Category Archives: Journal Entries

Journal entries for the Jade Regent campaign

Character: Olmas

Annals of the Order of the Dragon

as told by the cavalier Olmas Lurecia, himself.

Oathday, 23 Desnus

After a few more questions, we knew a bit more about the bandit problem.  There was a stronghold some fifty miles distant that at one time was a center of law in the area.  But times change, and the bandits had taken it over and made it their stronghold. The local daimyo seemed unable (or unwilling) to rout them.   Jiro mentioned that, should we be successful, there was a vault or safe that could only be opened by a member of the royal family, inside of which was another ancestral weapon.   Chances are good that after the orb’s actions, any of us could open it, but that’s fine – it will keep Ameiko’s identity secret a while longer while still revealing that an heir exists.  The logical choice to paint the target on his back, of course, would be me.  I carry the sword and the misdirection is one of the easier ways of keeping Ameiko safe.

Jiro had incomplete information about the bandits, but said from reports there may be at least one magic user among them.  Since the bandits regularly went out on patrol and harassed other residents, he insisted he stay behind to protect this group and others.  In fact, it was one reason he had not been able to personally fix this problem himself – he couldn’t be in two places at once.  Well, that, I thought, and the fact that ronin or not, he was still only one person and unless you’re talking squirrels, there’s a limit to how many battles he can carry on at once.

It’s only noon, and with some of us in Kali’s magic chariot, and some of us using windwalk we should easily be able to get there yet today.  Since windwalk is so much faster (less than an hour trip), those using it (Qatana, Radella, and Ivan) arrived first and did some scouting.  Since the windwalk spell had the capacity for one more, Qatana included me in the spell but I travelled with the chariot on the thinking that while it seemed reasonable to split the group for a short time, it didn’t seem reasonable to put all the fighters into one group.

The scouting revealed there were two high lookouts which would easily spot (and probably attack, by bow) anybody approaching by ground.  But if it’s one thing we’ve learned through Ravenscrag and the oni prison in the woods and countless other incursions – it’s always better to skip the front door.  And people often don’t look up.  The plan will be to observe when the shift changes and take over a lookout right after it changes, so that we have the maximum time before the incursion is discovered.

Beyond those lookouts set away from the main base, there appears to be a courtyard and structures which may be built into the surrounding cliff.  It is possible that we can enter right from a lookout if the stairs there enter the complex.

It got dark about 7:00.

Fireday, 24 Desnus

The watches tend to run about 5 hours, but tend to run longer during the day.  Sunrise was about 4:30am, and we’ve now decided to attack after the midnite shift change.  Which means we’ll be waiting almost 24 hours for the “right” time. It’s not my first choice, but so far as we know there’s no particular urgency so it’s not worth arguing over.

During the day we kept a low profile and saw one party of bandits return and another, separately, go out.  They clearly are still active but not with such frequency that we’d run into any when we take out the lookout.

Kali is preparing Nehali with a thunderstone or two in case we need a diversion; she can airdrop them over on the other side of the compound and the hope is that the bandits will split their resources to deal with that.  It’s unlikely they will find, let alone hit, Nehali at night with spells or arrows but her instructions, nevertheless, will be to drop and go.

Starday, 25 Desnus

And sure enough, midnite found Zos, Radella, and Ivan sneaking up on the southernmost outlook post just a few minutes after the shift changed.  It took all of six seconds for the lookout to be relieved permanently of his duty, and the rest of us ready to rush in were not necessary.  The burned and pincushioned body was placed to one side, and the team entered.

The lookout was small, with a descending stairway.  We went down to a large room that had water running through it – we think it is part of the stream we observed earlier when scouting – and was a trifle surprised to find nobody there.  The previous lookout had, fortunately for him, apparently continued and had perhaps left the area.  Oddly, there were carpentry tools on a table and an elaborate wooden chest in one corner yielded, after some manipulation by Radella, additional items one might find with a master carpenter.

[626] MW carpentry tools
[627] 2 sacks of shellac flakes
[628] ivory palm box
[629] 2 applications of slipperiness salve inside 628
[630] 3 oz of sovereign glue in bronze flask

There were stairs here going up (not to the lookout post) so up we went.  At the top we paused, and found basically a storeroom, with bales and boxes of things – but with a door to one end.  Listening at that door, we heard snoring. Ivan quietly opened the door, looked inside, and indicated “many”.  Kali got a strange look on her face, smiled, and stepped forward.  We all knew what was coming next – cloudkill!

As the cloud spread over about 60% of the room, we could see that while many were sleeping, three others were near the center of the room, standing, and talking quietly. They obviously reacted to this opaque cloud but before they could take any action beyond gaping, Kali cast another spell and suddenly they were surrounded by a wall of ice that reached almost to the ceiling.

Now of course while the cloudkill could have an impressive effect over a large area, it also made the area unapproachable by most of us since it was both poisonous and opaque.  Ivan seems to have a constant delay poison going on so he could move through it, but he also prefers archery and when you can’t see anything until it is right next to you, that’s not optimal.

Most of the bandits had to get themselves out of bed before they could even attack, and even then many had to try to run out of the cloud.  The surprise and even a brief exposure to the cloud certainly counted in our favor, and although it took longer than our “battle” with the lookout, it still took a surprisingly short amount of time. Qatana threw in an aura of madness, always a crowd favorite, as her contribution to the magicks.  One disappointing side effect of all this was that one bandit managed to sound an alarm by throwing a thunderstone out the window, which resulted in a large boom.  We were a little concerned but then we heard, from outside, another, more distant boom.  And it occurred to us – Nehali had dropped hers!  We’d intended it be a distraction, but we had no way of knowing that thunderstones were the alarm signal – the whole compound would now think there were intruders from multiple directions!  If we had to be discovered, this was the way to do it!!

I and a few others were injured during battle, of course, but never really near death.  We healed up using the CLW wands and took inventory:

[631] Scimitar (magic)
[632] composite short bow (magic)
[633] breastplate (magic)
[634] shield (magic)
[635] 20 arrows
[636] 5 whistling arrows
[637] dagger
[638] spear x 15
[639] studded leather armor x 15
[640] kokuri x 15
[641] oil x 15
[642] potion x 15
[643] thunderstone x 14
[644] MW composite longbow x 15
[645] 40 arrows x 15

We’ll identify these things later; we have to keep in mind that an alarm HAS been given and we can expect that sitting still too long will reward us with an attack, eventually.

It made me wish I could just go outside and see the confusion!  But first we had to clean up in here.  We took out many of the weakened bandits before the enclosed ones

Character: Kali

Kali’s Journal, Desnus 23 – 24, 4713

Desnus 23, 4713 (early afternoon, Osogen Grasslands)

Finding Jiro’s camp was so easy we practically stumbled into it. After several hours passing farm after farm and village after village, each one looking more and more like the one before it, I thought we’d be stuck wandering out here for weeks. But the funny thing about rebel armies is that they have to train, and you just don’t see many farmers practicing in their fields with bows and arrows. Not dozens of them, anyway. In the same place. All at once. So you might say this kind of stood out. It really was as ridiculously easy as Miyaro had suggested: follow the river and look around.

Part of me wonders if it’s wise for them to hold military-style drills like this so brazenly, even up here in the north. But there is, I suppose, the notion of hiding in plain sight. With bandits plaguing this region, and an unsympathetic (if not outright hostile) daimyo overseeing it, people do need to protect themselves, their families, and their homes. How unusual would it be for a ronin and samurai to help teach the common folk to defend themselves? Aren’t there stories of ronin wandering the countryside, saving villages from threats both mystical and terrene? What better cover could they have?

Their drill sergeant, Hatsue, is a serious if not humorless woman who is not one for idle talk. Figuring we had the right place—because how could it not be?—we stopped and watched them practice for a while. Eventually, she figured out that we weren’t going to leave, which I am sure she didn’t find suspicious or alarming at all, and started walking our way. That’s when Olmas and Dasi rode out to meet her.

I had no idea what they were saying to one another, and was just wondering what version of the truth she was getting when Olmas waved me over. So I guess it’s the merchant story, then?

I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve spun these lies. Enough that I can almost believe them myself. I don’t even have to try to be convincing anymore. All that mastery was lost on Hatsue, though: she was quickly distracted by my naginata, which I had very deliberately brought with me. She kept glancing at it while I spoke, and I could see that moment when recognition dawned. What can I say? I like to save time.

“How did you come across that?”

I let Dasi answer first. “We discovered a hold in the Forest of Spirits. We investigated, and found it deep inside.”

Then I added, “We took it from a ja noi oni that was living there.”

Hatsue was not exactly impressed. “It was obviously stolen by the oni, and it should be returned to the noble house that it belongs to.”

And there’s the rub. We know the noble houses are all extinct, save for the Amtatsus. And I said as much, leaving out the latter, crucial detail of course. “How do we return it to a house that no longer exists?”

Hatsue answered that the daimyo here would be the appropriate owner, but her eyes kind of clouded over and her expression hardened as she said it. I was not in the mood for bullshit so I called her on it. Lacking a good answer, and somewhat taken aback by my impeccable social graces, she suggested we meet with her commander, the one and only Hirabashi Jiro, and discuss the matter.

I think I am making this sound worse than it really was. Honestly, she was just suspicious: of us, our intentions, and I suppose even our story of the Forest. I would be, too, in her position. Given how abruptly her day had gone from routine to peculiar, I was impressed she held her composure.

That may have something to do with her dedication to Irori. It took only a few minutes with her to figure that one out. I mean, I would know, right? She had the kind of discipline that only comes from the constant study and training. The kind I wasn’t capable of, myself.

I was surprised to see a Shogi board set up in the command tent. There are countless variations of this game around the Inner Sea: Chanturanga, Samanty, and Senterej come to mind, so naturally it caught my attention. When I asked about it, her whole demeanor changed and we kind of got lost in a discussion of rules, play strategies, and even her game in progress. Clearly, I had found her passion. We were still in the weeds when Jiro entered, glanced over at us, and then shook his head while muttering something under his breath. I don’t know what he said, but it was clearly the manner of someone who had seen this scene play out dozens of times before.

We gave Jiro a more complete version of our story, including the tale of the Amatatsu family fleeing across the Crown of the World to safety, and the surviving heir to the throne. You might say that he was skeptical, the way one might say they like breathing. I was half-expecting him to laugh in our faces. Then Olmas pulled out Suishen—who of course remained stubbornly silent because that’s just the way it is—and that changed the tone gods-be-damned fast. Just wait until you find out who Ameiko is.

After a long silence, he said, “You seem to be collecting ancestral weapons.”

I wisely didn’t say anything. The first two responses to enter my mind were unlikely to move the conversation in a positive direction.

He took our measure by giving us a thought experiment of sorts: A samurai, loyal to her daimyo, is brought before a peasant. She is given two blades, and ordered to test them and see if they can behead a man in a single stroke. What is the honorable thing for the samurai to do?

The obvious answer, of course, is to refuse to obey, and leave the service of her daimyo because honor does not trump morality. But there is also the peasant, who is presumably an innocent man, whose life is now in danger, and who the samurai has also sworn to protect. So she must ensure his safety, which may mean killing her daimyo in defense of the peasant’s life.

Of course, real life isn’t this simple. In Ordu-Aganhei, the Prince did something very much like this, and no one stepped up to stop him. Why? Because they feared for their lives, and their family’s lives, and probably the lives of anyone they knew. So an act of defiance may have repercussions far beyond your personal exigency.

