This is the tamplate for defining your custom spells using JSON. The following fields are required: name pfclass level school casting_time range duration short_description description_formated All other fields are optional, and don't have to be provided if they are blank. Note that thspell description can be maked up with HTML. All other fields are text only, though HTML entities codes are allowed. Note that some field names are spelled incorrectly. This is intentional, and they match the spelling errors in the spell database source file from d20pfsrd. Specify a list of spells in this manner: [ { "name": "Spell #1", .. }, { "name": "Spell #2", } ] ----8<---- Delete this line and everything above before importing ----8<---- [ { "name": "", "pfclass": "", "level": "", "school": "", "subschool": "", "descriptor": "", "casting_time": "", "range": "", "targets": "", "effect": "", "area": "", "duration": "", "saving_throw": "", "spell_resistence": "", "components": "", "material_costs": "", "short_description": "", "description_formated": "

Description with HTML markup

" } ]