Shoanti Names
The Shoanti are loosely modeled after the indigenous peoples of the Americas, particularly those in North America, but the example name list from Paizo is not specific to any particular tribe. This generator uses a mixture of Apache, Cherokee, Kiowa, Navajo, and Sioux names as its seed.
A Shoanti's birth name is only used during childhood, or by close family. Their full, or descriptive, names are given at adulthood and are typically short phrases that describe an aspect of their personality or an important even in their life. This generator does not create full names.
Shoanti do not use surnames.
When choosing names that start with a letter or letters, keep the prefixes short. One or two letters work best!
Advanced Options
Adjusting these settings can help fine-tune your name list, but if you make them too aggressive you might not get any results at all.
More name generators
Can't get enough names? Check out Emily's Fantasy Name Generators, the most comprehensive collection of name generators on the planet. It covers everything from the real to the imaginary, with generators for people, places, creatures, things, and more...including her own take on the Pathfinder system that you should definitely explore. Her input helped make this site possible.