Zosi pointed out that, in an honor-bound culture such as Minkai, such actions can stain your family for generations. In which case the correct answer is for the samurai to kill the daimyo to protect the peasant, and then herself to preserve her honor. Except, again, in the real world I don’t think it’s this simple. Honor isn’t a shield. There’s no guarantee your family won’t be punished just because you did the favor of punishing yourself. And “death” and “death with honor” both start with “death”.

Jiro and Hatsue fell on different sides of this debate. Hatsue was all for killing herself to preserve her honor, while Jiro took the more reasonable stance that a dead man can’t help people. It’s probably an old debate between them, just rehashed with fresh voices.

It was a lively discussion, but it did little to convince Jiro that we could produce an heir, or rally anyone behind us in a march on Kasai. So, as I had predicted, he’s asked us to prove ourselves and our commitment first. I wonder how often this is going to happen. Is everyone we meet between here and the Five Storms going to demand we do them some favor? It will be an endless chain of “just this one thing”.

Desnus 24, 4713 (morning, ravine near the Kosokunami River)

We’ve spent the last 12 hours camped in a dense region of the woods away from the fortress the bandits have occupied, under cover of a spell that suppresses our light and sounds so that we don’t attract attention. The ones who came here by Qatana’s spell are also taking turns scouting the fortress, keeping an eye on the guard changes and any new arrivals (or departures). Unless something significant changes, we’re going to take it tonight—or more precisely, early in the morning—after the owl shift comes on duty.

Jiro calls this place Seinaru Heikiko. Apparently it was built by his ancestors generations ago, and they served one of the royal families. He wasn’t forthcoming with a lot of details, like what it’s doing in the hands of bandits, which is a sign that either either doesn’t know or doesn’t want to talk about it. My guess is it’s the latter. But it’s still a good question. We’re told they’ve since renovated the place, repairing and reinforcing some structures so that it would serve as a suitable fortress for themselves. A quick look when we got here confirmed that. As long as you were trying to approach from the ground, you’d be hard pressed to make it inside.

We won’t be approaching from the ground. Do this right, and we’ll make it inside without making a sound. Whether we can keep it that quiet remains to be seen, but the farther we can go without raising an alarm the better.

I can’t help but draw parallels to Ravenscraeg. The cliffs of this ravine are less intimidating, and the fortress itself is on the ground, but there’s enough in common to put them in the same category. It’s yet another “break in to the fortress in the middle of the night” deal, made easy by their defensive strategy which is seemingly based on a frontal assault on the ground. In another life, maybe instead of attacking we could sell them a better security plan.

Why is this even necessary? Apparently, the daimyo here is a real piece of work, which explains why the normally-disciplined Hatsue had trouble hiding her contempt. These bandits operate here, and grow in strength and numbers, because literally no one is stopping them. Which means the daimyo has given them tacit permission to do as they please. It’s a good way to keep the people living in fear, and probably to also keep them from organizing.

Part of me thinks the daimyo is going to have to go, too. That’s pretty seditious of me, but isn’t that why we’re here? Mom would say that politics tend to be local, and that average person is more concerned with living day to day than who sits on some throne. If that’s true, then solving their immediate problems here might build the support Ameiko needs. This is obviously Jiro’s theory as well.

We may get more than just good will out of it. Jiro says there’s a vault of sorts somewhere inside and that vault can, supposedly, only be opened by a member of a royal family. Take the fortress and open the vault, and we’ll be proving to Jiro that we can produce an heir of the Amatatsu family. That would give Ameiko more than just public support: it’d be giving her legitimacy. Of course, Jiro doesn’t know that there are, in fact, six of us that can do that (ten, if you count Ana, Etayne, Sparna and Kelda), but I don’t see the need to concern him with this pesky detail. Especially since we’d then have to explain it, and I am not sure I’m ready to go there. Maybe we’ll test it first to see if it works and to avoid any potential public embarrassment (dad would call this a “soft opening”), then bring Ameiko and Jiro over for an official unveiling.

Zosi is making some thunderstones for us. I want Nihali up on one of those rooftops tonight, ready to drop a stone or two if we stir up trouble. A little added confusion might help us out.

Character: Ivan

Ivan’s journal, Irori 5 23

A new day and a new challenge from Irori. This new challenge goes by the name of Hatsue .Of course this could be a common name in Minki so it may not be a unique name but I have a feeling that if Irori wants me to interact with her then she is probably a unique person. The fact that she didn’t say anything when Omlas butchered the language tells me she may be forgiving of strangers so there is hope that she won’t get too mad when I ask her about Iroir.

All through the conversation with the Ronin I watch Hatsue so that I could make my decision on her. Her passionate outburst claiming unquestioning respect for her master made my decision easy. She is someone worth knowing.

I still don’t know what Irori expects of me but I have decided that killing her is something that I will not do.  Didn’t Kali dress as a follower of Irori when her and Dasi teleported to town to sell stuff? The fact that Kali was willing to impersonate a follower of Irori probably means that she irori would likely not be the type of god to have someone killed. Is Irori a female or a male god? People tend to think knowing the gender of there gods is important but either way they are still a god. At least for today I can avoid that “are you stupid” look from Kali by putting off the question until another day. Hopefully Dasi or kali will refer to Iroir as he or she and thus I won’t have to ask.

So now I have to figure out how to talk with Hatsue about Irori or talk with her to figure out what Irori wants. The direct approach is the simplest but I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought that the whole idea was crazy. It would be for the best if I wait until we return from the fort. Maybe then there will be some good will and she will be willing to at least listen.  I wouldn’t blame her for ignoring something coming from some seemingly random goddess.

I wanted to go adventuring to meet interesting people and whether she likes it or not Hatsue is next. I don’t think she would try to kill me over this but it still could be painful. Building the bonds of trust with Hatsue likely will not be easy and we may each need to demonstrate we are worthy through actions. I don’t yet know what action will make her worthy in my eyes but then again I am also not sure what will make me worthy.  So help me if she wants to do I Kali type discussion on the topic I may just not help her. I have faith that this will be settled in a more physical or brutal manner.

I have to tell the others about the mission from the god Irori even if they don’t believe me. I will leave out the discussion that testing our faith could be brutal, don’t want Kali to have a brain aneurysm.

I have some thoughts about Hatsue that may explain why I am supposed to be connected with her but I need to talk with Jiro first. I don’t want to risk these pages falling into the wrong hands so I will keep my theories to myself. I suspect that I am completely wrong but it might explain some things.

Jiro provided us with a test questioning the honor of a Daimyo. I let the knowledgeable ones take the question because it didn’t make since to me. How could it be honorable to follow such an order from the Daimyo if this goes against your god. Maybe the point was for the Daimyo to feel like a god. I am not sure I fully understand the whole kill yourself for honor thing. But if it saves retribution against the family then I guess that makes some since. The problem again is that those in power are abusing it.


Jiro told us about a special room that holds his family sword that can only be open by a member of the royal family. This brings up so many question such as why was it locked up? Is this one of the royal ancestral weapons? Do have to give it back? Is Jiro planning to cut someone in half with the sword? Is Jiro the kind of honorable man that Amieko would be interested in? I wonder if the kids would look more like her or like him? Is Jiro already romantically involved with Hatsue? Somewhere in the back of my mind I could since that Sparna is listening to my thoughts and rolling his eyes.  I am sure that Sparna wasn’t really listening but he surely would have told me to keep this to myself.

Finally I was able to experience windwalk. Not a bad spell but may not be good in bad weather.  I think there is a different spell that works like teleport that would be better for me. I just have to wait to see if the gods decide to give it to me.  Although he gods tend to give me what I need instead of what I think I want.

We hurried to arrive at the fort and scouted out the area around the fort. Looks like the ability to fly greatly simplifies attacking the fort.

After spending a day scouting we finally proceeded to capture the fort.. With sneaking I worked to improve my skill so that someone could always sneak forward with Radella. Zosi clearly demonstrated that his natural skill with sneaking is far better than mine. If we can make it better with enchantments than it may be time for me to hand over protecting Radella’s back to Zosi on sneaky missions where more than two is not reasonable.

With the guard in the makeshift tower dead we were able to move forward. Apparently Olmas decided that sneaking wasn’t necessary any more. Down the stairs we came to a room with 3 sleeping guards. I suggested that we slit their throats expecting to get objections to attacking helpless people but Olmas charged into the room and started beating on one of the helpless guards. The others followed suit and soon all the helpless guards were dead. All I had to do was just watch as they massacre the once sleeping guards.

Character: Qatana

Qatana’s Journal for Desnus 23 – 25, 4713

Oathday, Desnus 23, 4713 night
The Osogen Grasslands, Bandit Ravine

Although the bandit hideout was a full day’s ride away, we decided not to wait and head out immediately. But rather than ride our horses we opted for magical (and quicker) means of getting there — even though it meant splitting the party to do so.

Kali used a Phantom Chariot to carry most of the team, while I used Windwalk on myself, Ivan, Radella and Olmas (even though Olmas would travel in the chariot).

Once again my friends were thrilled by the rush of air as we sped over the land like clouds before a storm. “We have got to make a wand with this!” Pookie joyously chortled.

Because we arrived hours ahead of the chariot, those of us wind-walking scouted up the ravine where Jiro had said the old fort lay. The ravine itself ran south from the plains, its walls rising up to forty feet as we followed it from above. Presently we came across a large alcove in the western wall in which the fort had been built. We swooped in for a closer look, but kept at least sixty feet away — we may look like shadowy wisps of mist in this form, but we wanted to avoid any detection by visual or magical means.

A wooden wall sealed off the alcove from the ravine, with a large gate at the southern end and a bridge crossing a swift moving stream to the north. A pair of bandits stood guard atop the gate. And we discovered another pair of guards, one on either side of the wall at the top of the ravine.

Before we had left Jiro had said the fortress once belonged to his family, but it was clear the bandits had made updates to the fortifications over the years.

Several buildings lay within the wall with a couple of chimneys from which smoke spiraled up. We hovered about for a couple of hours, but saw no signs of other bandits before we had to head back north to meet the others. We did see an odd tree filled hollow just to the north of the fortress alcove, but could not tell if it was natural or man made. Although it was close to the bandit’s hideout there was no sign of any passage connecting the two.

We met the chariot just outside the ravine and I found a secluded spot where we could set up our camp, which Kali obscured using some misty disguise spell.

Fireday, Desnus 24, 4713 morning
The Osogen Grasslands, Bandit Ravine

In addition to keeping a watch over our camp we also kept watch on the fortress, and thereby learned how long each guard shift lasted and when they changed. A couple of bands of ne’er do wells arrived and left overnight, but other than these moments it was quiet.

We’ve made plans to infiltrate the hideout tonight, using the daylight to move quietly up along the top of the western ravine wall so we will be in position by midnight.

Starday, Desnus 25, 4713 very early morning
The Osogen Grasslands, Bandit Fort

A short time after the guard changed on the northern outpost Zos, Radella and Ivan snuck up on the lone bandit, who lay prone on the ledge looking into the the valley below.

A short time later he was still there and to all appearances still on watch, but he was quite dead. The rest of us moved up and followed a stairway carved in the rock wall down to a door.

I opened the door and the others rushed in, quickly and quietly killing a pair of sleeping guards.

