good place to watch
    people and listen to tales
  38. The Goblin Squash Stables. Run by Daviren Hosk who really, really hates
    goblins. Has a pickled goblin chief inside. How can you not like him?
  39. The Two Knights. Brewery and distillery
  40. The Sandpoint Mercantile League. Shipping and transport
  41. The Sandpoint Boutique. General store
  42. Fat Man’s Feedbag. Attracts a rough crowd. Best to avoid
  43. The Pixie’s Kitten. Independently owned and operated
  44. The Feathered Serpent: incense, spices, relics, artifacts
  45. Hannah’s: Midwife and healer
  46. The shipyard
    South across the river:
  47. Valdemar Manor
  48. Scarnetti family residence
  49. Kaijitsu Place (cool looking from the outside)
  50. Devron Manor (the Mayor’s home)
    Last Day of Summer, Sandpoint

Sandpoint is filled to near bursting with visitors who have come to witness or participate in the official dedication of the Cathedral. Most of the inns are full, and people are letting out rooms. The pubs and inns are now always packed at meal times, and crowded at all hours of the day. There is a general air of excitement and anticipation in the town that I find almost intoxicating.

It has been a busy past few weeks as we at the Cathedral prepared for this big event.

Avia, a paladin of Sarenrae, has arrived and has been helping out as well. Like most of the other paladins I have met, she seems to be reserved and a bit unapproachable, but maybe she’s been too busy to socialize.

Tomorrow the dedication ceremonies will run all day, with the mayor, sheriff, Father Zantus and other dignitaries all giving speeches. Food and beverages will be provided by the local inns, and at the end of the festivities Father Zantus will conduct the Swallow Tail Festival itself. There is a covered wagon filled with thousand upon thousands of butterflies awaiting release as part of the festival.

I hope I can sleep with all the excitement!

First Day of Autumn, Sandpoint — early afternoon

It has been a most dramatic day so far, with the enthusiastic crowd gathered in the square before the Cathedral.

On a side note, local hunter Kyras, who provides much of the game to the local public houses and inns, is gathering a party to take on a large hunting expedition for the next few days. He has asked Avia and I to come along, and we have agreed. Kyras knows of a large family of wild boar in the woods to the northwest, and we are planning on bringing back as many as we can catch.

While Kyras’ incentive is mainly profit, the local eateries have nearly exhausted the town’s food supplies for the dedication events, and so bringing in additional meat will be welcomed gladly.

We are to meet at the White Deer tomorrow afternoon and head out for a few days until we fill two carts with our catch. I look forward to testing my hunting skills, and exploring the area around Sandpoint.

Kyras has gathered an eclectic group of people to join him on this little expedition, and I had a chance to talk with them today.

Sabien is a half-orc (again, how cool is that) who wields a hefty double bladed ax.

Nolin is a human from Magnimar who wields a sword.

Rigel is an archer, and so she shares that skill with Kyras’ himself.

Avia is skilled with the sword.

I use the scimitar, of course.

I believe a local bard named Sedjewick was interested in coming along, but more so to hear (or witness) tales of daring do which he can immortalize in song.

Food and drink are now being served, and at sunset the official dedication will take place.

First Day of Autumn, Sandpoint — early evening

Sandpoint is in an uproar, the Festival of the Swallow Tails in tatters, and the Cathedral dedication incomplete.

Just as the Festival was beginning we were invaded by a host of goblins.

At first we only heard screams coming from the outskirts of the crowd gathered in the square, but soon we saw hordes of these skittering, gibbering vermin racing about the place, slaying whatever was small and in their path.

Quickly we “hunters” launched a counter attack, joined by Sedjewick and one of his friends, Trask.

A wagon burst into flames as even more goblins charged in as the panicked crowd surged away from the main thrust of the goblin attack.

We engaged perhaps a half a dozen of the little beasts and managed to slay them one by one when perhaps a dozen more charged in from either side. While the little bastards are small, they are fierce, fast, hard to hit, and like to gang up on their opponents.

We managed to slay this lot as well and take stock of our group and the surrounding area.

Trask lay dying on the cobbled stones. Smoke, screams and the sound of battle wafted up from the south. The Cathedral itself was protected by a squad of clergy, including Father Zantus, and the bulk of the town guard had charged south into the heart of the town.

I managed to stabilize Trask just as Father Zantus ran up and healed most of our seriously injured. Nolan suggested we head south into the main fray when we heard more screams for help from the north.

Leaving a seriously injured Kyras at the Cathedral, the rest of us ran to the north, where we saw a rather large goblin mounted on a hideous dog-like creature (I thought it looked more rodent than canine) being held at bay by a large hunting dog, its master hiding nearby behind a rain barrel.

The poor dog was killed just as we arrived, and a troupe of goblins ran out and began feasting on the dog’s corpse.

We immediately attacked, slaying both the dog like creature and the chief goblin the rode it. The other goblins were also slain, and so after receiving the thanks from the frightened villager, we returned to the Cathedral to see where else we might be needed.

While most of the fighting had subsided, many buildings were in flames, and my new found friends and I helped to extinguish them.

By this point in time the rest of the goblins had either been slain or driven off, and so we went back out with Kyras to see if we could discover from whence the goblins had come.

Oddly enough, although it was apparent that the main force of goblins started attacking in the southern part of the town, there were no signs that they had used any of the bridges to the south or even the east to gain access to the core districts of Sandpoint.

Even more odd were the prints of a few dozen goblins that had entered the northern gate and made its way directly to the cemetery. There the fiends had broken open a tomb and robbed it of all its remains and its possessions. The name on the tomb was Tobyn.

Even I recognized that name: Father Tobyn was the high priest of the old Sandpoint Chapel, which had been burned to the ground during the “late unpleasantness”. Father Tobyn had burned with it.

We then wondered about why the northern gate was unlocked and unguarded, and so we tracked down the sheriff, Hemlock, and told him what we had found. Hemlock was most distressed to hear that the gate, which should have been both guarded and locked, was neither. He checked the work sheet for the day and found that nobody was listed for gate duty!

We pointed out that the attack was obviously an inside job, and was most probably intended as a distraction so Father Tobyn’s tomb could be plundered.

But why?

And from where did the bulk of the goblins appear from?

To help answer the latter question I asked Kyras to find some trained bloodhounds in the area and use them to back track the path of the marauding goblins to its source.

I am now waiting for Kyras to return with the dogs.