Out from this small room another set of steps led down to the ground floor, which we followed to a large elegant wood working shop. Or at least that’s what it had been originally, but the thugs who lived here now were using it as a stable for horses.

“It smells like horse sh…” Timber grumbled, but was interrupted by Huffy’s exclamation of, “Pony poo!”

True, the place did have a barnyard air, but for now there were no animals present. We scouted around and found several valuable wood crafting items.

626 set of master work carpentry tools
627 two sacks of shellac flakes
628 ivory palm box
629 magic salve of slipperiness: 2 applications (inside 628)
630 bronze flask with 2 ounces of magical (sovereign) glue

A large set of double doors led in from the courtyard to the south and a smaller door from the west. A stairway led up. We took the time to bar the doors and then slowly crept up the stairs.

Star gazed around the upstairs room with unbridled battle lust. It was a large dormitory with a lot of beds on which many sleeping bandits lay. Beorn began to chuckle in a most disturbingly enthusiastic way before Pookie hissed, “Hush! There’s three of them still awake.”

And suddenly there was an ice dome in the center of the room, trapping the three bandits who were standing there. Kali smirked and moved in to survey her handiwork. We followed suit with the intent of quickly and quietly finishing off the sleepers.

“Ah, okay, I get it now, Star and Beorn,” I quietly murmured as I walked over to a slumbering bandit.

But the three bandits trapped in the igloo were still free to move about, and one of them began to bang on the floor. Uh oh.

Still things went mostly our way. Even when one of the bandits managed to toss a thunderstone out the window, setting off an alarm in our vicinity, this sort of worked to our advantage. Earlier Kali had set Nihali on top of the wall above the fortress alcove with the instructions that if all hell broke loose below she was to knock off a pair of thunderstones. And while the bandit’s thunderstone did set off an alarm, it was quickly confused by the sound of two more booms coming from a different part of the compound.

It took a while, but eventually we killed all of the bandits through a combination of cloud kill and martial prowess. It also helped that I shared Groetus’ love and plans for them and when faced with this soul shaking revelation a number of the thugs had turned on their brothers or stood still, drooling uncontrollably.

And still we heard no obvious response to the thunderstones. We’ve taken this time to gather the belongings of our victims… “Ahem”, Star prompted. Alright then, our fallen foes.

631 scimitar (magic)
632 composite short bow (magic)
633 breastplate (magic)
634 shield (magic)
635 20 arrows
636 5 whistling arrows
637 dagger
638 15 spears (magic)
639 15 suits of studded leather armor (magic)
640 kokouri
641 15 flasks of oil
642 15 potions (magic)
643 14 thunderstones
644 15 master work composite longbows
645 15 x 40 arrows


Character: Olmas

Annals of the Order of the Dragon

as told by the cavalier Olmas Lurecia, himself.

Fireday, 29 Pharast

We turned our attention to the double doors at the north. Radella performed her usual inspection for locks and traps and found none.  We had surprisingly little planning beforehand – surprising because we usually have a carefully orchestrated series of spells and buffs and a equally carefully choreographed entrance. We either getting better at this, or we are getting overconfident at this.

In this case, we were just better.  There were, still, six Sisters of the Broken Path in the room to protect her royal Leastness and they should have had some inkling we were coming.  Kali opened with some glitterdust that disoriented a third of them.  But Radella, Ivan (via air), Zos, and I all rapidly opened some wounds on them.  Dasi started singing and Qatana did that thing where she drives people batty.  Some of the ninjas immediately obliged.

Someone called out to keep one alive and I tried, but Suishen isn’t used to simply injuring enemies of the Crown.  In less than half a minute, five of the six were dead.  Dasi tried to interview the remaining one – tried to gain her confidence even – but on the heels of a significant whupping by the party, she wasn’t having anything of it.  Then to my surprise, Dasi gave her a sword and squared up opposite her.  I thought he was going to embarrass her by taking the sword back in midstroke and singing at her or something, but apparently he has some sword skill himself.  She was already near death, of course, but after trading a couple of blows he got through clean and honest and laid her down.

Reminds me we still don’t know everything about Dasi.

There were doors leading out of this room, but we still had possible danger to the south, so we turned there first.  But it turned out the only danger there was that some of our magic users would drool too much and dehydrate themselves.  It was a library with not just reference books but contributions from the Oni who’d lived there – and also the one who remained.  A journal of sorts started out nice and neat, and it noted when the Oni left, but having left Munasukaru behind, there was only one possible scribe after that.  The handwriting seemed to deteriorate with the state of her mind, and the last entries were barely legible scrawls.

There was also a jade plaque [613] commemorating the day when 99% of the Oni left.

After a half hour of library time, we returned to the north.  We anticipated meeting Munasukaru this time, so we did buff a little.  I asked Suishen for protection from cold, and we entered.

Munasukaru was poised over a bound figure – an arachnid similar to those we’d defeated several times before.  But it seemed to be alive yet, and Munasukaru was flaying it and eating the flesh even while it was alive and moaning.  For her part, Munasukaru cackled regularly.

Her first reaction was to drop the human form and fly into the air.  My air walk was still functioning so I nodded at Kali and she teleported me right next to her and I nailed her with a swing from Suishen (much to her discomfort.)  I swung twice more and hit, and saw that she was bleeding.  Zos tried to dispel magic on her weapon and seemed to have succeeded; she gestured with it and then briefly looked at it, a bit confused, before continuing.  Soon there was both izata and shadows fighting together – who could have seen THAT coming? – as Kali’s and Qatana’s summonings completed.

As with the six Sisters … the battle was over in under 30 seconds.  Injuries were mild on our side. She had called out something about Anamoron as she died; it sounded like she felt one of the Oni who’d left was pretty stupid.   Somebody told me later that there’d been more m’s in her scream (Anamuramoron I think) and she apparently had high thoughts of him.  I’ll bet he told her he was leaving the next day and he might not see her again and then left her hanging.  Or something; who knows how Oni work.

Suishen did tell me, after we’d killed her, that in the future I’d kill Oni easier.  Apparently another secret of Suishen had been that he was Oni-bane.  Can’t blame him given the history and all, but sure would have been nice to know earlier.  He apparently finds me highly acceptable now (my words, not his).

From Munasukaru and the sisters, we retrieved

[614] a naginata – Dasi recognized this as the Thundering Blade of the House of Sujamoto
It is a +1 thundering naginata that once per day can produce the effect of
a Shout spell by striking it on the ground.  It also imposes a -1 level loss if
you do not bear it with honor.  This is another royal house weapon.
[615] 9 screaming bolts
[616] MW repeating crossbow
[617] do-maru of broken flesh +2 – heals 4d8 + 9 and various afflictions once per
day, but also creates scars that cost you CON
[618] crystal ball
[619] clear spindle ioun stone (sustenance)
[620] ring of protection +2
[621] MW nunchuks (6)
[622] amulets of natural armor +1 (6)
[623] bracers +2 (6)

This was clearly the room the Oni had left from – our clerics said it radiated magic.  Around us, 20 golden figures in various expressions of agony indicated that the portal had likely been powered by torture and death.  It appeared to be sealed now.

With her quest completed, the spirit inhabiting Kali left – but not before bestowing upon her the knowledge of how to wield and expertly use a naginata.

Ivan sent a brief note to Ameiko, letting her know we had cleared the house of oni.  She replied the kami would leave immediately and be there as quickly as possible.

We had a quick discussion.  Given where we were we probably weren’t 100% safe, but the most present dangers seem to have been removed.  We discussed the various prisoners we’d discovered and freed that needed to be somewhere other than the middle of the forest.  We returned to the library, looking for value this time and retrieved

[624] antique gold lions ~3500gp
[625] hinged silver bracelet w/emeralds & turquoise – probably 1000’s of gp

Some of the documents seemed to indicate that Anamoron was obsessed with creating 1/2 human progeny so he could insert them into human society.  How worrisome – and I can’t imagine any part of that being consensual.

Zos used the flesh of our slain enemies – eeeyew – and some alchemical formula to create a treasure maps, to see if we’d missed anything.  These maps took hours to produce but ultimately didn’t lead us to anything more valuable than what we’d already found.

We returned to the surface, collecting refugees along the way.  The kami came quicker than I’d thought but then, this forest is their element I imagine.

We will set guards of course, but for the first time in a while, tonight our sleep may be both uninterrupted and quite restful.

Starday, 30 Pharast

The day seems brighter than I remember.

We returned to the magic clearing, and assessed all we’d found. We were running out of ways to carry all that we’d found.  I wish Kali hadn’t made us sell the extra bag of holding.  But the nearest town (Muliwan) is still pretty far away.  Kali will likely be the teleport master, and given the refugees we want to resettle there, she will be the teleport master for several days.  I’m looking forward to the rest here in the clearing so it doesn’t matter to – oh wait.


I just checked with Ameiko and she wants to go to town.  Which means there goes my rest.  I can only hope that one day will be sufficient for her; maybe I can relax on the other days.  I made the mistake of mumbling out loud and that gave Suishen leave to provide his sage advice about my duties and responsibilities. So I said to him, “What you’re taking so long to say is, it’s my duty as bearer of the royal sword to accompany her and prevent harm from coming to her.”

“Absolutely!” he proclaimed imperiously.

“Her safety – and really, at this point – her anonymity, is paramount,” I added.

“Paramount!” he agreed.

“You think there would be unnecessary danger if we were recognized?” I asked.

“It would be foolish if you did not change your appearance in some way.”

“Who do you think is more likely to be recognized in Muliwan – you or me?”

Suishen faltered and paused.

“I believe we will need to disguise YOU even more extensively than I.”

If it were possible to convey suspicion without a face, Suishen managed it. “What exactly did you have in mind?”

Koya had some very original ideas about how to modify and disguise Suishen’s scabbard, as well as, of course, his visible hilt, all of which involved some brightly colored fabrics and decorations.  At one point he suggested that an effort to hide him should involve a less flamboyant appearance, but I pointed out that attempts to hide him at the markets might draw attention to us as thieves or other kinds of troublemakers.  Only if he appeared to be a brightly colored prop – hiding in plain sight, as it were – would Ameiko be safe.  If I ever had to draw him, all of it would be for naught I imagine, but if I had to draw him I probably wouldn’t care.

For her part, thank gods, Ameiko smiled and fully agreed.  Suishen was as sullen (and silent) as a child caught stealing pastries the entire time we were there.  It made my disguise seemed all the easier to bear.  Koya couldn’t resist purchasing a brightly colored tunic and scarf for me.  I’d half expected this to happen, but I hadn’t expected the fabric to be so itchy.  I spent a fair amount of time scowling and ditched the scarf – er, folded it and put it away – when it was prudent to do so; the tunic touched less sensitive skin and I was able to wear it a little longer before doing the same. I hate “dressing up”.

Sunday, 7 Gozran

We have finished both our market and refugee duties and are leaving the clearing finally.  Oh, I forgot to mention we reunited the kami with his tree and he was quite grateful.  He told us if we continued to take care of it, we could take it with us on our trip and he would accompany us.  We could heal more quickly by sleeping near it.  Interesting.

Fireday, 26 Gozran

We’ve reached the river.  Ordinarily this would be an issue, but our magic users talked among themselves briefly and decided they’d simply create a bridge.  They’d done this in the city of the dead, but this seemed a larger bridge to make.  No problem for them.

It gave cause to chat with Miyaro about what we might find.  I was pretty sure we could not simply deposit the heir at the throne and expect the court to adjust.  She agreed – we would need to develop some grass roots support.  She had to be the people’s choice.  That may not be as hard as it sounds given the current state of much of the population but it couldn’t be skipped.  The people needed to know there was a viable alternative to the Jade Regent.

She has heard there was a ronin – an independent samurai – in the area who might be sympathetic to our cause.  Whether we could get his attention and support will be up to us.

Fireday, 17 Desnus

Today we emerged from the Forest of Spirits, and found ourselves entering what Miyaro called the Asogen Grasslands.  The area is sparsely settled and is part of northern Minkai, ruled mostly by northern barbarians.  Miyaro pointed out on our map where we’d be most likely to run into the ronin she mentioned,

Oathday, 23 Desnus

Near a river, we have come across a cluster of wooden huts.  The area seemed fairly inhospitable – this was not prime farmland nor did there seem to be an abundance of game.  Sharp hunting was probably important here, and as if to drive the point home, there were some youngsters training on bow and arrow nearby.  An older figure seemed to be their instructor – at least he was more imposing than any of his students.  Could this be the ronin?

But he was a she, and she noticed us observing his class, and came over to talk and check us out.  It was largely small talk with Dasi and I until Qatana blurted out, “we’re looking for the ronin.”  Sigh.

Hbesuta Hatsue, as she was called, recognized the royal weapon that Kali was carrying.  Still uncertain, she invited us in and sent off a messenger.  While we were hosted by her, a visitor arrived.

It was indeed the ronin, named Hiraboshi Jiro.  He slowly warmed to us and suggested that ridding a nearby fortress of its bandit inhabitants might both enhance our image and restore some hope to the people living here.

That, then, is what we will do.

Character: Kali

Kali’s Journal, Gozran 3 – Desnus 23, 4713

Gozran 3, 4713 (evening, Muliwan)

I brought the last of the rescued into town this morning and took them to where Dasi has been staying. He’s worked diligently over the last couple of days to get them all settled here, setting them up with the money we provided and, in the case of those who need it, people to care for them while they recover. He’s done well putting this all together. It helps that he’s charming, more or less native to the area, and a good judge of character. Normally, I’d worry about townspeople taking advantage of them after we left, but I don’t think that’s going to be a problem here.

Despite its small size, Muliwan seems to be the right sort of place for them. As a trading town, it’s got plenty of foreigners and none of the hostility towards them that seems pervasive on the plains of Hongal. It’s also far enough from Ordu-Aganhei to not be under its influence, and I don’t think I have to explain why that matters.

I’m spending the night here again because I feel like it. We’ve got over a month of travel ahead of us, and I’d like another night in a real bed before we go. That, and I want to be around people for a little while longer, the sort that are just going about life without some sort of mask on. You go outside here and talk to someone who says they are a baker and odds are pretty good that they’re just a baker. They’re not hiding a mysterious past or living some double life. You can almost feel like you’re normal when you’re surrounded by it.

Qatana asked if I could make a large tureen and some bowls in the usual Groetus motif. She’s setting up an impromptu soup kitchen in a couple of nights to help the needy and homeless here—human settlements are pretty much the same no matter what part of the world they’re in—so I said yes. I have often wondered what Shelyn thinks of this sort of thing. It’s not the first time, nor is it likely to be the last, that I’ve whipped something up in this theme. She obviously doesn’t disapprove as there’d be no question about that if she did, but that does not necessarily imply approval. Or maybe I am overthinking this. Maybe art is still art, even when it’s creepy, grinning skulls.

And then there’s Nihali. Am I flaunting my nonconformity? Heretical is probably a little strong, but entering a Shelynite temple with a black raven on my shoulder has to at least qualify as eccentric.

Gozran 7, 4713 (early morning, The Forest of Spirits)

Zosi looks nervous. We’re leaving for Minkai—again—in the next hour or two and his anxiety suggests he is not eager to go. He doesn’t talk a lot about hinmself or his life before joining up with us so I don’t have any idea what it could be, but clearly it’s not his first choice. Which means he more or less signed on with the wrong crowd. If we are successful, we’ll be there for a while. If not? We’ll be there a lot longer.

Gozran 27, 4713 (evening, The Forest of Spirits)

We crossed a major river today. It was a lot easier than that time we forded the Taraska at the Crown, when we had to find shallow waters, wait for low tide, and float the wagons across the icy river. This time we had the benefit of spells and literally built a bridge. It won’t win any awards for design, but it did the job.

So this is it. We’ll be out of the Forest in just a couple of weeks.

We asked Miyaro for advice, as just rolling through Minkai in a caravan so obviously not from this side of the world seems unwise. She suggested seeking out a band of ronin in the Osogen grasslands. It appears that the nascent rebellion has begun in the north, which makes sense since that’s about as far from Kasai as you can get.

Since Dasi is actually from here, and has lived under the Jade Regent, we asked him what he knew. He remembers Emperor Shigure coming to the throne, but being sent into hiding for his own safety when rumors of an assassination plot came to light. Most of the people in Minkai are waiting for him to return.

Of course, we know that’s not going to happen. We told Dasi about the visions we had in Brinewall when we found the Seal. To say he seemed concerned would be an understatement. He was probaby holding out hope, but I am convinced that, deep down, he knew. We just stripped away the veneer.

Desnus 17, 4713 (afternoon, Minkai)

After nearly ten months and some 9,000 miles of travel we have finally arrived in Minkai. The caravan emerged from the thinning forest into rolling grasslands.

There was this moment when I had a flashback to the visions from Brinewall. I was standing here, or somewhere very much like here, as legions of oni descended into the country spread out before me, storms raging overhead. It was a metaphor, obviously, but the view was real. The place is real.

Desnus 23, 4713 (morning, Osogen Grasslands)

Miyaro is guiding us to a series of farms and rice paddies near the Kosokunami River, just below they Kyojin mountains. The ronin Hirabashi Jiro is known to live here, and is potentially sympathetic to the idea of an uprising. That we’re somehow going to find literally one person in thousands of square miles of landscape strains credulity, but Desna is no stranger to Minkai so I’ll just have to trust that she’s laid the path.

We have passed a number of villages and farms, and with each mile they become more frequent and more populous. After so many months of isolation it’s a welcome change.

Character: Zosimus

Life Outside the Lab

Looking back upon the last few weeks I am both surprised and delighted that this group of adventurers seems to be able to function at levels that are closer to my expectations than the last group I was with. They are adequate, bordering on proficient. They have ample resources that I can entrust my laboratory to remain unmolested while we conduct field research.  They were both glorious and confounding at the same time.  The raw power of the brute to dispatch enemies is only offset by the flurry of lethal projectiles of their boy archer. If I could only bond my alchemical admixtures to his arrows if would be a sight to behold. For all their intellectual shortcomings these warriors and a few others provide a sufficient buffer the mania and hubris of some so that the entire mission is not at risk. I don’t think they understand how valuable they are when they act as a grounding source for the chaos introduced but the others. It is a shame that such paths to power have such a heavy toll on their humors. In the case of the one who speaks for Groetus their path to madness is ordained  and surprisingly tolerated by the others, I do not know enough about the teachings but what little I know foreshadows of difficult times. Their imbalance will need to be watched; such temperaments coupled with power often lead to dark magic and darker dealings. 

The great Oni proved.. disappointing.  She planned poorly, perhaps reflecting her own hubris in the underworld she built. Her own fixation of gluttony and sadism perhaps left her less than focused on the war coming through her front door. How many waves of servants did she dispatch that did not return and yet she turned her back on us. Such a foolish mistake to underestimate this party of adventurers. I was delighted to see her great magical spear fail thanks to my magic dampening elixir. To date it is the best field test of that effect and did not result in any collateral damage to my lab or my pets. She was foolishly influenced by romantic emotions for one who left and never looked back; such a callous leader,  I fear the conflicts ahead will pose more challenging as we move deeper into the homeland of my grandparents.  Anamurumon… she mumbled that name in a manner that leads me to believe it will be a fierce adversary; given they abandoned her here I suspect her demise will be of no consequence to them. 

As a gnome I have grown accustomed to the spoils of war going to others. Built by the bulky races for their bloated space consuming bodies I have come to rely upon my own crafting of my needs and with this group it was no exception.  I did take note of the more… grabby members of this group and their immediate claims of possession without discussion or consideration of what others may want.  It is something to keep in mind in the future should a bauble catch my eye that I truly wish to possess. Old urges die hard and I thought I left that life behind me; I need to remind myself of that. The ability for the Crazy One to store vast amounts of wealth is astounding; I am almost jealous of such capability and will someday need to design a way to replicate it. But before then I have plans and designs I hope to now have the wealth to implement. Secret doors will not again escape my view. I have nearly completed the design for a corpse sculpting fettling knife.  Now I need the skill to use it and a solution to such is also within reach. It will be glorious when done. I am very glad that the spirit tree landed in the hands of she who I call the Quiet Death; she seems somehow disconnected from the rest and her sacrifice to keep it alive should demonstrate to all she is the right one to carry it forward.

As we move deeper Into the land of my ancestors I fear their status as outsiders will bloom as a greater liability to the mission they are on. I had put that all behind me until the ronin posed the paradox of honor for the party.  As expected these outsiders were quick to dismiss the importance of service to a liege lord and family honor in their response. I fear if we let them speak for us in the wrong setting this will be our undoing.  The bard, he must be influenced to step forward and be the voice of this party the further we move away from their world. I confess, only to myself, I fear Minkai and the culture my family fled. I remember the scars on my grandfather where the chains held his hands and feet. I am preparing for the worst and keeping a readily available escape prepared at all times.  My grandparents fled this land as dishonored slaves; I will not end up back in servitude to another. 

Enough scribblings… I have a magnificent Gorgon that needs to be reawaken in my service…

Character: Qatana

Qatana’s Journal for Pharast 29 – Desnus 23, 4713

Fireday, Pharast 29, 4713 evening
The Spirit Forest, Beside the House of Withered Blossoms

There was no point in delaying, and faced with a door at either end of the corridor I picked north at random.

“Hey!” Pookie prompted.

OK, so not quite at random: Pookie had suggested north.

The room was of a good size, and decorated with exquisite paintings of various female oni, each bearing an expression of power and prestige. A door was in the far wall. But more pressing to us were the half a dozen Sisters of the Broken Path.

We did our usual thing, but with a subtle twist. Kali suggested that we take one of them alive for questioning. She said this in Tien and loud enough for the sisters to hear. It was a good idea by itself, but the added effect of us calmly discussing whether we would simply kill them all out right or pick one to save must have had some impact on the sisters’ morale.

In the end we had five dead sisters and one alive and tied. She was surprisingly arrogant and confident in herself, considering how quickly we had just slain her companions and subdued her. Dasi questioned her, but she was having none of it. She did let slip that Munasukaru was beyond the door before demanding an honorable end to her life.

Dasi complied and the two faced off in combat, but it was really more of a mock combat: something to tick off a box before she died. It was as if her god, whom I suppose she thought was Munasukaru, had a check list for entering heaven. “Died in combat, check.” What a pathetically feeble diety, and what an even more pathetic life spent in devotion to such a charlatan.

We were reasonably sure that Munasukaru was behind “door number one,” but there was the southern door to check out first. This was the door to the oni’s library, and it was filled with an amazing selection of books, scrolls, pamphlets, and what not. Radella and I spent a little extra time searching for secrets (nope) while the others perused the stacks.

Dasi found a jade plaque boasting that on such and such a date the Oni of the Five Storms escaped this prison.

He also found a journal, the bulk of which was written in a single hand. The last entry from this oni stated “Construction of the kimon is complete and with it the fate of Minkai is sealed.” The same author also went into excessive detail about the oni’s plans to turn Minkai into a pleasure center (for the oni) of debauchery and sin.

The journal entries after this were from Munasukaru, and start out sane enough, but over the years they became more unstable and the writing devolved from elegant script to child like scrawls.

It turns out that Munasukaru was not one of the oni that the kami had imprisoned. She showed up at the House of Withered Blossoms and demanded to be held captive. This is seriously wretched and indicated that she had (for apparently good reason) a significant inferiority complex. “Hey, lock me up too. I’m dangerous! Really I am.”

Apparently she had the hots for the head of the Five Storms, Anamurumon, but her love was unrequited. In fact the other oni held Munasukaru in contempt, referring to her as “the least,” and Anamurumon himself ordered that she remain behind to fool the kami while the others escaped.

After some time going through the library we decided it was time to face Munasukaru in person and end her reign of torture and terror. We returned to the ante chamber and Radella quietly opened the door and peeped in.

An old woman stood before a bed of nails, on to which one of the arachnids from above was lashed. The woman was carving flesh from the hapless creature and eating it as she cackled with glee. Further in was an enormous pit.

Radella closed the door and we prepared for the conflict, readying weapons and casting spells. We then rushed in and attacked.

It was over in seconds. “The Least” had lived up to her title to the very end.

“That went well,” Star drolly remarked as the oni collapsed to the floor in a very bloody heap.

We freed the arachnid whom Munasukaru had been torturing, but it was fairly insane. It had an undying hatred of all things hobgoblin. We told it we would let it go free as long as it avoided any humans it found on the way out. We also mentioned the village of hobgobs above, and it seemed quite excited over the prospect of killing them.

We collected the ex-oni’s possessions and then used Treasure Stitching to store all of the items from the library, leaving out the journal and a few other select items for later perusal.

From Munasukaru:
614 Naginata: +1 thundering pole-arm
Once per day wielder can strike the ground with effect of Shout spell
Royal historical artifact: imbues honor (negative level to those wielding it without honor)
615 9 screaming bolts
616 masterwork repeating crossbow
617 Do-maru of Broken Flesh: +2 armor (30 lbs)
Once per day as std action heals 4d8 + 9 plus cures ability damage, blindness, etc. — also functions as break enchantment
Creates visible scars (1d4 CON damage) each time the above ability is used
618 crystal ball (minor defect)
619 clear spindle ioun stone (sustenance)
620 +2 ring of protection
From the sisters:
621 6 MW nunchaku
622 6 +1 amulets of natural armor
623 6 +2 bracers of armor
From the library:
624 antique gold lions (3,500 gp)
625 hinged emerald and turquois bracelet set (6,100 gp)
Contents of the entire library

After looting the place we investigated the pit in more detail. At the bottom was a massive stone doorway in the rock wall, but it was part of the surrounding rock. All about the faux door was a score of golden humanoid figures, each posed in a moment of agony.

It still held a faint aura of conjuration magic from back when the oni used it to escape, and this plus what we had found in the journal confirmed that the oni had created a portal to flee. The golden figures were not just morbid decoration: part of the spell that created the dimensional gate required a particularly brutal and sadistic sacrifice.

Ivan used Sending to let Ameiko and the others know that we had killed the oni, and she replied that the kami were aware of it and were on their way.

We made our way back to the surface, taking the surviving refugees we had rescued on the way down with us. The kami were there, waiting as promised. We gave some basic gear to the survivors and the kami assured them of their safety in the forest.

Starday, Pharast 30, 4713 evening
The Spirit Forest, Kami Enchanted Circle

Our party then returned to the enchanted circle where the caravan had been waiting. There we reunited the little kami with his tree it had asked us to find. It was so happy that it volunteered to accompany us as long as we cared for the tree, and offered healing in return. It then merged with its tree and… there was just a tree.

We had accumulated a lot of valuable items over the course of the past few months, and now seemed like a good time to sell as much as possible and use the proceeds to equip ourselves for entering Minkai.

As easily as we had defeated Munasukaru we remembered that she was “The Least,” and quite isolated. The remaining oni would not be so weak or alone.

A trip back north to Muliwan was the obvious choice. Kali planned to use Teleport spells to bring much of our loot to the city in multiple trips, taking with her the survivors. I would use Wind Walk to make the same journey, which would allow Ameiko (and of course Olmas), Shalelu, and Koya to come along as well.

Starday, Gozran 6, 4713 evening

All in all we have spent a full week in Muliwan.

Kali helped me set up a soup kitchen to spread the word of Groetus to the needy and suffering on the eve of the Day of Bones. In honor of the festival I pulled my hair back into a pony tail and covered my face and hands in ash, and then used charcoal to draw a skull over my own face. Some of Groetus’ clerics in Magnimar covered their entire bodies in ash and danced naked through the streets of the city: prancing skeletal simulacra.

Beorn was all in favor of going all the way, but when I mentioned it to Kali she suggested that the worthies of Muliwan might not be ready for me to go full Groetus.

On the Day of Bones we visited the local Shrine to Pharasma and paid our respects.

The shopping trips worked out well for me, and I was able to purchase a more potent Rod of Extend and obtain enough materials to have my headband upgraded. And to keep Star happy I purchased a mithral breast plate that will be enchanted by the time we leave the forest.

The only downside of the trip is that my little friends now want to Wind Walk everywhere. “But seriously,” Takoda asked, “why slog around on the ground when you can zip around like zephyr?”

Sunday, Gozran 27, 4713 evening
The Spirit Forest

We left the kami enclave two weeks ago and as promised the kami have kept our way clear, thus progress has been good. Today we reached a large river and Ivan and I just used several walls of stone to build a sturdy bridge for our caravan to cross.

After all of the darkness of winter across the top of the world, and then passing under mountains, and then scouring the catacombs beneath the House of Withered Blossoms, it is mighty nice to be above ground with an open sky above and lengthening days ahead.

Miyaro spent much of the day updating us on events in Minkai. The Five Storms are in control, but they do so through a puppet figurehead, The Jade Regent. The last of royal family fled some years ago and so a regent was appointed to rule until his return. And so the people tolerate this ruthless dictator only because they believe, long and hope for the return of their missing prince.

Kali reminded us that one of the mental vignettes we shared when we found the royal seal was the murder of the prince. And so he’s not coming back, oni or no oni.

And so Ameiko really is the last royal heir to the Kingdom of Minkai. But simply showing up and announcing this will only get her (and us) killed. Miyaro suggested building a groundswell of public support for the return of the royal family before making our move.

Oathday, Desnus 23, 4713 afternoon
The Osoegen Grasslands

We left the forest some days ago and entered a vast expanse of grass and rounded hills. The horses were quite happy with the change and I think the spirits of everyone in the caravan lifted once we passed out from the trees.

Off in the distant south we could barely see the tips of snow covered peaks, which have grown progressively taller each day.

Miyaro knows of a ronan (a wandering samurai) who might be inclined to help us, but because part of his job was to wander, I wondered how much we’d have to wander before we wandered into him. “Wonderful,” Timber replied to that thought.

By mid-day we had reached a settlement on a river. Boys were training at archery and their instructor came over to see who we were, and if we posed a threat or were merely a nuisance.

There was a good bit of chit chat, but none of it going where we needed, and so I broke in and said, “We’re looking for the ronan.”

That caught her attention, and our host introduced herself as Hbesuta Hatsue and she invited us in a round hut (was this a yurt?) for some tea. Sometimes the direct approach is best.

We chatted for a short while before a man showed up, who introduced himself as Hiraboshi Jiro, the ronan. “Now that’s what I call a coincidence!” peeped Badger.

More pleasantries were exchanged, and more bushes were beat around. I stated that the weapon had could not stop staring at, which Kali was now wielding, was indeed a royal artifact from Minkai. Was he interested in helping the royal family return someday? He was at least now interested in us.

The direct approach. I think it might be one of the tenets of Groetus, just after “Don’t worry, be happy.”

He suggested we might build public support by helping out with a bandit problem the folks in the surrounding area had. The region was controlled by a despot (apparently now a requirement for public service in Minkai) who had little interest in helping the people. And so issues like bands of plundering bandits were beneath his concern (or most likely, were paying him off).

About fifty miles from the settlement the bandits had set up their stronghold in an abandoned fort. From there they set out on forays to loot and plunder the countryside, returning to the safety of stone walls to rest.

Jiro asked us to “do something” about the bandits.

“And of course we will!” Star said enthusiastically. “We always do,” added Pookie.

Character: Ivan

Ivan’s Journal Minkai or bust

With Munasukaru dead we were able to get the large group of victims back to the world above. It was slow going but we were able to get all of them back into the sunshine. The brute strength of Olmas and Radella is kind of scary. I watch as they carried the injured people across the dangerous areas with ease, If it were me I would have been worried about dropping them.

We have decided to give money to each of the survivors so that they can start a new life or get back to their old life. There were so many that it took Kali 3 days to teleport everyone to the nearest city.  Next I turned my attention to Kusatsu Yuka and putting her remains to rest. After a bunch of make whole spells her body and cloths finally shed the look of being torn apart. I did this not just for her but also for all those that now call the pit there tomb. I know that we have to focus on the living but a lot of common folk did not make it out of there. I suspect that for the ones that died in there it was probably a release from the constant torture. Everyone else but me, Sandru and the brothers went to the city so we made sure our guests were fed and comfortable while they wait for their turn to go to the city.

I wanted to go to the city with the others but deep down I needed time to myself to figure things out. It felt like if I went I may not come back. After the last of the survivors were teleported to the city I finally figured out that spending time with these people is what I needed. These are the kind of people that are going to be most hurt if the Oni win. I know if was only a couple of days but a lot of them shared their plans for the future. The talking seem to help them but the pain of those that did not make it out still seem to be a burden in their hearts.

The grove of the Kami is amazing. I spent hours investigating and at times just sitting in the dirt watching and listening. As much as I wanted to spend more time in the grove I felt as if something was pulling me forward to Minkai.

Koya and Amieko clearly had fun shopping. Their bright faces shown of two happy women. Shalelu and Olmas looked to be sporting new scarfs and they did not look happy about it. By the style and color I would guess that Koya picked them out. It wasn’t long after returning that both scarfs were out of sight.

I just learned that Sessi and grandmother are in Sandpoint.  In fact they have been staying with Abby for the last couple of weeks. It never occurred to me to use the crystal ball to view Sessi or Abby. It would have been nice to see their faces. From what I can tell from the sending spells Sessi and Abby are getting along very well. Apparently Koya’s journey inspired grandmother and she insisted that they not wait. I don’t understand why Sesi didn’t tell me she was going to Sandpoint, she just told me that her grandmother said that I needed to focus on getting Ameiko to Minkai. Grandmother said getting Ameiko to Minkai but said nothing about defeating the Oni. Is grandmother trying to tell me that my part ends when Ameiko arrives in Minkai?

Something doesn’t make since. I thought my sending a couple of weeks seemed like she was with her friend in Iqaliat.  How could she get to Sandpoint that quickly? There is an explanation for this but I just can’t see it. Some questions are just best not asked.

It has been a week since we left the grove of the Kami and this part of the journey has been peaceful but I just feel uneasy about something. The others seem to be going about their daily lives as normal, at least normal for a group heading to Minkai.  I feel like a bruised myself right on top of one of the god symbols.

The enchanting of Qatana’s armor has been completed. I was telling her that the armor looked to new and pristine for an adventure like her. We spent some time breaking in the armor so to speak and now this looks like the armor of a warrior. Thankfully Qatana didn’t seem to mind going along with my obsession in regards to metal armor.  She looks really good in this Mithril armor but she would look even more kick ass in something like dark Mithril, is there such a thing as dark Mithril? I was thinking about mice or skulls on the armor but things like that tend to scare people away.

It makes me happy to see Olmas, Redella, and Qatana each having a good set of armor.  I continue to struggle with weather or not to get a mithril breastplate but my role is to shoot arrows. If I upgrade to a mithril breastplate I don’t know if I can resist not picking up a big weapon and heading into melee. If the gods truly didn’t want me to be an archer then I would not be good at archery.

Today something seems to be different about Sesi. Her grandmother says that everything is fine but I just can’t shake this feeling. Abby seems to be fine so I have to wonder if I am seeing something that is not there. I have been having odd dreams about Sesi and that god symbol with the hand, Qatana says it is the symbol for Irori. Sometimes that symbol itches and other times it almost feels like I have a bruise right on the symbol of Irori. Good thing it’s not one of the symbols for the lustful gods as that would be more uncomfortable.

Thanks to Qatana I was able to keep busy working the next enchantment on my bow. Qatana providing the needed spell really help out and I always enjoy her company. Having to buy the materials for 9 true seeing spells really up the price on the enchantment but it just seems right. I always enjoy doing things with Qatana and her protectors.  I would not be surprised if Amieko and dealing with the Oni is just the beginning of our adventures together.

I still have the feeling that something is up with Sesi but she just keeps telling me that everything is fine and that we can’t control fate. Abby just laughed at this and told me that I have always been protective of the people I care about.

The forest has peaceful as Miyaro said it would be. I am glad that the Kami are on our side. I still don’t fully understand why the Kami created a prison for the Oni of the five storms instead of wiping them out. The only thing I can think of is that they were hoping that the Oni would change.

We have made it to the river. I thought building a bridge over the water would be a lot fun. Turns out that there is a lot more to bridges then just creating a stone path across the water. Luckily I seem to be traveling with some smart people. Truthfully I didn’t even understand half of what they were saying. The bridge safely allowed us to cross the water, not sure how many caravans will be taking this path in the future. I guess if Sandru leaves Minkai this could be a safe path, assuming Miyaro is his guide.

Wow it has been a couple of weeks since we crossed the river. Our travel has been peaceful. I have learned a lot about the forest from Miyaro

Kali says that we have just about reached Minkai. I have kept myself busy by creating and upgrading magical weapons and armor for my friends. It is odd to finally admit that I consider all of the friends.

For the record Miyaro is truly amazing. Her secret is absolutely amazing and it makes me mad that she feels that she has to hide it from stupid humans. I was really considering showing her the symbols the gods decided to put on me but it just seemed too creepy. I am not exactly sure how to explain them without sounding creepy.  Hopefully I have was able to properly explain to Miyaro that her abilities are amazing and that I am jealous of them.

Minkai! We arrived and nothing happened. Even the hand symbol has stopped bothering me. I remember Sesi used to talk about how interesting it is that a god picked a hand as his symbol. She would trace the symbol of the hand and talk about how interesting it would be to meet a followers of Irori. Come to think of it she even once asked if I would be upset if someday she became a follower of Irori. I had completely forgotten about that conversation but with what is going on I have to wonder if that means something.

Stepping foot into Minkai feels like the end of chapter one of a book. I spent some time taking in the sounds and smells of the area. Standing here I now get that Sesi was trying to tell me that I have to go were fate takes me even if I can never return. Worrying about it just makes me miserable. When did I start trying to go against fate?

Now we are heading to the camp of a Ronin named Hirabashi Jiro. This will be Amieko’s first test.  Dasi explained about Ronin’s so it should be interesting to meet Hirabashi. I am interested in talking to those that follow the Ronin.

It has been several weeks since Sesi or her grandmother have responded to sending. Abby says that they are no longer there in Sandpoint but now she seems odd. I tried to push it with her but she just told me to knock it off. Which in Abby speak means I am not going to tell you anything. She did tell me that it may be several more weeks before she responds.

I am not sure how I feel about my relationship with Sesi. It took me all this time to realize that her grandmother wasn’t the real reason she did not come along. As usual Abby kept feeding me clues until I figured it out for myself.  All of this still does not help me to understand what is happening.

This morning after our first night in Minkai I feel like some weight has been lifted off my shoulders.  Ameiko on the other hand looks a little tense this morning. I can’t imagine what she is going through. While I was there to cast beacon I reassured her that all your friends are here to help her. Bring stability to Minkai and defeating the Oni are worthy causes but you have to take it one day at a time.

I explained to Ameiko that scouting is relaxing and that I have been trying to figure out a way that she could spend some time away from the caravan scouting. Getting her away from the caravan without anyone seeing isn’t the problem. I told Ameiko that for this to work I would need her to figure out how we can do this without me getting into a heaping pile of trouble with the others.  So today I scout alone.

Night two in Minkai was the might of strange dreams.  The only thing I really remember is the hand symbol of Irori watching me and then suddenly the hand waved goodbye and disappeared. I guess that is a sign that I am not the right path.

Character: Kali

Kali’s Journal, Pharast 29 – 31, 4713

Pharast 29, 4713 (evening, the Forest of Spirits)

Munasukaru, The Least is dead, and with that the voices in my head have finally silenced. I’d grown so used to them that I was nearly startled by the stillness. As Munasukaru’s body fell to the ground, Yuka’s thoughts coalesced into a single, coherent voice: My tormentor is dead. I can finally leave in peace. And then there was nothing.

Almost nothing. I was staring at the naginata still clutched in Munasukaru’s lifeless hands, and I knew right then that I could use it. Yuka may have passed on, but somehow she left this macabre gift behind. I could sense the naginata’s balance, time it’s swing, see it flowing and dancing around me as it cut and sliced…and I wanted it. And now that we know what it is? I want it even more.

How exactly did Munasukaru come across one of the ancestral weapons? That’s probably another entry on our list of mysteries that will never be solved, though I suppose in this case the “what” is more important than the “how”. Dasi examined the symbols engraved in the naginata and said they identify the House of Sugimatu, one of the five imperial families of Minkai. Like Suishen, the naginata even has a name—The Thundering Blade—though unlike Suishen, it can’t talk. Which, as far as I am concerned, is a point in it’s favor. One talking ancestral weapon has been more than enough.

I am holding on to it. For now, anyway.

Munasukaru, The Least. They actually called her that. The oni kept a library of sorts, shelves filled with everything from carved tablets to silk scrolls to rice paper tomes. The most interesting of these is an enormous volume that serves as a historical record of the Five Storms—turns out it’s just some stupid, arbitrary name—written in a beautiful and meticulous tien script. Munasukaru, it seems, was part of their leadership, or officers, or one of the board of directors, or whatever you want to call it, and “Munasukaru, The Least” appears to have been her official title. We see it printed here, over and over again. I bet they even called her that to her face. Can you imagine?

This record doesn’t end with their escape. The handwriting abruptly changes to a sloppy script that degenerates over time into nearly incomprehensible scribbles on the final pages. It must be Munasukaru’s writing—it seems she was The Least at penmanship, as well—chronicling her descent into madness after being abandoned here. She was ordered to stay behind for the sole purpose of keeping the kami out, so that they wouldn’t learn what the Five Storms had done or what they were planning. Finally, the Five Storms had found a job that Munasukaru could handle: sit and stay. Good girl.

If I am reading this correctly, she was obsessed with the leader, Anamurumon. She desired him, lusted after him, and also hated him for ordering her to stay here. Why am I not surprised to learn that the oni have mastered the art of abusive relationships? And, ever the victim, Munasukaru obeyed without question, probably hoping that he’d someday care.

It’s all just so overly dramatic and pedestrian. The more I read, the more obvious it becomes that what the Five Storms do best is undermine each other. It’s page after page of betrayal and infighting. Like they learned how to be human from bad theater, the sort that makes Kikonu’s play into an aspirational goal.

Yet, despite all that infighting, Anamurumon has always been the head of the snake. That in itself makes him pretty dangerous, and then there’s the whole “wind yai oni” aspect on top of it. We’ll almost certainly have to go through him to put Ameiko on the Throne. So there is that to look forward to.

The kami say that Munasukaru was not originally part of the oni that make up the Five Storms: she came along later. She and her hobgoblins were just some wandering nuisance in the Forest that eventually found their way to the House of Withered Blossoms, and once she entered she couldn’t leave. I am guessing she wasn’t expecting that. (Neither was I, but I guess it’s nice to get a question answered for a change: the screwy rules that kept the Five Storms imprisoned applied to newcomers as well. Hence why her spawn couldn’t leave, either. The whole family was basically stuck with each other for eternity. I don’t even know where to begin with that. We may have accidentally done them all favors.)

The next few days should be interesting. The kami didn’t pay us for our services, of course, so we are claiming everything we found as compensation. Which is a polite way of saying we are looting the House and everything underneath it. That means we are carrying an enormous pile of sheer random crap: opium, ancient coins, carvings, shoes, gold- and silver-plated whatsits, porcelain whosits, and enough morningstars and tatami-do armor to equip an army of hobgoblins. I haven’t seen a pile of junk this big since Snorri Stone-Eye’s funeral boat.

It will take the better part of a week to liquidate it all, and the only city for hundreds of miles is Muliwan. Which means going back to Muliwan. It’s been long enough that I’m not really worried, but if there were another option I’d choose the other option.

Pharast 30, 4713 (morning, the Forest of Spirits)

We head back to the caravan today. Given the option we wouldn’t walk, but with sixteen rescuees to escort to safety we are simply too many for magical shortcuts. Not without splitting us up, anyway, which we don’t want to do. And that’s fine. I am actually looking forward to it. We spent too much time literally in the dark.

I was able to talk to mom earlier. We found this crystal ball in Munasukaru’s den and I figured, why not use it and save myself a spell? It’s got a flaw in it, but it’s not one that keeps it from working. “Working” is pretty much all that I needed.

I was hesitant at first to tell her about Yuka; about what happened. But then I did. I am not sure why. Maybe I just needed to talk it out. Maybe I thought it was the right thing to do. Maybe I felt she deserved to know. Whatever the reason, I did it.

You’d think that it’d be something of a shock hearing your daughter tell you about that time she was possessed by the ghost of a woman who was brutally tortured and murdered at the hands of a demonic spirit, but the number of times I’ve seen mom be surprised by something falls in the low single digits. She was all casual, as if this sort of thing just happens. Oh, you were possessed by a spirit, were you? Was she nice?

I told her about the dreams, the images, the whispers, the memories that weren’t mine, and about the effect it had on me.

What bothers me most is that I knew what I was doing. I made those choices. She wasn’t forcing me to do anything.

Mom was silent for a while. Then she shook her head sadly and said, “Did you really believe you could do this thing without getting your hands dirty? Is that what you thought?”

What? No! Of course not! It’s just…I don’t want that to define me. I guess.

“Stop pretending the ‘how’ matters. Whether you kill someone yourself, or merely help your friends to, in the end dead is dead. This line you’ve drawn…it doesn’t really exist.”

I don’t believe that.

She shrugged. “And that’s why you’re struggling. Just accept the fact that some lives are so corrupt that they’re not worth saving.”

That’s rationalizing, mom. It’s how zealots justify crusades.

“Isn’t that what this is?”

These were not the words of encouragement I was expecting to hear.

Pharast 31, 4713 (morning, Forest of Spirits)

Complicated plans are kind of a thing with us, though this time it’s born out of necessity. We have sixteen former prisoners that we can’t take with us to Minkai, and a mountain of stuff to sell. Dasi thinks we can settle the former in Muliwan while he works on finding buyers for the latter, so that’s what we’re going to do.

Obviously, we’re going to use magic because backtracking in the caravan will take too long, and unlike yesterday we don’t need to go all at once. Over the course of the next couple of days I’ll teleport our settlers there in small groups. Dasi will come with me on the first trip so he can get things rolling. Some of the others, including Ameiko and Shalelu, want to go into town for a couple of days, too, so Qatana will bring them in using a spell that lets you travel on the wind. When they’re ready to come back to the caravan I’ll take them on one of the return teleports.

Got all that? Clear as mud, right?

I can do two round trips in a day, unless of course there’s a mishap. I’ll take the scrolls with me in case that happens at the end as the last thing I need is to get stuck over night, alone, in some random part of the Forest or Hongal because I botched the landing.

(morning, some random part of Hongal)



Character: Olmas

Annals of the Order of the Dragon

as told by the cavalier Olmas Lurecia, himself.

Oathday, 28 Pharast

Upon consulting with our magic users, we felt we were a little lighter on magic than we’d like. Additionally, we counted up our wands and their charges and discovered we were getting a bit low on darkvision – which could be key to most of us in a battle. Because of this, we set up a couple of simple traps behind us, used the flowing water in front of us as a natural barrier, and, after setting up the usual guard duty, rested.

We collected 7 sets of hobgoblin garb that we might later redeem at the Bank of Hobgoblin Haberdashery for some modest number of gold pieces and silently thanked the hobgoblins for their contributions to our fund.

Fireday, 29 Pharast

We decided it prudent to leave Nehali and the bonsai behind. Putting the latter into a haversack or bag of holding might well kill it in its current state of health, and exposure to one fireball or cone of cold could do the same.

It looked to be about 100′ down the ‘drain’. We decided some scouting was in order, so Kali called up an arcane eye and off it went. We discovered that the drain emerged into the ceiling of a small lake with stone pillars and cages that seemed to hold human captives. A couple of oni were poking them. The water here appeared to only be about a foot deep. That pool/pond itself emptied through another hole in the floor, dropping 20′ into another pool which seemed to be four-five feet deep and also had pillars – although no apparent prisoners here. We did see one or two naga which we presumed were Munasukaru’s daughters. That pool also led into a lower one, although, mysteriously, water apparently did not except in drips through the ceiling. This third chamber was moist and possibly muddy but seemed to have little standing water. It also contained some blue creatures which Kali called kite-ons. They are apparently known in the church for their affinity for torture and m
utilation (and chains!) but I’ve never run into them before.

The arcane eye could go no further, since all other egresses were blocked by closed doors. But we knew to prepare for water (Qatana had prepared some spells that could manipulate water). In hindsight this was an outstanding idea; many of us didn’t fully understand how fighting even in small amounts of water can make the battle so much more difficult.

As we prepared to drop into the first pool area, Qatana detected a magic field across the opening. We couldn’t tell for sure if it was simply an alarm, or if it would harm us. But Qatana was able to dispel it, making our arrival a bit more secret than it might otherwise have been.

Our ability to control water made it relatively easy to dispatch the two oni in the first pool. The 1-foot deep water was reduced to virtually nothing. They managed to hit us with a cone of cold but Radella, Ivan, Qatana, myself, and even Zos were more than a match. 15 seconds after entering the room there were two oni corpses. We recovered

[596,598] studded leather armor +2
[597,599] MW composite longbow, strung for +6 ST
[600,602] MW katana
[601,603] +1 rings of protection

With little delay we moved on to the next pool. Again Qatana detected a magic field across the opening, and this time Zos dispelled it. The nagas, giant snakes with women’s heads, quickly noticed the water disappear and also noticed Suishen’s flaming presence. The battle went a bit longer this time – the nagas had some magic at their disposal – but after suffering a couple fireballs, some magic missiles, and one naga’s annoying mirror image spell, “the usual suspects” defeated them in seconds, including an amazing series of arrows that Ivan shot in a single round that left that killed one of them. Qatana brought in a flamestrike on the other.

I would not call our entrance subtle.

Kali was concerned enough about the kite-ons on the next level that she threw a cloudkill down the hole before us. While the scrubbing bubbles cleansed the room, Qatana channeled new energy to we who were injured. A quick survey of what was on the nagas:

]604] pendant, inlaid with platinum and jade
[605] trio of porcelain pots
[606] carved incense burner w/gold edges (inside pot 1)
[607] pair of silver armbands (inside pot 2)
[608] feather token (swan boat) + over 1000gp (inside pot 3)

Figuring surprise was no longer on our side, we went down as soon as we calculated the cloudkill would have moved out of the way. We did not, unfortunately, find a large number of dead bodies, but we did meet a couple and several ashen and nauseous creatures. Before we could assist any of them to their version of afterlife, an oni claiming to be a representative of Munasukaru offered us riches just to stop now before there was any more killing. The offer was never formally withdrawn, but I’m sure that informing the “ambassador” that we represented the Amatatsu family and killing him on the spot may have voided it.

“I am the mouthpiece of Munasukaru. Welcome to these lands. When the storm breaks and the tide turns, you may go where you wish.”

That’s all I remember. It was a short conversation. The messenger actually challenged me! I challenged him back and it was on. I had mixed feelings, though, when Ivan fired five fierce arrows again and took him out in five seconds. Frustrated, I killed several kite-ons and other hobgoblins before it was over. and we freed the victims on the walls. We were able to heal their physical wounds but I fear their experiences down here may be far more difficult to make go away.

We retrieved

[609] MW katana
[610] MW silver wakasashi
[611] MW composite longbow strung for +9 ST
[612] MW tatami-do, large

and turned our attention to the double doors at the end of the room.

Character: Ivan

Ivan’s journal What is the will of the gods? (Pharast 28/29)

It is time to regroup and for the others to regain spells. We don’t have any evidence that those below even know we are here, if they know we are here then they should hit us during the night. I can hear Dasi and Kali discussing the pictures on the walls all the way other by the traps, they are clearly excited about analyzing the meaning of those pictures.

Dasi asked me what my plan was for combat and I didn’t tell him the entire truth. Sparna’s attempts to bring order to these people is what drove him away. Everyone wants to be the Hero and the hero is always the one the turns the tide of battle. So how to you create a plan so that everyone can be the hero? You can’t. I have come to realize that my only option is to adjust to the situation at hand, luckily the gods have provided me with gifts that are good for managing controlled chaos.

What is a Hero anyway? I guess it depends on who is telling the story. During this journey we could be looked upon as both hero and villain depending on the point of view. Kali would tell me that the authority would be the judge but what about the city we were kicked out of? I really don’t have any use in becoming a hero so I will let the others be labeled as hero’s.

I have learn to view darkness as a trusted ally. Being able to see in the darkness gives me an advantage over those that use lights. The wand the others were using is just about used up with only 11 charges, not quite enough for two uses on all six of them. That’s only 3 hours until we are at a disadvantage. It still seems strange that I can write in complete darkness.

I can’t help but wonder what the gods sent me here to do. Our first goal was to get Ameiko safely to Minki so that she could take over the throne. How can the people just accept the unknown Ameiko as there empress. Why is her family bloodline so important? The seal is crazy powerful yet it seems to be bound to her bloodline. The big question is why are the Oni of the five storms so worried about her? And how does her taking the throne help defeat the Oni? Dasi and/or Kali may have some ideas on the subject but I am not sure I have the stamina needed to listen to the long winded theory. Or do they call them facts, I can’t remember. I think the first thing to do is consult with the worldly Pookie.

So I keep coming back to trying to figure out the path that I am supposed to walk. I have to just stop thinking about it and wait to see what happens after we deliver Ameiko. So apparently according to Dasi I shouldn’t be treating Ameiko as a normal person, those with royal blood should be referred to by title and not by sweetie.

A few minutes ago a mouse came scurry along in my direction and suddenly changed direction over towards the bear trap. This mouse spent several minutes searching around the bear trap, apparently some bits of food must have fallen out of my pack. The bear trap was totally beyond its comprehension, it’s like me trying to understand what the gods are planning.  The mouse seemed totally clueless that its original path would have let it directly to me. The fact that the bear trap was there changed the mouse’s fate and steered it away from danger, even though the mouse was totally clueless about the danger. I have a feeling the gods won’t use something as obvious as a huge bear trap.

I wonder if Miyaro is the bear trap? Clearly the Kami see her as friend so that does not seem likely. Although it is strange that somehow she added color to her hair like Kali. For that matter why didn’t the first Kami we saw not recognize her? The color in her hair couldn’t be enough to make her look different. Can the Kami even be tricked by someone that looks different? Maybe Miyaro is hiding her true form.  She has been hanging around Kali a lot, almost like an infatuation, so Kali must know something about it. Kali is way too smart not to figure out secrets about Myaro. The question is whether she is keeping the information secret out of friendship or leverage. Dasi is way too smart as well, I wonder if he thinks there is anything hidden about Miyaro? He really hasn’t been hanging out with her so maybe not.

The kami grove is big enough to be the bear trap! No that is ridiculous. Well it’s my turn to sleep.

Well I will have to say that the gods continue to surprise me. I can make my skin like iron once per day now. After talking with Kali I realized that this why I have adamantine arrows. I am not sure what to use it for but it still cool.

So far today the trek to the head Oni has been going pretty well. Although I am really confused about the Oni trying to pay us off. She didn’t seem to know that we are with Ameiko and that the family sword was here as well.  The Oni seemed to know things I assumed that had a way to communicate, maybe the Oni in here don’t have a way to communicate with the Oni on the outside.

My arrows shattered the defenses of this Oni causing almost instant death and the thing that attacked me chose to die by the hands of Radella, or should I say Radella claimed the kill. The thing is I could help but wonder what it would take to let it go. I thought about it for a little bit and there is nothing that they can give me. The things I care about in the world are in danger from the Oni. I really hope it is the will of the gods that I am allowed to help stop the Oni.

But I also have to think about the other taking bribes. So Dasi, Kali, and Olmas are definitely safe.  I want to believe Radella and Qatana is the same as well but they are not as emotionally attached as the other three. Zosi is new and the weakness could be giving him great alchemy knowledge or power. I wonder if they are wondering about me. I suppose it would be a bad idea to share that I spend some of my spare time figuring out different ways to take or disable each of them. I was warned that this is common for battle oracles and that I should use the information learned from allies to my opponents.

Character: Kali

Kali’s Journal, Pharast 28-29, 4713

Pharast 28, 4713 (evening, The Penance)

There is nothing to do here but sit and wait. And, I suppose, prepare for the next day, but that is just one of many hours that we have to pass. So most of us are making ourselves busy. We’ve gotten good at making ourselves busy. We had months of practice.

Ivan set up some traps around the collapsed bridge while I and a couple of others searched the artwork for…anything, really. Clues or hints or some sort of story that might tell us what we are facing. My hope was that this would be a pictorial history of the Five Storms, but there is no story here. The vast majority of it is simply fantasies put to stone and ink: depictions of hobgoblins torturing humans, conquering humans, performing unspeakable acts against humans, all intermingled with images of oni doing much the same, with an obvious obsession for Minkai. They don’t just desire it, they lust after it, and that lust is on display in every square inch of these walls. I’ve seen such an excess of depravity in so little time that I have become numb to it.

One pillar in the hall did stand out, though. Instead of the usual violent and obscene portents, it depicted five oni. The one at the top was the largest and most distinct, very clearly a wind yai looming over the others. Below that were three more oni, more heavily stylized but almost certainly yai of some sort. And at the bottom sat the unmistakable, but heavily stylized, image of Munasukaru.

What does this tell us? For one, it’s pretty obvious where Munasukaru stands, and that’s “at the bottom”. As we’ve long suspected, we will be facing the runt of the litter here shortly. It also suggests that the leadership of the Five Storms might, literally, be five oni. Whether that’s just a coincidence or the name is intentionally descriptive is anyone’s guess, though common sense would suggest it’s the former (If it was the latter and you had to add a sixth oni to the leadership ranks how exactly would that work? Do you have to rename the organization? Print all new business cards? Change the company letterhead?) But then again, common sense has not exactly been a theme so far.

The image at the top also, rather heavily, implies that a wind yai oni sits in the coveted executive position. That…is bad news. The yai take the form of giants, generally those with a connection to one of the elements. Giants based on air tend to be tougher than their brethren, so if that holds with oni, too, then there is that to worry about.

For now, though, the focus is on tomorrow. None of us likes the idea of blindly dropping through the drain at the base of the steps. That means scouting ahead, and the safest way to do that is with the spell I used to explore the pagoda (gods, was that just two days ago?) That means an early start to the day, as Qatana will need to know what we are facing before she begins what passes as prayers to Groetus. And, no, you don’t want to know.

There was this moment when she and I were hovering over the drain, staring down into the darkness. The sound of rushing water echoed around us and it was almost hypnotic. I could feel myself being swallowed by the inky void, the din of the cascading water fading as I descended.

Qatana’s voice snapped me back to the present. “You haven’t had to pee in years.”

And it was such a random, bizarre statement—directed at no one because we were the only ones there, and she wasn’t talking to me—that I reflexively looked over at her. She was still hovering at my side; still staring down into the hole below. She must have noticed my surprise and confusion as she met my gaze and said, simply, “Beorn”.


She kept mice more or less as pets when she was living in Magnimar. I say “more or less” because that sounds more formal than it was. It’s more like, she was living somewhere and that somewhere had mice and so she had mice. She talked to them when they were alive, and she still talks to them now. Each of them has a distinct personality: Beorn is aggressive and unpredictable, Star is equally aggressive but rude, Badger is sneaky, Huffy is friendly, and so on. Sometimes she asks them for advice, sometimes they just offer it up. It…took some getting used to as she has these conversations out loud. At the start of this it was more than a little unsettling, but now it’s just Qatana.

Are her mice really talking to her, or are these voices just aspects of her personality asserting themselves? In other words, is she being driven mad, or is this her madness? I don’t know, and I am not even sure the two are mutually exclusive. But, my suspicion is that those who seek out Groetus either are mad to begin with, or are driven so by his providence. The price of drawing spiritual power from him is to make that madness essentially incurable. Cutting it away from Qatana would be excising a significant part of her identity and existence. We’ve certainly been witness to our share of the fantastic and paranormal on a scale where Qatana’s affliction is mere noise. So here we are.

What does it say about us that all this passes as normal?

Pharast 29, 4713 (early morning, The Penance)

We have a much clearer picture of where we are headed. With my spell, I was able to explore three chambers below us until the eye could go no further. I sketched a rough map for my friends based on what I saw, pointing out potential hazards and foes. Now we’re just waiting for Qatana to prepare her spells.

We were right to worry about water. That much seemed obvious already but I always welcome validation where it can be found. In the cavern directly below us the water is only a foot deep, but it drains into another where it’s easily four to five. The former is merely an inconvenience, but the latter is trouble. Or would be, if we didn’t know in advance.

Even without the water it’s going to be a challenging descent. I could see two ja noi oni in the first cavern, torturing human or humanoid prisoners held in cages that are suspended from the ceiling. These oni are almost certainly more of Munasukaru’s spawn, much like Ichirou (though possibly not as spineless). In the second cavern I saw two naga that must be her daughters swimming in the water. Or undulating. Or whatever it is that snakes with human heads do in water. They are more dangerous than their oni brothers; before we face them that water will have to go.

The final chamber is actually a room of carved stone. The water from above doesn’t drain there, but it leaks in through the ceiling so the floor and walls are wet. More problematic than wet floors: the near end of the chamber is crisscrossed with metal chains and blue-skinned human-like beings lurk among them.


You can’t spend time in Shelyn’s church without learning about her brother and the thing he has become. While not all kytons are his servants, there are common themes of torture, mutilation, and an affinity for chains. That is enough of an overlap to get my attention. I don’t know what arrangement Munasukaru has with these things but I don’t really care: they have to go, too.

At the far end I saw prisoners hung in metal gibbets along the walls. I couldn’t tell if they are dead or alive. That is…not a good sign, and it’s put me in a somber mood. Some of the others, too.

This will be over soon.


Munasukaru tried to buy us off. Or rather, a ja noi oni samurai that claimed to speak for Munasukaru tried to buy us off. That tells me two things. First, Munasukaru is clearly concerned because otherwise why even ask? Every single oni we’ve encountered so far, including to some extent Ichirou, has bordered on egomaniacal and you don’t try to cut a deal when you’re convinced you’re winning (or too stupid to realize that you’re not). Second, she doesn’t understand us at all. Which, I suppose, is not too surprising. From what we’ve seen so far, rational thought was an early casualty here.

Just in case we were morally bankrupt, we were offered riches and rewards once Minkai falls to the Five Storms. What riches and rewards? Her spokesperson didn’t provide details, but I imagine we can take hints from the decor.

It actually took some nerve to stage a formal ceremony in the middle of a gods-be-damned torture chamber in order to make the offer, especially mere seconds after a cloud of poisonous gas had rolled over them (I’ve been having fun). If I was in their position I’d not be in the mood for diplomacy after that, which suggests Munasukaru has a pretty strong grip on her faithful. I can almost hear her saying, “Suck it up.”

Dasi responded that we represent the Amatatsu family. That put an abrupt end to the negotiations. Then Ivan put four arrows in the oni, putting an equally abrupt end to Munasukaru’s State Department. Cleaning up the kytons and the hobgoblins took a little longer, but only because there were more of them.

Four of the prisoners hanging from the gibbets were still alive. Like the others, we can heal their wounds but there’s nothing we can do for their memories.

Character: Qatana

Qatana’s Journal for Pharast 28 and 29, 4713

Oathday, Pharast 28, 4713 afternoon
Beneath the House of Withered Blossoms

“It’s a hole in the ground. And it’s dark down there.”

Huffy was always one to state the obvious.

Takoda chimed in, “I can hear a river or something. I can’t swim or see in the dark. Maybe we should go back to the surface and wait for Manicotti to come up to us.”

“I like pasta,” Timber volunteered.

Kali and I were flying above the large hole that plunged down from the foot of the steps in the loud lizard chamber. We did not plan to go any further today and were simply scouting out the immediate area while our fly spells lasted.

We have only been in the House of Withered Blossoms (or under it) for a few days, but it felt much longer, and some of my friends were getting anxious or punchy, depending upon the mouse.

Star and Beorn looked at one another and shared disturbingly maniacal grins. Of my eight mice they were the ones most gung-ho about pressing on into the unknown.

“Hold me over the hole, I need to pee.”

This was a typical Beorn thing to say, and I replied, “You haven’t had to pee in years.”

Kali looked over at me quizzically. “Beorn,” I said by way of an explanation. She nodded and we flew back to the others.

We set up a camp back in the hall by the collapsed bridge. It is dark, damp, and not the most comfortable of places, but it is probably the most defensible, and least accessed in this part of the underground fortress.

“But it smells like ass,” snorted Badger. “Wet ass!” he quickly added.

Fireday, Pharast 29, 4713 mid day
Beneath the House of Withered Blossoms

In the morning we prepared to move further down and further in, but first Kali used an Arcane Eye to scout the way.

This is such an incredibly useful spell that I wish I could cast it. I sometimes wonder at the accessibility of spells to different types of spell casters. Why is it that clerics have ready access to some spells, while wizards and sorcerers have access to a different set? Why is there overlap? Why do some casters need to prepare specific spells from a list while others can simply cast any spell they know when they need it?

Back in Magnimar while I was still studying at the Temple of Pharasma there was a lecture on the different styles of magic users. But it was incredibly boring and I was already moving on toward Groetus by then, and so I never caught the gist of the explanation.

Whatever. Magic can be capricious like that.

Anyway, the water from the pool at our level plunged about a hundred feet down before splashing into a wide shallow pool, which drained through another large shaft at the far end of a cavern. On this first level were a handful of oni looking creatures who were torturing people in cages.

Thirty feet down the water plunged into a deeper pool, but there was little else to see here and so Kali sent the eye further down another thirty feet. Here were some creatures we later identified as “kytons” who were also getting their jollies by torturing people.

This brought up two important details.

First, there was an awful lot of water down there to deal with, which was fine because we were already expecting that and I had prepared a number of spells to deal with copious quantities of water.

Second, what the hell is wrong with creatures that feel the need to torture others simply for the pleasure of it? They clearly weren’t expecting to gain any information from their victims, nor were they using them as a source of food. They were inflicting pain and suffering for no reason at all other than they enjoyed doing it.

I felt the fur on the hackles of my friends rise and Star let out a fierce growl of anger. Beorn cackled in anticipation of what was to come. It was time to descend and end this.

And it did indeed end. With a combination of spells and brute force we killed all of the tormentors and freed the tormented.

We met the naga twins. We were expecting them and promptly killed them. “Fuckers!” Star grumbled.

The only surprise was at the bottom level we met samurai who introduced herself as “The Mouthpiece Munasukaru.” She then tried to dissuade or distract us with promises of wealth and riches if we were to simply leave.

She smugly proclaimed that she represented Munasukaru, but Dasi was having none of this nonsense and said that we represented the Amatatsu family. That pretty much ended the diplomacy portion of this meeting, which was fine with me.

And then she and all of her minions died.

“Take her head! Take her head!” Beorn urged. Takoda and Timber joined in, and so why not? I’d like to forcefully present Munasukaru’s mouthpiece to Munasukaru herself.

The samurai had stood before a pair of double doors, and opening them we saw a hallway stretching to the left and right with doors at either end.

“Oh goodie!” Pookie chirped.

Character: Dasi